100:1 Mix

For me the Opti-2 doesn't smoke,doesn't make a mess on the bike, doesn't foul plugs and the engine runs fine. What is not to like?

Also the local construction equipment rental yard was one of the long term testers of it and did not have a single oil related engine failure in ten years. Opti-2 headquarters is here.

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Scared to post on here casue noone has in awhile, but I just put opti 2 in my bike today. Have only gone 11mi hoping to notice the diff soon but i lost some power and top speed. I was running 32:1 maxima castor 927 and it was just starting to really run good after air filter and porting intake and exhaust. I gonna keep runnig opti tho cause everyone says it gets better with more miles.So no one has ever needed to mess with the jets or no? I think it is running rich now?
It's logical that it would be running fuel rich now. I'll bet you also had better ring seal with your 32:1 mix as well.
I would like to try Opti-2, but there are no distributors in my area. I have been running Wal*mart 2-cycle oil at 40:1 in all my stuff with no problems, but am wondering if I'm missing out on something?
Has anyone ran Opti-2 in Arizona cause as we all kno it gets hot as H** here in the summer I just wanna make sure that the motor has enough lube and cooling fo the summers?
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i've ridden all day in 100+ degree temps (on the few days we've had them here) and never had any problems.

The fuel viscosity at 100-1 is thinner than 32-1. Thinner viscosity fuel will flow easier and faster through a given size jet. So it will run richer at 100-1 than it did at 32-1. The stock jet is .70mm. Order from Sick Bike Parts a .68mm and a .66mm jet. Try the 68 first and it should run better. Then try the 66. It may be even better yet. If it sags at fill throttle it is a little bit lean. If it stutters at light load part throttle it is rich. I run a 66 in mine and it is best for me. Also put the needle clip in the top groove of the needle. I run Opti-2 at 100-1 and my engine seems to love it.

Cant Wait to get some more miles on the opti-2 i thinl it is finally smoothing out. Got about 20mi on it now got a little of the speed and power back but not all of it.Gonna keep runing this gallon thru it and see wat happens. Also going to re-tune and jet the carb when i get my jets in from sbc
wow that was a marathon read, but enjoyable. im convinced to edge my way up to the 100:1 now but i have to find whats readily available in my area!dance1brnot
Here's an anecdote from my friend and multi time ISDT medalist Hemut Classen:

At my first ISDT in 1962,OPTIMOL approached our team and offered us full gas
and oil and money sponsorship,....
If we would use there mix.
At that time a racing mix for 2 strokers would be 20-1 with Castrol.
Optimol mixed then allready 50-1.
We where shocked but the overall offer was just to good so we went for it
All four of our team made it through the ISDT
With 1 Gold,2 Silver and one bronze.
In 19 71 I was approached by TORVAN distributing to test for him this "new"
oil coming from Germany,but now
We had to mix it 100-1.OPTI had followed me all the way to Canada
I tested the OPTI lubes on my Zuendapps and Hercules and never looked back.
You will find the oil at many small engine shops who selling chainsaws..
(all running 100-1.)
SACHS racing oil, Maico racing oil,and several other companies ,...guess
what oil is behind there names???lol....
Castrol bought GERMAN OPTIMOL WERKE some years ago to get the formula.
Result? Castrol Syntex...)
Mixing gas and oil has nothing to do with fine tuning your engine.
I have some 100 or more customers who using OPTI 2 in there engines for year
mixing 100-1.
And our 4 stroke bangers using OPTI 4.
BTW.OPTI W 30 oil is great tranny oil.

KTM Motors
162 Hillcrest Ave
Picasa Web Albums - Helmut Clasen
I didnt think it was helping at all till i started to run the bike at wot all the time for the last couple of days. I am fighting with the tunning now i had the bike running perfect and now i cnt senn to get it right. It is really smooth in all positions to wot. At wot it runs fine till about 27mph then it starts vibrating tons and 4 strokin. once it hits about 31 to 32 it smooths out again and just scream but cnt tell if it 4 strokin any more if it is i cnt here it. I already went down to .68 jet any help would be nice
Bumping classic thread!

Just one question..do you clean the old oil out of the crankcase when changing over, or just go for it?

Also, inb4post500, and yes, I read the whole thread yesterday, and no-one said anything about cleaning out the old stuff, so I guess you dont bother, but I just wanted to check.
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there's really nothing to clean. the oil burns with the gas, probably leaves some residue but it's not like you've got an oil pan full of crap.

running a tank fulla opt-2 would just burn all the old stuff out.
Finaly after 4 hours reading i made it to the end whew ..lol

i used Opti 2 once and i remember how good my weed whacker ran on it , i have always been of the belief , break it in on what oil you are going to use and how you are going to ride .
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Be prepared to have your engine run richer than it did with a fuel mixed with more oil. The oil amount effects the viscosity of the overall fuel mixture. Less oil means thinner fuel that will flow through a jet easier. I would suggest you get a 66 and a 68 main jet from Sick Bike Parts. They are not expensive and easy to change. 70 is the stock jet.
