Here's an anecdote from my friend and multi time ISDT medalist Hemut Classen:
At my first ISDT in 1962,OPTIMOL approached our team and offered us full gas
and oil and money sponsorship,....
If we would use there mix.
At that time a racing mix for 2 strokers would be 20-1 with Castrol.
Optimol mixed then allready 50-1.
We where shocked but the overall offer was just to good so we went for it
All four of our team made it through the ISDT
With 1 Gold,2 Silver and one bronze.
In 19 71 I was approached by TORVAN distributing to test for him this "new"
oil coming from Germany,but now
We had to mix it 100-1.OPTI had followed me all the way to Canada

I tested the OPTI lubes on my Zuendapps and Hercules and never looked back.
You will find the oil at many small engine shops who selling chainsaws..
(all running 100-1.)
SACHS racing oil, Maico racing oil,and several other companies ,...guess
what oil is behind there names???lol....
Castrol bought GERMAN OPTIMOL WERKE some years ago to get the formula.
Result? Castrol Syntex...)
Mixing gas and oil has nothing to do with fine tuning your engine.
I have some 100 or more customers who using OPTI 2 in there engines for year
mixing 100-1.
And our 4 stroke bangers using OPTI 4.
BTW.OPTI W 30 oil is great tranny oil.

KTM Motors
162 Hillcrest Ave
Picasa Web Albums - Helmut Clasen