100:1 Mix

so it's your fault for selling him a crappy motor...;)

just kidding.:)

either way, though, out of this whole epic thread, that's the only one i've seen blow-up.

them's is good odds.
no no i just sold him an engine to replace his blown up opti beater lol lol yup im an opti hater no harm no foul trust me i dont wish motor failure on anyone
i have been getting daring after seeing that sabre test i've been mixing the stuff at work 8 oz to 5 gal not sure on the ratio that is
i just sold him an engine he told me that he mixed it with opti at 100:1
For a guy that has never tried Opti-2 in any of your bikes you are quite the expert on it! LOL
Nothing quite like a little real world experience!

PS: please use some punctuation, capitalization and a few more
words as most of your posts hurt my head trying to figure out what you said???

You sold who an engine that you mixed with opti??? lol You is confused...

PPS: There is a edit button too so you don't need to make a new post
every time a new thought pops into your head. lol
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i have been getting daring after seeing that sabre test i've been mixing the stuff at work 8 oz to 5 gal not sure on the ratio that is
5 x 1.6 oz = 8 oz

128 oz / 1.6 oz = 80 to 1

128 oz / 1.28 oz = 100 to 1

Opti-2 oil pouches are 1.8 oz so they need to be mixed with 1.3 gallons to make 100 to 1 mix.
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i ain't hatin'...:)

seriously, though. you should try Opti. you just don't know what you're missing.
That motor that blew was purchased with all that carbon on it mo matter how hard I tried the carbon would not come off. The owner said that there was only 100 miles on the motor but i think there was way more.
Thanks jim and everyone else for the re-jetting info i never thought to check back this thread cause i looked for about 2 weeks and no one responded so i didnt think there was gonna be any one responding.
Got the jug off the piston finall looks like the rings failed. Dont kno why but there is definnetly enough oil and lubrication from the opti in there.