100:1 Mix

If the needle/pin bearing on the crank journal failed like mine did on an engine it will cause the problems you have, mine failed and a piece of the bearing broke off and made it to the top of the piston , it bounced around up ther efor a bit and then hung betwen the piston and the transfer port and the rest is history as was that jug, piston, crank & rod.

my engine had about 30 miles on it when that happened, I may be to blame for running it 4-5 miles WOT on a 70:1 mix that WAS NOT Opti 2 and probably should have been mixed @ 32 or 40:1, new tight engine NOT enough lube, WOT several MILES, receipe for disaster on mine......completely rebuilt it and got 420 miles out of it before another lower end issue put it on the shelf.

I have another engine running on the same mix of OPTI 2 runs like a scalded ape and has 1180 miles on itstill runs like a new engine after break in.

No matter the dealer or so called engine brand we still roll the dice on these things IMHO...

Best wishes

I have 2 new motors I am going to run one with opti from the start and the other one with the other stuff since it isn't completely new and want to keep running the oil that it started with in it.
Decided to take the bike to the gym it got me down there nice and quick but after my workout coming back home (uphill), i ran completely out of gas , but when i did get home it game me a chance to mix up some opti2 in 5 l of nice fresh gas.
Have to admit im impressed right off the bat , starts much easier , idles so much nicer now, seems like more power , but hard to tell!
do not do it. There is no reason to do it. It saves you little or nothing by doing it. Mix 32:1. 40:1 would be the most lean I would ever recommend running these days.. 50:1 days seem to be gone with all these new green oils.
Remember, less oil means it'll run richer. So you can lean t out for more performance.

I will give it 1/2 a tank before i even think about going leaner , we shall see , but i dont like to change to many things too quickly.
I will go for a nice long rip tomorrow and burn a liter or 2 and see whats up with the plug .
do not do it. There is no reason to do it. It saves you little or nothing by doing it. Mix 32:1. 40:1 would be the most lean I would ever recommend running these days.. 50:1 days seem to be gone with all these new green oils.

there's 53 pages to this thread and over 500 posts. out of all these posts, the only negative ones are from people who've never tried it.

two people (i'm one of them) had performance problems after switching an old, broken-in motor to opti-2 (switched back and that motor's still on the road after 2+ years.)

there's not one documented case of Opti 2 causing any damage to a motor, and if you go beyond motorbike forums and look at other 2 stroke sites (lawn and garden, tractor, chainsaw, etc) you'll find the same positive results.

Duane, you refuse to honor warranties if your customers use opti 2, and that's your right, but since you have no experience with it, you're in no position to condemn it.

there are many, many experienced builders here who, after using opti 2, will never go back to conventional oils. all it takes is one tank to convince just about anyone.

when i first tried it over 2 years ago, i was a little scared, and since then i've put about 10,000 miles on that first engine, still use it on my race bike, ride it almost daily, and punish the heck out of it. i'll be running that same engine at the Willow Race.

after the last Death Race (where my 2 year old motor place 2nd in the china class) i pulled the head, and there's still NO carbon build up, NO blow-by on the rings, the cylinder walls still look brand new, and the bike is still as fast as ever.

there's also no messy oily leakage from my air filter, no smoke, and no smell.

i know there's some people out there considering Opti 2 for the first time, and to them, i ask, who's advice are you gonna take? mine, and all the people who use it and can provide hard facts proving what an excellent product it is?

or someone who's never tried it, won't try it, and denounces it as bad without having any experience with it?

you make the choice...
I would like to give it a whirl, but the nearest place that sells OPTI-2 is like a hundred miles away.

It's a shame that a product like that is not more ubiquitous, I wish it could easily be found locally.
The damage shown in those photos is NOT a result of under-lubrication. Something was injested into that engine or a piece broke off and damaged that piston and cylinder wall. It was not a lack of oil.
I'm the other guy that Bairdco is talking about that had bad results with an old engine that for some reason did not like Opti-2. Every other engine I've had has thrived on the stuff from break-in to several hundred miles with absolutely no carbon build up, no fouled plugs, no stinky, oily exhaust, no messy rear wheels/shoes and certainly no catastrophic engine failures.
Just to clear the air, my engines all come from dax. He is constantly warning me that my engines are going to fail...yeah? When, Duane? My oldest engine, bought from you is going on three years old...when's it going to blow? You know how good it runs. You couldn't get away from me with one of your racing engines :)

The skeptics cry and moan and wring their hands and warn against using this product but they have never tried it. "Oh, I have a million gallons of another brand and it's better". What a lame excuse. The non-believers can dis Opti-2 all they want. I know what works and so do many others, especially experienced builders who put lots of miles on their bikes.
I've said this before and this will be the last time. If you don't want to use it...DON"T. but if you want the best lubrication for your 2 stroke engine, switch and you'll never go back to the other stuff.

And I mix it @ 100:1
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AMEN Brotha Tom.........

I have had one engine failure so far and I take the blame for that being a noob to these engines and just doing things wrong oh and it failed on something other than Opti 2 it was synthetic "very good oil" that I mixed 70:1, the engine was one of the ones that had super bad vibrations from very start so I was doomed probably anyway, I rebuilt it and the used crank I put in it failed, but everything else is still in very good condition using Opti 2.

My oldest engine has 1200 miles on it now and it will do 38mph with a 41T sprocket, it is a 6mm studded BGF engine, it was the cheapest thing he had when I got it, it has zero mods to it except a different exhaust and a tuned NT carb, still has the Alum. intake, never cleaned up the ports or even had the head off, I can almost just look at the peddles and it will start......LOL it is the easiest to start and most dependable engine I have, and I have gone to 80:1 Opti 2 now and my engine run even better than they did at 70:1 before with zero smoke after they are warmed up.

I'll never go back to the messy stuff in any of my 2 smokers I love the stuff..... wish I would have known about it years ago.

The haters are so only because they haven't tried it, if they did they would understand what we are saying about it's great benefits no doubt.

" I have a drum of the _ _ _ _ _ thats why i have no need to try Opti 2" if it were me I would try Opti anyway and when I saw how much better it was I'd be looking to sell the drum.


The skeptics cry and moan and wring their hands and warn against using this product but they have never tried it. "Oh, I have a million gallons of another brand and it's better". What a lame excuse. The non-believers can dis Opti-2 all they want. I know what works and so do many others, especially experienced builders who put lots of miles on their bikes.
I've said this before and this will be the last time. If you don't want to use it...DON"T. but if you want the best lubrication for your 2 stroke engine, switch and you'll never go back to the other stuff.
and I have gone to 80:1 Opti 2 now and my engine run even better than they did at 70:1 before with zero smoke after they are warmed up.
Why are you running Opti-2 at 70 to 1 and 80 to 1?
Mix it at 100 to 1 just like Interlube recommends.

I have ridden 2 of Baird's 100 to 1 66 cc two stroke bikes and they are
some of the fastest and cleanest bike ever. Lots of miles on them too.
GPSed one at 54 mph with a 28 tooth rear sprocket!

Opti 2 really works and the next 2 stroke I build is getting 100 to 1 Opti
from mile one. It will be broken in using their recommended technique.

It was going to be my secret weapon with the 4 strokes too but seeing
that Opti-4 is sponsoring the race at Willow Springs the secret is no more!
I just buy the packets that are premeasured for 70:1 (1.8oz packet for 1 gal of gas) my ratio is not exact, I just put 2 packets =3.6oz Opti 2 in my gas jug and then put 2 1/2 gals in it. not sure what this figures out too exactly I'm just guessing at close to 80:1.

Why are you running Opti-2 at 70 to 1 and 80 to 1?
Mix it at 100 to 1 just like Interlube recommends.

I have ridden 2 of Baird's 100 to 1 66 cc two stroke bikes and they are
some of the fastest and cleanest bike ever. Lots of miles on them too.
GPSed one at 54 mph with a 28 tooth rear sprocket!

Opti 2 really works and the next 2 stroke I build is getting 100 to 1 Opti
from mile one. It will be broken in using their recommended technique.

It was going to be my secret weapon with the 4 strokes too but seeing
that Opti-4 is sponsoring the race at Willow Springs the secret is no more!
I just buy the packets that are premeasured for 70:1 (1.8oz packet for 1 gal of gas) my ratio is not exact, I just put 2 packets =3.6oz Opti 2 in my gas jug and then put 2 1/2 gals in it. not sure what this figures out too exactly I'm just guessing at close to 80:1.
I was told that adding 1.3 gallons gas to the 1.8 oz packet will give you 100 to 1
or 2.6 gallons to 2 packets so you are pretty close.

Interlube / Opti is sending me a bunch of 2 and 4 stroke oil to give out to the racers at Willow Springs.
They also are sending some Opti-Mizer Fuel Stabilizer with Valve Guard and
Interlube's Foam Filter oil.
Well if what you said here is correct then I guess I amm right at that 100:1 mark then already, I may actually be closer to 90:1 since I may not be a full 2 1/2 gallons in my jug when I quit filling, but it seems I'm real close, and the mix I been running is working very good so I just keep mixing it the same way.

Thanks BiMoPed for the info. here

Wow thats cool, you'll be able to share the wealth with some buds at willow springs then.....that will be a nice promotion for such a great product.

I was told that adding 1.3 gallons gas to the 1.8 oz packet will give you 100 to 1
or 2.6 gallons to 2 packets so you are pretty close.

Interlube / Opti is sending me a bunch of 2 and 4 stroke oil to give out to the racers at Willow Springs.
They also are sending some Opti-Mizer Fuel Stabilizer with Valve Guard and
Interlube's Foam Filter oil.
I put it in my new build from day one which happens to be 2 days ago. Poured a little bit in the spark plug hole and turned the motor. Then put the spark plug in and it started first kick on the shift kit didn't even have to keep pedaling to get it going.
The damage shown in those photos is NOT a result of under-lubrication. Something was injested into that engine or a piece broke off and damaged that piston and cylinder wall. It was not a lack of oil.
I'm the other guy that Bairdco is talking about that had bad results with an old engine that for some reason did not like Opti-2. Every other engine I've had has thrived on the stuff from break-in to several hundred miles with absolutely no carbon build up, no fouled plugs, no stinky, oily exhaust, no messy rear wheels/shoes and certainly no catastrophic engine failures.
Just to clear the air, my engines all come from dax. He is constantly warning me that my engines are going to fail...yeah? When, Duane? My oldest engine, bought from you is going on three years old...when's it going to blow? You know how good it runs. You couldn't get away from me with one of your racing engines :)

The skeptics cry and moan and wring their hands and warn against using this product but they have never tried it. "Oh, I have a million gallons of another brand and it's better". What a lame excuse. The non-believers can dis Opti-2 all they want. I know what works and so do many others, especially experienced builders who put lots of miles on their bikes.
I've said this before and this will be the last time. If you don't want to use it...DON"T. but if you want the best lubrication for your 2 stroke engine, switch and you'll never go back to the other stuff.

And I mix it @ 100:1

Yes 2door is correct in that my motor failing was not do to the opti but because of poor quaility control in china. Something broke off from inside the case an came up thru the transrer port and got caught there. ÷ am now runnin opti in my new motor and runs great so far and i kno it will for a long time.
Just started opti, it was running WAY too rich when I did a plug chop so I'm still working on that. The engine was used when I bought it from a kid who didn't really know what he was doing, so who knows what ratio he ran. The thing I loled about was the VERY FIRST time I put in opti it was like an exorcism. The engine was really hard to start and POOOF, an enormous brown cloud of all the junk that was left in the engine from the previous mix POURED OUT of the exhaust. I really like it, just have to keep tweaking the carb until I get that right.