100:1 Mix

chrisme, i've got over 5000 miles and a years worth of riding on my engine. no probs at all.
I called the 800 number and talked to Bruce. He told me where my local dealer could be found. Think I'll drop by tomorrow and buy a bottle.

If this Opti 2 blows my engine I'm going to personally hunt down all you SOB's and shear off one of your head bolts. You've been warned! :)
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Here is a nice long thread on mixing 60:1 for KTM 2-stroke motorcycles. If you read it, you will see how running 100:1 is actually making the fuel mixture richer (more gas to air) and that might be why running 100:1 brought out more power on the two identical bikes. Perhaps those engines are jetted a bit lean from the factory. For motors that are screaming, the consensus is to use more oil. I've been running 50:1 on my 200SX, but I'll probably drop down to 40:1 after reading this thread.

60-1 ratio, really? - ThumperTalk
I called the 800 number and talked to Bruce. He told me where my local dealer could be found. Think I'll drop by tomorrow and buy a bottle.

If this Opti 2 blows my engine I'm going to personally hunt down all you SOB's and shear off one of your head bolts. You've been warned! :)
You'll have to come here to Colorado to get revenge...its too cold down there for me to come to Florida :)
solokumba, you'll never catch me, and you won't be able to follow the cloud of smoke to find me, either...
I was talking to some friends last night about the motorbike business and they thought it was a nice idea but did not like the fact it was a 2 stroke. They said it would be more appealing if it was offered as a green option ya know environmentally friendly. I found this oil and wondered if anyone has tried it. It looks like a good product.

Tried finding Opti at the dealers that supposedly carried it around town. No luck. Two said they did carry it 6 years ago... to heck with it, I'm going with Amsiol.
not all of them. the one by my house never heard of it. except from me, 'cause i ask 'em to get it at least once a week.
huh. that's odd. try calling the Opti-2 number. They got back to me within 8 hours of my email request (sent after biz hours) with a list of places in my rural area. Worst comes to worst, you can always nab it on eBay..
All ACE Hardware stores carry it..

No. No they don't.
Not really keen on buying my oil over the net. By the time I get it shipped it will cost 25 bucks a quart. Might as well buy my gas over the net too. :)

If this stuff is the holy grail of oil and has been around for 30 years... then Opti must have some pretty bad marketing.
There is nothing really magic about Opti. Amsoil was the first to the market and has sold 100:1 for years. People regularly call bunk on 100:1. Not sure why the same cat calls don't happen with Opti.

I say 100:1 works, but won't get the most power out of the HT engine.
All ACE Hardware stores carry it..

MY ace doesn't even KNOW what Opti - IS they sell their house-brand and Pre-Mix (BTW which is LOUSY fuel...i bought it to have a nice steel can for a reserve reservoir)

i go to NAPA and get AMSOIL 2-stroke oil. i have no complaints at 100:1

NEXT I will be using their straight 30 weight motor oil, a leftover quart of which i have ion hand, at 50:1

hit their site, check them out. the way opti works is completely different than other oils and synthetics. The rep that called me back literally at biz opening the next day was great to deal with. As far as marketing is concerned, it probably isn't bad marketing as much as it is no marketing needed as it was allegedly carried by all Ace Hardware stores as a stock item and is specifically for two stroke engines and yard equipment., I can't recall ever seeing 2 stroke motor oils of any kind being advertised on TV or radio.. All I know is it's a buck fortysomething a packet, you drop that into a gallon of gas, and it works.really.great. No stanky 2 stroke smoke, no oily mess anywhere on any of my dozen plus builds thus far, and no real buildup or gunk inside the engine. Every build I've ran on it with so far is still on the road and hasn't had squat go wrong with the engines themselves in 4 years running.
I should get my new engine today, I'm going to try the opti-2 100:1 right off. I read this thread and I am convinced enough to go for it.
You won't regret it. It burns clean and doesn't smoke. You may find with the low oil content in your fuel and thus lower viscosity you may need to go to a smaller main carb jet and lower the needle with the clip in the top groove. I am running a 66 jet in mine. You might try a 68 first. Sick Bike Parts has jets. The stock jet is a 70 (.7mm).

Opti-2...hard at work in Denver.


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