100:1 Mix

Guilty as charged! I never tried Opti-2, I have used Amsoil Dominator and now I'm using Amsoil Sabre, designed for 100:1, I use it at 50:1. It's working for me, great power, no stink, no parts failure, no fouling. I do not have any interest in Amsoil or Opti-2 financially, So I figure, up here in the boonies, I can get Sabre at any NAPA, Opti is a bit harder to find, Heck, it's working why change?? Call me old school, 100:1 raises my eyebrow
half of the outboards on the ocean use 100:1 at wfot all day to boot!! mercury quicksilver 2 smoke oil 100:1
Water cooled outboard, as for the golf carts, I never buzzed the green @ 7500rpm, not that I wouldn't if I could . One may say that the cooling method makes no difference, I beg to differ, even my Denco H2E 750 air cooled 2smoke(professionally built) would over heat in Fla. midday, never locked up, but got boggy etc, now on the other hand, the Suzuki 750 "water buffalo" never got hot and was a power house too, ran 32:1 (injected) on both bikes. I don't know... and I really don't... just my experience.
Hmmmmm, 100:1? Hmmmmm!!! I have been running Golden Spectro since about 1978 at 50:1.. In motors that run from 11 to 13.5 comp ratios.. Improper mix, or bad jetting will waste a motor, RIGHT NOW! 100:1? Possibly true, sure.. Anything is possible! But my doubt factor is VERY high! To believe it, I would have to SEE the whole procedure.. Empty tank, a virgin batch of mix at 100:1, put it in and run it.. Not sounding the BS horn, but it IS hard to believe for me...

Stay safe, Live FREE!
So don't try it *shrug*

It's one of those things, most that have done it swear by it while those that haven't doubt and that's fine. In some ways you're right, running such a lean oil mix is flirting with madness...

Yet what better engine to experiment with than these cheapos?

I suppose I could go on about how I've done what you've requested, broke in a brandy-new motor and run it on nuffin' but 100:1 (Amsoil not Opti, but close 'nuff), run it up to about three thousand miles so far & I've even a build thread on the bike & current pictures.

...but in the end I don't actually recommend ppl run 100:1 - not because it's inferior, but simply because there is less room for error, you really need to know the mysteries of proper oil/fuel/air mix and given there's little to no perceivable advantage other than having to buy far less oil - it's not worth the potential headache of havin' ppl blame engine problems on their mix ratio when in fact it coulda been a million other things, abuse & neglected maintenance as common examples.

So - I've nothing to prove *shrug* it's not like I sell the stuff lol, I recommend a nice conservative 32:1 with a quality non-synthetic to anyone that asks whilst I play with my motor to see what I can get away with... which is why I got into this hobby in the first place. If that's not for you - awesome, but I do hafta point out that there's absolutely no reason to BS about it and about twenty thousand reasons not to (member base). ;)
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Hmmmmm, 100:1? Hmmmmm!!! I have been running Golden Spectro since about 1978 at 50:1.. In motors that run from 11 to 13.5 comp ratios.. Improper mix, or bad jetting will waste a motor, RIGHT NOW! 100:1? Possibly true, sure.. Anything is possible! But my doubt factor is VERY high! To believe it, I would have to SEE the whole procedure.. Empty tank, a virgin batch of mix at 100:1, put it in and run it.. Not sounding the BS horn, but it IS hard to believe for me...

Stay safe, Live FREE!

golden spectro is the amsoil sabre of the 70's and 80's lol it's great for non powervalved motors and is a concentrate a 12 oz bottle will mix 6 gallons of gas.tall tommy i ride dirt have an 01 cr250r last of the mech powervalve for honda. always mixed it 50:1 but yes amsoil sabre it actually can be run at 100:1 with no mechanical failure I know I know its crazy but it works.. personally i dont do the 100:1 the leanest Iv'e ever brought it was 80:1 and just didnt like the dryness in my motor i like a nice juicy crank and piston when i tear a motor down..
Juicy Crank, lol! I hear ya! Yeah spectro is perfect for my vintage bikes, air cooled, non pwer valve.. Will be for these chicom motors too, they are quite similar to the old piston port motors.. My kids have late model YZ250's use modern oil at 40:1, as per manufacturers spec! 100:1 just seems so far out, almost bizarre, lol!
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Ya tommy spectro would be awesome in a chicom lol. juicy internal engine parts is good. when I blew up my engine at 80:1 it was dry as a bone nevermind losing another oz p gal
Juicy Crank, lol! I hear ya! Yeah spectro is perfect for my vintage bikes, air cooled, non pwer valve.. Will be for these chicom motors too, they are quite similar to the old piston port motors.. My kids have late model YZ250's use modern oil at 40:1, as per manufacturers spec! 100:1 just seems so far out, almost bizarre, lol!
You haven't tried it so how can you have an opinion?
as far as the re5 it gets its fuel air mix via valves into thecombustion chamber the rotor seals that chamber what would lube the cranck thats y i thought that it must be run in an oil bath but then again china girl motors get the fuel air mix directly into the cyl now i want to find a wankel engine and tear it apart to see how it works cant help it its the curious kid trapped inside me
I switched over today. I broke in using Maxima at 20:1 then switched to 28:1.

Today mixed up Opti-2 100:1 and tried it for the first time. Empty Tank. I noticed a difference immediately. Overall the engine was running much smoother, this was especially noticeable at higher rpms. Revving overall sounds less gritty, and seems to be cooler running overall.

I called the company to find a supplier in my area. When I told him that it was for a motorized bicycle china girl he said "you guys have been all over me today".

Another thing he said, which maybe important is that if you run opti at a ratio like 80:1 it actually runs hotter. So maybe if you are going to risk it with Opti-2, go straight to the 100:1. I decided that the risk was worth it. Its also feels good to be further reducing emissions.

Anybody try Opti-2 with the custom heads with higher compression?
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That is exactly my thinking. I am trying it in an engine I wasn't really happy with. If it works out great, if it blows I will get another one. So far it is running alot smoother.
I am also getting ready to purchase a Morini for a bike I am going to build this winter.


Sorry for the off topic question but what is a Morini?
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