100:1 Mix

I thought opti works at 80:1

I have the 1.8 0z packets of Opti-2. The package says to mix with 1 gallon of gas or 5 liters of gas.
Well, 1 gallon equals 3.8 liters, not 5 liters.

If you do the math, 1.8 oz in 1 gallon is a ratio of 70:1. 1.8 oz in 5 liters is 94:1.

The 3.2 oz packs says mix with 2.5 gallon of gas. The ratio for that mix is then 100:1.

So what does Opti-2 really recommend? Which is right? Seems to me that Opti-2 really doesn't know what the ratio should really be - or maybe it just doesn't matter that much?
i don't think it really matters. maybe the packages are like ketchup packs, where it's hard to get all of it out, so Opti 2 gives you extra. maybe their packet filling machine needs to be upgraded. maybe the guy who wrote the copy for the packs sucks at math.

i use the 10oz. bottle, with 10oz. increments, and i pour it by eye anyway, not to mention my 2 gallon gas tank holds 2.3 gallons, so for all i know i could be running 92.666:1
One of the issues they told me was that a gallon is not the same size everywhere. A gallon in Canada is bigger than a US gallon. 100-1 is what is intended to be mixed. If you are unsure call them. I posted their phone number a few posts back.

does anybody want me to put a brand new engine on a bike and test the suntan oil bit? lol I'm serious I know it will work. 50:1 mix all the way to 100:1 and take bets how many miles or hrs it will run

I have just built 2 brand new bikes, and put some regular 2 cyle oil in them. I ran them for about half a mile, dumped out both tanks and put opti-2 in them and have been using that ever since...is that brand new enough for ya?

p.s. i don't have an odometer on them yet, so i can only guess as to how many miles i have gone so far...i am planning on installing a speedometer, but at the moment i can't afford the one i want, so that will have to wait...xct2
I have just built 2 brand new bikes, and put some regular 2 cyle oil in them. I ran them for about half a mile, dumped out both tanks and put opti-2 in them and have been using that ever since...is that brand new enough for ya?

p.s. i don't have an odometer on them yet, so i can only guess as to how many miles i have gone so far...i am planning on installing a speedometer, but at the moment i can't afford the one i want, so that will have to wait...xct2

read the post!! I said suntan oil not opti 2
y'know what's really great? there's the people who love it, the doubters who haven't tried it, but there's no one who's tried it and blew up their motor.

that pretty much says it all right there.
I keep hearing about all theese inconsistent lables on the opti containers. which is it 100:1 80:1 or 70:1
y'know what's really great? there's the people who love it, the doubters who haven't tried it, but there's no one who's tried it and blew up their motor.

that pretty much says it all right there.
My feelings, exactly. If you haven't tried Opti-2 then your opinions count for nothing.
Those of us who run it, and see the advantages...ride on.
So I kept seeing 100:1 on this forum and the bottle of Citgo two-cycle oil I have listed 100:1 on the back as one of the ratio mixes with a little note that says follow the engine recommendation. So before reading this entire I post I mixed up a gallon of 85:1 mix with the citgo. I realize now that everyone was talking about opti-2 but I will run through my gallon of 85-1 to see how it goes. I have some serious black sludge coming out of around the exhaust port (yes I should change the gasket) from when I was running closer to 40:1. I checked my plug yesterday and it was gray, not chocolate milk, and I have the carb pin bottomed out. Maybe I'll grenade it before the gallon runs out, but he if 85:1 works with the crap I got, 100:1 with high end stuff would be logical.
its grey cause your burnin metal

that's bad then right?

Another thought after reading this entire thread. I dare say that most engines that the rental places and/or engine shops are running that swear by opti-2 are quality engines, most likely not entirely made in china. I used to do IT support for a machine shop that did medical stuff and a few years I sat through a day of industry training. China is the home of cheap manufacturing, but they can not get good metal, so often manufacturers will have to find alternative manufacturers for some of the precision quality metal parts. If that is still true today which I would imagine it is, an engine completely manufactured in Chine, i.e a Happy Time engine, then the entire thing is made out of the inferior metal. And looking at the technology propoganda from Opti-2 I would think for their resurfacing technology which works on a molecular level might not perform properly on an inferior metal. I imagine that most weed wackers and lawn mowers and chain saws sold in the US use a much higher quality of steel on the insides then the HT motors, so mixed results with opti-2 on our little two strokes doesn't surprise me.
What do you mean by "mixed results"? Everyone who runs Opti-2 is satisfied with the performance. The only negative comments come from people who have never tried it. That's hardly a comparison. As for your theory about inferior metals in our engines verses that used for lawn equipment/industrial engines etc. I would be very surprised if the bike engines are constructed from anything different than that used for other purposes. China mass produces everything and many products are made in the same factories then shipped out under different brand names. A decal doesn't change the quality of the product. I'm not saying the quality of the HT is top-notch, but I'd need to see some proof that they are any worse than other small engines produced by the Chinese.
When I say mixed results I am just referring to the few cases stated here of the older engines not working, and there was one claim of engine failure. That being said I plan to try Opti-2 after I use up the quart of the stuff I have.

Like I said the stuff I say about Chinese metal was about 10 years ago. One of the examples if I remember correctly was that of Dewalt. They moved full production to China when Black and Decker took over, but shortly moved part of the operation back because the metal quality was not up to par for the commericial line of tools. Like I said it was a few years ago and I don't remember all the details, I was a tech monkey not a machinist so my level of caring was not that high.

It was just a thought, because after looking at the tech page of Opti 2 it looked that it used some sort of chemical reaction with the heat of the engine to "reshape" the surface of metal. The diagram reminded me of a pottery class I took years ago. The reason that one needs to "knead" clay is to line up the "plates" in the clay to give your clay strength and flexibility for sculpting. So I was thinking that opti-2 does something similiar using the motion of the moving parts and the heat generated to great some sort of reaction to "align" surface molecules and "reshape" the metal. If that is the case, metal quality would definitely effect the efficacy of opti-2. Just some thoughts not bashing opti-2 looks like some good stuff. I could be way off the mark on my thoughts, as I am not a chemist, nor a metalurgist, so feel free to shoot me down, just be gentle....
Ferball,Your thoughts are pretty similar to mine about what happens on a molecular level and I'm no more qualified than you to have an opinion... just trying to picture it in my mind.
As for the case of engine failure, if I remember right that was flybytaco and the oil was Amsoil Sabre, not Opti-2. I've had good luck with both, but now use just Opti-2 since last summer with good results. However it works, it does work, so I guess it doesn't matter if I understand it well or not. I appreciate the lack of stink running the chainsaw with it.
it was me and 2door that had the problems with the older engines. in my case, to be honest, that engine never ran that well in the first place. it was the first engine i had, and i ran it on whatever oil i could pick up cheap, 7-11 gas, and i did a lot of bad experiments with porting, lapping, etc.

i mean, i wouldn't say they were bad, since i figured out what works for me for future bikes, but it just wasn't very "scientific."

so with my next motor, i blueprinted it, ported, lapped, polished, etcetera'd it right out of the box, used Opti2 from day one, and if it wasn't for the chain breaking and slapping up and cracking the case, i'd still be running it (getting a new case today, by the way.)

after the old motor sat for a month, then i built a bike for it, tried the opti2 in it and it just wasn't going for it. it's still sorta a mystery, and we've already gone over it in previous posts.

also, my idea of an engine running bad, might not be the same as other people's.;)

there's a lot of people who've switched to opti2 from regular oils who seem to have no problems, so a couple of isolated incidents don't really matter to me.

also, me and Tom we're totally up-front and informative about what happened to our motors. we stated our facts, asked and answered questions, all in the interest of sharing knowledge. in the end we still sided with opti-2, because overall, it really works.

i dunno why i keep coming back to this thread and re-explaining everything. i should hit up opti2 and see if they're hiring...