100:1 Mix

But Opti-2 claims to work in a new way when the oil-film starts to fail to separate the moving parts in an engine....
oh yes

this is new, the way opti-2 is designed to deal with it's own failure.... permit me to quote from the opti-2 blurb...
... The metal peaks become soft and are deformed by the pressure. Repeated deformation restructures the surfaces to their optimum smoothness until no peaks are clashing.

This sounds like what sandpaper does to metal when rubbed against it.

You can dream up all kinds of reasons that for some reason Opti-2 is some terrible product designed to destroy engines. The fact is it is a proven product that has been around for many years. If you think it is bad without ever trying it continue to not use it. Noone will fault you. Just give up on trying to convince those of us that use it and like it that we are stupid. We are not.

the cleanliness is a huge plus. i get a drip out of my carb now and then, but other than that, my motor's spotless.
i think it's funny that people who haven't tried it are trying so hard to convince us that it's the worst thing ever and that we're morons for using it.

i mean, there's so many people here that love it, and i haven't heard one problem, seizure, or anything against it besides me and 2door's odd problem with switching an old motor over to it...

so, if you want to get nasty about it, who's the moron? the guy with the clean burning, no smoking, no stinking, no dripping motor that runs great?

or the skeptic with a 32:1 mix of walmart weedwhacker oil with the stinking, oil covered mess of an engine that belches smoke out as it sputters and chokes everywhere he goes?
i never said anyone was a moron so hope that wasnt directed twords me.. all i said is i dont want to use it cause i have over 20 gallons of 2 stroke oil. oil that is desighned for hard offroad motocross use and abuse not power equipment oil.
nope, not directed at any one specific person.

i kinda compare this debate to people who have motors on their bikes, and people who don't.

the people that don't want a motor, will look down on you, make snide remarks, tell you how wrong it is, all without ever having tried one.

the people with motors, well, we're just having fun. who cares what other people think.
or the skeptic with a 32:1 mix of walmart weedwhacker oil with the stinking, oil covered mess of an engine that belches smoke out as it sputters and chokes everywhere he goes?

LOL you must have seen my bike?! But it was yamahaha oil wink! Iam now using a fully synthetic at 40 to 1 and its no longer doin that stuff. Well its no longer doing MOST of that stuff! Cant seem to find a 100:1 mix around these back woods?
off topic but motorbikes are the best thing that ever happened to me baird!!!
shoot if you really had to you could prolly run coconut scented tanning oil in theese engines...
I just scored a quart of the old I mean OLD maxima super m the original blend the castor fortified blend. I traded a quart of sabre for it lol
Just got back from a week out motorhoming at the beach. According to my GPS I put 110 miles on the bike. Opti-2 at 100-1 and my Grubee 66 seems to be running better and better.


That depends on what version of the label packaging your Opti-2 container has on it. I know doesn't make much sense but that is the case. I talked to their office about that discrepancy a couple of weeks ago. Their headquarters is 15 miles from here. They said and you can call them and verify if you are interested that it has always been a 100-1 mix but some packaging doesn't make that quite clear.

And of course it would work at 80-1.

does anybody want me to put a brand new engine on a bike and test the suntan oil bit? lol I'm serious I know it will work. 50:1 mix all the way to 100:1 and take bets how many miles or hrs it will run
i remember when i was 10 if i had no 2 stroke i was still riding my 86 cr80 with motor oil, suntan oil i was riding boyy
I bought the 12 oz bottle from our local independant hardware store that has been selling Opti for years and their equipment rental division has been using it in all their two stroke equipment for ten years. They told me to mix it 100-1. I looked on the label and it said mix contents (12oz) with 10 gallons of gas. That didn't compute. I called the company that makes it Interlube International 1-360-332-2132 in Blaine, WA about 15 miles from here.

They said Yes 100-1 has always been the correct mix but some packaging says 12oz in 10 gallons OR 1.2 oz per gallon and some packaging has left off the "or 1.2 oz per gallon. The product is the same as it has always been.

I dug around in my garage and found a old 12oz bottle and it had the "or 1.2 oz per gallon" on it.

I am using it in my Grubee 66 at 100-1 and run the heck out of it and it keeps running better and better as I get miles on it. I have about 300 miles on it so far.
