100:1 Mix

I read the entire thread and you are right, just repeating yourself to me. I was just throwing in my BS about cheap metal. But if my idea of what happens on a molecular level is right, or close, I imagine that is why it has been said by some that after prolonged usage you can't use anything else, I would like to hear first hand what happens after going back, but I am getting the vibe that it works so good that a sane person never goes back after prolonged use.
See if they have two positions open.
Like you I'm not sure why I keep revisiting this thread. Collectively my three 2 cycle bikes have accrued well over 1000 miles using Opti-2 exclusively, and yes, Taco, my plugs are grey. And yes, I had problems with one engine, also my first that had been broken in on regular 2cycle oil. Like Baird's, it was never a good running engine, compared with my later ones. Those who haven't tried Opti and have the mindset that anything less than 40:1 will trash their engines will never concede to our claims so the thread has degenerated into dead end arguments. The same can be said for the tensioner verses the no tensioner argument. There's no clear answer and people will have to make up their own minds and do what they feel is right. I've said all I care to on this subject and will ignore this thread except to monitor it for content.
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The forum should print and bind this thread and sell it as "The Treatise of Opti - 2, a two stroke love story"
I spent about 4 hours reading this thread from the start, so I had to post. Please don't hate me for flogging the dead horse.

The Doctor Was Making His Early Hospital Rounds. He Asked Elderly Mrs Jones If She Enjoyed Her Breakfast. She Stated That She Did Not Like The Kentucky Jelly On Her Toast. It Was Awful And Should Be Removed From The Menu !! The Doc Looked At The Empty Packet, (ky Jelly)!!

Would It Work @ 100:1??

I Hear Somebody Laughing!! . Roncvlt1
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ok once again for the record I have still not said opti 2 is bad oil!!!! all i said was i dont like the sabre anymore cause it costed us 2- 700 dollar blowers thats it. and all i said was a grey spark plug aint that great
If you don't say Opti 2 is the Nectar Oil of the Gods, then people hate on you.

People (a LOT of people) run Saber in their bike engines and it does fine. Amsoil had the first 100:1 oil, so Opti 2 isn't the first and it's not necessarily the best. I've run it and honestly?? You REALLY want my opinion?? Amsoil Dominator w/ castor oil added is better than Opti 2.

You seem to be the primary nonbeliever here and voice it here often. I have posted in this thread twice the telephone number of the company. If you have as many questions about Opti-2 as you seem to have why don't you give them a call. They will be happy to answer your questions. In case you missed it here it is again. 1-360-332-2132.


1. it's easy to mix. one pouch to 1 gallon of gas.

2. You can find it at any Ace Hardware store, as it is sold chain-wide there.

3. Every lawn shop I've talked to thus far in a 40 mile radius from my place endorses it.

4. 1 dozen builds and counting using it, and no one has called me back complaining that their engine is running sluggish.

5. When contacting the maker originally at 11pm via email I had a phone call response the next morning at 9am as to locations in my area that sell it. For me that alone was enough to give it a shot. Excellent Customer Service goes a LONG way.

Go with what you know, I guess. My money's on Opti-2
Pablo, i think it's the other way around. it's the people that think running any oil at 100:1 is crazy that start up the arguments. i'm just stating my experienced-based opinions on the stuff.

the fact is, if i woulda tried Amsoil or any other brand that worked as good, i'd be hawking that stuff, too. or, if i had ten brand new bikes sitting around, i'd do a comparison test.

i know you have a personal interest in Amsoil products, and i know it's a good product, and i appreciate you adding to this thread. the more feedback we have on, well, anything, is a good thing.

it's just the people that denounce it without ever trying it that bugs me. i mean, if Taco finds out that suntan lotion is the miracle lubricant, who's gonna be next in line to try it out? i doubt i would. don't think i'd go so far as to condemn it outright, but then again, i don't like the smell of cocoa butter...

Asside from the fact that you are a Amsoil dealer what did you find about Opti-2 that made you decide it wasn't good.

I can only say the power output was not as good as with a good oily mix. Just didn't have the same torque. I'm sure it would burn cleaner, but ring seal suffers, as with any light oil mix.

Just for the record, Amsoil recommends 50:1 with Saber with these crude engines. The "problem" with Saber at 50:1, is that it is quite oily. So, that said, I find a race type oil with castor oil at around 32:1 to be just about as oily, but even more power to the ground. When I took my head off last weekend, it was a bit dirty but not overly so.

You guys do know, the more oil, the more power.

You seem to be the primary nonbeliever here and voice it here often. I have posted in this thread twice the telephone number of the company. If you have as many questions about Opti-2 as you seem to have why don't you give them a call. They will be happy to answer your questions. In case you missed it here it is again. 1-360-332-2132.


if you read the entire thread i said i dont doubt that opti 2 is good I just have no intrest in trying it as i have 20 gallons of other stuff thats all and i asked about the lables which one is it 100:1 80:1 or 70:1 thats all
Pablo, i think it's the other way around. it's the people that think running any oil at 100:1 is crazy that start up the arguments. i'm just stating my experienced-based opinions on the stuff.

the fact is, if i woulda tried Amsoil or any other brand that worked as good, i'd be hawking that stuff, too. or, if i had ten brand new bikes sitting around, i'd do a comparison test.

i know you have a personal interest in Amsoil products, and i know it's a good product, and i appreciate you adding to this thread. the more feedback we have on, well, anything, is a good thing.

it's just the people that denounce it without ever trying it that bugs me. i mean, if Taco finds out that suntan lotion is the miracle lubricant, who's gonna be next in line to try it out? i doubt i would. don't think i'd go so far as to condemn it outright, but then again, i don't like the smell of cocoa butter...

baird you are great!! lol i'm just busting on the suntan oil i did do it as a kid tho like i said no money to ride 10 or 11 yrs old heck i used the suntan oil for a week
I can only say the power output was not as good as with a good oily mix. Just didn't have the same torque. I'm sure it would burn cleaner, but ring seal suffers, as with any light oil mix.

Just for the record, Amsoil recommends 50:1 with Saber with these crude engines. The "problem" with Saber at 50:1, is that it is quite oily. So, that said, I find a race type oil with castor oil at around 32:1 to be just about as oily, but even more power to the ground. When I took my head off last weekend, it was a bit dirty but not overly so.

You guys do know, the more oil, the more power.

pablo thats what i run at work 50:1 sabre and it def works great i tore down those engines last week 1 def seized and one had valve issues the pistons and plugs were ash free where as before the sabre the plug would literally be clogged with carbon and ash in 1 months time and none of my ex ports are cloging up so tight it was the size of a pen.. and for the 2 that blew up 20 more are still running top notch
After reading this I tried running my citgo two stroke from the gas station at 85:1. No improvement in performance in fact it started to run a little rough, so I chickened out and cut it back to my 50:1 mix and it runs fine. I may try opti-2 after I run out of what I have, but I doubt it, for no other fact than I am lazy, I would rather just grab the crap at the gas station. Not an opti-2 hater, but having tried 85:1 with generic oil, I would not recommend 100:1, but before you all jump on me for hating, I will say that the evidence for opti-2 running at 100:1 makes sense in that it is engineered different. But generic Two stroke at 100:1 I would be afraid, very afraid.
dude, you're gonna blow your motor up trying that with crappy oil.

Opti2 is designed to run at 100:1.

running a cheap oil at 100:1, or even 85:1, or anything other than it's designed for, will be the most expensive cheap oil you'll ever use. the cost will be a new motor.
I understand that, but the oil I had gives measurements fr 100:1 on the back. So I tried it, it became obvious fairly quickly that at 85:1 the oil was not cutting it.
Pablo, i think it's the other way around. it's the people that think running any oil at 100:1 is crazy that start up the arguments. i'm just stating my experienced-based opinions on the stuff.

Yes 100:1 with most oils probably is crazy.....