100:1 Mix

Ive blown two motors with this stuff, one brand new and one old. Both times i was on a long ride, at least an hour and a half or so. You'll hear the tell tale signs of the crank bearings getting cooked, you can baby it for a while but one 15 second rip at full throttle and the bearings grenade. I took both motors apart when i got home and they both had cooked bearings. I think this stuff is ok on short little trips and bombing around for a bit and it totally makes your bike faster and run better but i dont think im going to use this stuff again.
besides trying to decipher your typos, i ran a brand new engine full throttle at speeds above 40 for an hour, then got a sunburn, and full throttled it back the same route. that was a month ago.
within that month, i ran it through at least 4 tanks, and have beat the (censored) f'ing (censored) heck out of this motor, and it's rare that i untwist the throttle, and my motor still wants more abuse.

opti2 is the philosipher's stone.
...and I'm a daily driver/commuter w/a shiftkit, the shiftkit pretty much insures yer at WOT & max load all the time. Just this past Saturday I did a lil over 100 miles in the summer heat w/only a coupla pit stops to let me cool down...

Problem is there's so many variables, the random "quality" control for these lil 2 strokes not least of them. All these folks beatin' on their rides, runnin' 100:1 and happy w/it? I'd lay long odds ya had bummer motors/bearings that woulda quit were ya to have run 16:1...

but hey - if ya don't like the idea, don't run it *shrug* it's not for everyone ;)
ive been blowing engines at work with saber at 50:1 lost faith in sabre
was running it in my motorbikes . not anymore! I switched to my good ole trusty maxima super m
If you were blowing engines with Saber at 50:1, then there was something else wrong.
brand new stihl br 550 4 mix blowers 2 in 1 month.
I'm not a fan of the blowers but they did sieze. Also run shell v power 93. I was never a fan of full syn oil I have ran maxima super m in my dirtbikes since the early 90's when it was green and castor fortified it is no longer green or castor fortified lol now its orange.
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i've been reading everything as its posted...first of all when a bottle says 12 oz and it says it makes 10 gallons....this is not 100 to 1...second...opt-2 is a jober...US2 oil is also a jober and they are getting there product from the Interlube International, inc out of Blaine, Wa...the instructions and web sights say the same things for the jobers...i wouldnt be running 100-1 when it should be 80-1 per instructions...I am running two bikes on this US2 or opti-2 and seems great real easy take offs...smooth running engine...i also buy the bottle that has the mixer on the side so i get the proper mix every time....this is my 2cents...hope this helps...Dennis

,Opti-2 is the name given to a product made and marketed by a corporation called Interlube International. Kind of like Chevrolet is a product made and marketed by a corporation called General Motors.

I must agree with your conclusion that it should not be 100-1 based upon what it says on the 12 oz bottle I am holding in my hand. There is NO reference on the label to 100-1 mix. There are graduated marks on the side of the bottle for how much to add to a given numben of gallons.

This is a very eye opening discovery for me as somewhere else I read that you should mix 1.2 oz per gallon and at the time I though that didn't agree with the 10 gallon mix but I dismissed it.

Thank you for bringing that to my and others attention.

I think I will call them and get a clarification. They are in a neighboring town about 15 miles from here.

I just did call them 1-360-332-2132. The gal said this comes up sometimes due to changes in the labeling. The oil has not changed and "approximately" 100-1 is fine. Some older labels said mix the contents (12oz) with 10 gallons of gas OR mix 1.2 oz per gallon.

i was one of those idiots that used a genaric 2cycle oil in my first buil it sucked no power and at 32 to 1 it was fouling my plug after a half tank got poulan synthetic oil for this one and even in the inital start up i noticed an night and day diff the motor is a grubbe 66 cc the last one was a flying horse w a nt carb the new one has a speed carb do you think that perfomance was due to the oil or the carb
Would it be ok to run opti2 at 80/90:1? I'm just worried about killing an engine like a few people have done with 100:1.
Would it be ok to run opti2 at 80/90:1? I'm just worried about killing an engine like a few people have done with 100:1.
Mix it as directed on the container and you'll be fine. I really like the Opti-2 that comes with the pre-mix option. There is a small vessel on the side with calibrated marks for one or two gallons of gas that you fill with oil and mix that amount with one gallon of gasoline. Perfect mix every time. Opti-2 is thick and so much sticks to the sides that I usually add about 1/8" over the measured mark or prop the container up and let it drain completely into your fuel container. Maybe I'm being anal about my mix but at least I know I'm getting what the manufactuer says to use.
Hello Everyone...
I am Semi New to the realm of powered bikes but if there is one thing i know now, (after reading 28 pages) Opti-2 is awesome.. I bought some of the pouches from my local Ace/True Value hardware store.. I cant wait to mix some up and try it out but i keep bending rear axles...
But i read that people have been putting Marvel Mystery Oil in there mix and was wondering what kinda benefits (Other that ur exhaust smelling awesome) it has... I am kinda curious to see what the effect would be if i added a splash to my mix.. Do you think it would have any negative side effects as far as getting the cylinder too clean?

Also, is it unnormal to have a bike that tops out at 37 mph on 32:1 with only port matching? *44tooth sprocket


P.S. I am glad to see this thread alive, wasnt expecting to read all these pages when i was looking for the best tuned pipe lol....
more oil = power. I hear all this great ranting and raving about this opti 2 stuff personally no matter what anyone says I personally wouldnt run oil from ace hdw sorry just how I feel. I just picked up a 5gal of maxima super m for 137.00 retails for 220.00
taco, that's what i mean by "if you've never tried it, you won't know..."

for the record, after 30 years or so, Opti2 finally secured a nationwide account with ACE. it's not like they're radio shack's sister brand realistic. it's quality stuff gone bigtime.

and when graham bell said "more oil=power," Nixon was our president. times have changed.
im still not compleetly sold on the 100 to 1 but im deffinatly sold on synthetics about 15 years ago i had bad results with synthetic oil in a honda cr125 maybe they got better at making oil my dads nieghbor been using klotz in his cr250 and it runs great has a good smell to has anyone on here used the ipone stawberry oil yet how well dose it work when this bottle is done i may order some strawberry is my favorite smell and flavor
hey, retmachinist. i was at the portland IN. scooter swap meet yesterday, i saw your build off bike there. i said hey i know that bike. i waited around untill someone showed up, i thought it might be you, the owner got on the bike and i flaged him down. turned out it was the person you sold it to, really nice guy, of course i tried to steer him to this forum.
Hello Everyone...

But i read that people have been putting Marvel Mystery Oil in there mix and was wondering what kinda benefits (Other that ur exhaust smelling awesome) it has... I am kinda curious to see what the effect would be if i added a splash to my mix.. lol....

I prefer a splash of dry vermouth..
taco, that's what i mean by "if you've never tried it, you won't know..."

for the record, after 30 years or so, Opti2 finally secured a nationwide account with ACE. it's not like they're radio shack's sister brand realistic. it's quality stuff gone bigtime.

and when graham bell said "more oil=power," Nixon was our president. times have changed.

like i said brother i really dont want to try it since i have about 15 gal of sabre and 5 of maxima. I'm oldschool I stick with what works for me I have never blown up any 2 stroke i've owned with the maxima super m. my 01 cr 250 still has the original crank and bottom end thats almost unheard of. sabre on the other hand I am no longer running it in my personal machines as I stated earlier 2 brand new blowers siezed solid on it @50:1 nevermind mixing it 100:1 like the bottle says. I like syn petro blends. running 50:1 maxima when I tear my motors down they are good and juicy inside when i took apart with sabre it was really dry esp when I siezed and genaded my engine on that nh ride we did a few mths back i made it a whole 6 miles whooo hooo.. I dont doubt opti is good it's just not practical for me... pce