10 have 10 days left to live.,,,

Does anyone know how long Coleman fuel will keep? I know a guy that bought a lot before y2k, he probably still has 5 or 6 gallons. So if the power goes out I know where to get fuel!
Does anyone know how long Coleman fuel will keep? I know a guy that bought a lot before y2k, he probably still has 5 or 6 gallons. So if the power goes out I know where to get fuel!

IDK, but if your Jewish and you light it up right away it might burn 8 times as long as expected...

Remember the Dodo?

A flightless bird that we clubbed to extinction.

And we made DDT that thinned bird egg shells and almost caused extinction of several species. Importation of forign species into the great lakes have eliminated commercial chub fishing. No more delicious smoked Lake Michigan chubs.

Not to mention the multitude of superfund clean up sites that spend billions cleaning up the pollution we pumped into our own groundwater so we can poison ourselves.

We have caused many changes to our planet because of greed and ignorance.

One can only hope.
All I know is I am not buying any gifts for anyone until after the 21st just to be on the safe side.

HAHAHhaha This is close to my theroy. The Myans were 2000 years ahead in their calender and got board...
What nobody has bothered to research about the Mayans, they counted time in ages. The 'rock' that ends with 2012 is simply the end of a Mayan age and their 'calendar' actually continues on another 'rock' that shows the next 'age' of time.

I guess the sensationalism of 'time' ending in 2012 would sell many more papers and bring in more revenue. People are so easily told what to believe and don't bother doing the research for themselves.
What nobody has bothered to research about the Mayans, they counted time in ages. The 'rock' that ends with 2012 is simply the end of a Mayan age and their 'calendar' actually continues on another 'rock' that shows the next 'age' of time.

There you go, spoiling the fun with common sense.
LOL Maniac - that's hilarious.......until you consider what could happen to our precious little China Dolls on 12-21-12. I heard there's a chance they could all self destruct at the stroke of midnight? (Something about the pistons seizing and the head bolts becoming spontaneously torqued to WAY more than the recommended value of 140 in-lbs resulting in a cracked head). Bottom line - make sure to remove your China dolls from the bikes and have them completely disassembled and well lubricated. Then you should be all good. Plus you need to wear that tin foil hat that Maniac recommends.
I could be wrong but its 4 things. The end of the Mayan calendar,Sumerians predicting the return of 'Nibiru',and an intergalactic alignment.

And the human races ability to be completely retarded when grouped together.

I think I saw this on the 'Twilight Zone'.
I think you have rediscovered the equation to discover the IQ of a mob, which goes as follows: 100 divided by the number in the mob.
Ludwig,that's good to know. The less in the crowd,the more extreme(Intelligent Destruction) they would be? Know I now why mobs resort to throwing rocks. Damn fools.
If all the rock throwers of the world looked back at history books, and the weapons and tactics of the sword and spear times, mob vs police/army clashes would be much different.

All the mickey mouse olympic events? None of them ever consider the effect of shot putting, heave a 'kin enormous rock in the air and let it land on somebody, or use a roof tile as a discus and decapitate at the shoulders or cut the feet off bouncing along the ground.

The really intelligent are somewhere else with witnesses though.
I'm catchin' a ride on the spaceship behind the comet. I got my towel with me. I'm ready.

Don't forget to wear your Nike's or you'll get left behind rotfl

Live EVERY day like it's your last, cuz ya never know......car accident, heart attack, random shooting.....ya just never know till it is your time to go.

Sorry, laff end of the what? End of the day maybe.....ho ho ho!


What did Alfred E. Newman say? That's right!