10 have 10 days left to live.,,,

What time is this end of the world thing going to happen, I am trying to plan my day for tomorrow .
Whatever you do, take Dave's advice and don't buy too many Christmas presents. Save your money until day after tomorrow. You can't take it with you but you don't want to waste it either; just in case.


EDIT: That makes me wonder if there's going to be some big "End of The World' sales Saturday.
Whatever you do, take Dave's advice and don't buy too many Christmas presents. Save your money until day after tomorrow. You can't take it with you but you don't want to waste it either; just in case.


EDIT: That makes me wonder if there's going to be some big "End of The World' sales Saturday.

I just coughed up $800 in presents for the kids and Mrs tonight!!! :-||
Wow, it's already 12-21-12 and there's no end in sight. Of course it's still really dark outside :D

Better get ready for my last ride.....bikes running great!

.wee. dance1zpt:-||
im not dead so i guess the guy making the calenders back in ancient times died and no one took over or they got lazy 2000+ years of calender gives him a day off or two before he needed to make more
Anyone here know when the planets are coming into alignment today?
That's when the SHTF is supposed to happen.
I got my Bible in one hand and my Mossberg 500 in the other, LOL!
Well, it's already the 22nd in some parts of the world and they've survived. Including Australia. There's always a downside to everything.
I havnt given up yet! I wanna RODEO! dance1dance1laff


  • slim_pickens & bomb.jpg
    slim_pickens & bomb.jpg
    25.3 KB · Views: 126
Have you tried rodeo sex? You, er, conjoin with a woman, and then tell her you did it with her sister as well. The rodeo part is staying on for the next 8 seconds.
Anyone here know when the planets are coming into alignment today?
That's when the SHTF is supposed to happen.
I got my Bible in one hand and my Mossberg 500 in the other, LOL!
HAHah Thanks GN but its spelled Pschitt! :) I recomend #1 buck...
i had to work on the 21st. kinda. i had to get re-certified for "aerial lifts." manlifts, bucket trucks, that kinda crap.

the whole time i was thinking, "how much is this gonna suck that i'm working when the world ends."

was kinda relieved that nothing happened.

on another related note, i was smoking outside of a bar last night around midnight and saw about 20 bright orange lights floating in the sky for about 10 minutes. i was drunk, but not that drunk. when i got home the cat was hiding under the bed. she never does that.

everything seems pretty normal, other than that...
I saw some lights in the sky once but they weren't orange and this was back in the 70s so it probablty wasn't anything to worry about. And cats are weird anyway. There's no explaining their actions. :)

Hey ludwig,what are the floating lanterns for? The lost princess?

Sorry,couldn't help myself. My kids love the Disney movie 'Tangled'.
Were the lights those baby hot air balloons people set off into the night sky here?

As kids we used to make those from plastic dry cleaner bags, balsa wood and birthday candles. The local fire department frowned on them cause after they were launched we had no control where our incendiary devices would land. :)
