what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, I adjusted the clutch, installed a cheap digital speedometer I had from moons ago, and generally went over the whole bike, checking fasteners and such. Took it out for a spin, and spent some time using my handheld GPS to verify the speedo, got it on the money ! The handheld, my phone and the speedo are all showing the same speeds.

Now, I think I am gonna go take another ride... :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That is a really cool trailer but I bet it is heavy!

Ohh yea, when its loaded I'm glad there's no hills around here. To start from a stop and get'r running isn't too bad(when its flat). I should look into a hitch pin instead of a double nutted bolt, so I can start the bike first, then hook up the loaded trailer. lol

F/R discs really help. D'oh, no pics of it behind the 29er. But yea, the brakes really get a workout.

Right on iflyos, gotta love getting things dialed in :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got my grubee bike back out today. My wife said, over dinner, "What if I want to ride it before you sell it?" I thought she was joking, but she waited. I said, yeah, baby, I'll go get it right now. She is short! I hope she can get on it. She couldn't get a leg over my Schwinn Avenue, even with the sloped top tube. haha. I told her don't worry, if she wants to try the motor I will put the Dax on her mtn bike and we know it will fit her. What a PITA if she does, but I was kind of hoping she would want to try it bc. maybe she will want one, then I can get her to come along. If she knows she can motor back to the car when she poops out, maybe she will exercise more and get to play with us at the park more.

I saw a great trailer once, very light but strong. It was a regular kid trailer, with the top and fabric all stripped off, just leaving the square frame. It had green wire mesh from the garden center pulled over the top and doubled back under the bottom, and a box of zip ties pulling it all tight. Cargo boxes could bolt on with through bolts and 2x4 pieces on the bottom, or strap things down with motorcycle straps and bungees.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I have not had a nano second to play with my MBs of late. New contract for my little courier gig. Saturdays and Sundays are rough but about 12 times today I could see in my minds eye a lil "Cindy Loo Who" lookin' lil one clapping and cheering when she saw a trailer being broke out and tethered to a MB.

Was a great lift Happy. Thank you.

Cool Dad fer sure. Get vids for her!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I showed my mbs to my wife's friends today when they came to socialize and go watch a show. The husband seemed most impressed with the "hog", but liked the dax stuff till he heard what it costs. "$$$$ for THAT little thing?" I just smiled and said, yeah, it's heavy duty stuff and it gets you around. The beer store guy says I should put them on bikes for money as a cottage industry job. I said I will for friends, but not just anybody bc. I think some idiot will sue or want their money back after breaking it JRA.

Here is my daughter modeling with my mb. Glad it cheers you up.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

One of the clamps on the rear rack of my Diamondback broke. The rack was also bent from a fall, so I bought another one from the LBS. They said it'd fit; sadly, it doesn't, so I'll look for a different mode rackl. My fuel tank mounts atop the rear rack, so I need to find a replacement quickly.

I changed tires from 26 x 1.95 Armadillos to 26 x 2.35 Schwalbe Big Apples. They're wider and softer, so the MB should have a softer ride. Then I swapped the off road tires on my Trek/Staton/NuVinci bike for my used Armadillos. Both off road tires were flat when I bought the used MB. It's a royal pain to change/fix the rear tire. Maybe that's why the previous owner simply let the bike sit neglected for three years.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My disc rotor mounted sprocket rattled out, so I got to replace 4/6. Fortunately, there's no damage!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Went to a local motorcycle shop and picked up replacement spark plug wires & tubing. Went with an NGC waterproof connector and about 2 ft of cable. When my plugs arrive I'll change out the stock and see how she runs. Also washed my bike. Other than that is was all

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa bwaa bwaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa chuga chuga bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I know you were hearing your own engine in your head, admit it 8-)

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode my Dax/Tanaka 65 miles today from White Rock Lake (pedaled 10 miles), to Highland Park & Katy Trail area, and to Fair Park in South Dallas. Almost everybody was nice to me today. Only 1 cager rager acted out, and just honked at me a couple times for no reason other than he wanted to turn right and couldn't wait 5 more seconds for the light to change. The people at the gas station were fascinated by it as I bought 1/2 gallon of gasoline and mixed up a couple big sport-drink bottles worth. At the lake, some bicyclists were curious and asked where I bought it (bicycle engine kit, bike engine, bicycle engine, bicycle motor) .
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Went to a local motorcycle shop and picked up replacement spark plug wires & tubing. Went with an NGC waterproof connector and about 2 ft of cable. When my plugs arrive I'll change out the stock and see how she runs. Also washed my bike. Other than that is was all

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa bwaa bwaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa chuga chuga bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I know you were hearing your own engine in your head, admit it 8-)


LOL East, ayup
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Minor maintenance day today, ready for the work week. Checked the torque, spokes, mounting bolts, etc. Should be good to go.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I shorten my chain about 2 links, I bought the Bell chain breaker and doesn't work worth of crap! I use a center punch and broke the chain the good ole fashion way. CT, how often do you ride? I see you live in Canada, must be cold up there right about now. I'm in TX, the weather is perfect for riding right now.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My new rack wouldn't clear the disc brake caliper. The old rack's clamps had broken, so I bought new clamps and fixed the rack instead of replacing it.

My Tanaka engine had a slight bog at low end, so I leaned out the carb's low end and replaced the sparkplug.

Because of the angle I have to pedal, my left pedal is always breaking. I bought a new pair at the LBS and installed them.

I had installed new 26 x 2.35 Schwalbe Big Apple tires yesterday. They are larger and softer than my 26 x 1.95 Armadillos. i can tell my bike's gonna have a softer ride.

The bike's wiped down and ready for tomorrow's commute.

I can't wait for daylight!dance1
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I ride every day I can. Life in Vancouver isn't the same as the rest of Canada. We rarely see snow at our level and it rarely gets below freezing here. You dress for the ride, and it's all good. I carry rain gear if I'm not wearing it, and can add or remove a layer of my jacket etc if I need to.
We can drive to where snow is from here (Whistler, Blackcomb), but since I don't ski I leave the traffic to those who do. It is kind of cool living somewhere where you can ski/snowboard in the morning and then go golfing or hit the beach for the rest of the day, or vice-versa.

Today we got to 13 C (55.4 F this calculator tells me). A little cool, but a nice day otherwise. Clear and sunny, could see Vancouver Island from the front porch, the mountains to the north and east.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Only 1 cager rager acted out, and just honked at me a couple times for no reason other than he wanted to turn right and couldn't wait 5 more seconds for the light to change.

Some people have a major superiority complex. Just the other day I was being tailgated by this white pickup truck(typical...), and I had to make a turn back to my house. But I didn't want him to run over me! So instead of doing the smart thing and keep going, I decided to make a quick sharp turn. BIG MISTAKE! I slipped on some water and fell off my bike. Got some bad road rash on my hands and my left arm, but not too bad I guess since it doesn't hurt anymore. When I got back up I started my bike again and then the chain bunched under the clutch arm cover and the chain derailed! Unbelievable...

The good thing is that gave me a chance to change the setup on my bike. My CDI always kept sliding around and I hated having all the wires just hanging out. So I switched my CDI to the top bar on the frame, which is SO MUCH better. I had to use some extra wire but it's worth it. It doesn't slide around anymore and it just looks better IMO. Then I redid the wire connections using some shrink tube, which is great stuff and looks nicer than soldering. But the best part is that I got some cable organizer tube, shoved all the wires through it, and zip-tied it to the lower bar on the frame. My bike looks way nicer now and I put some silicone sealant around where the plug wire meets the CDI, so that in combination with the shrink tube should make my bike reasonably water-resistant.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Glad you are ok. I can relate to people not letting you turn. I have missed exits or turns on bikes, mbs, and cars before because someone was tailgating and either menacing or not paying attention. Sometimes you just have to slow gradually till the snap out of their phone conversation or drug haze enough to go around you. I always wonder if people drive this badly in other countries. It seems like only America has such vicious bike-haters, but I could be wrong. I have heard Greece is pretty crazy to drive in too, no one stops for anything but parking. lol.

re: CDI. That's cool. On my Grubee bike, I used zip ties on mine bc. the stupid little tabs broke off the first day.

re: Tanaka carb. I looked at my 33 and couldn't find any mixture adjustments. I think it does not have any, but it does have a primer bulb hidden under the carb lol. Maybe the bigger motors have adjustable carbs. Most weeders I've ever had came with 2 or 3 adjustments, usually idle mix, high RPM mix, and a low-speed throttle stop screw.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

CT, sounds like you have really nice scenery to ride with up there. Where I live it's your typical American suburb, nothing but neighborhoods and pavements.
It sounds like you guys mostly ride on the road, I mostly ride on sidewalks. I enjoy riding at night time when there are less joggers. Motorist here are very impatient, they don't want to stop or slow down for bicyclist or MB. This is the big reason why I try to stay away from the roads. Getting hit by a car doing 45mph will hurt like HeII! .duh.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hi, Vincent 713, you should join me, and biknut and a few others here, for our Dallas MB Rides at White Rock Lake or elsewhere around Dallas.

I usually do ride on the streets, but I take a lot of backstreets, shortcuts, alleys, grassy areas, etc to get where I'm going. I like riding on "sidewalk" paths too, for the scenery.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

chopper2011-10-19 14.29.08tn.jpg

ever evolving...seat extended...u bolted to ***** pad support...double nutted (nylocked) all seat assembly nuts...sealed new tank (not shown) bought hardware to move headlight up...buncha other miner stuff I don't even recall..the good news is ..it's a new day and I get to start over this morning...maybe the new tank will go on...dunno....hmmm decisions, dec.....shft.
Thats one tough looking bike m8 I mean if it were me Id leave the tank where it is. I just think it would look naked with out it there wouldn't it? Can you tell me if this head light
"It was a 1966 Bonneville parking light" looks like something out of War of the Worlds?
as my wife put it!
Be honest please like it or not?


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hi Happy,

I would love to ride with you guys, it sounds like a lot of fun! I'm off from work on the weekends however; often times I have to help my wife with her business on the weekends. Just let me know when you guys ride at the Lake and I can try to make arrangement to meet you out there.