Why buy an electric bicycle?

i first did an E-bike just because it's legal where i live. after riding it just a week i started pedaling along with it. now i hardly ever use the motor, only in really windy conditions. i've rode it to work almost every day this winter, coldest day was -12f.

the electric gets me out riding much more than the gasser. i'm getting exercise i really need and if i over do it an need the assist it always there.

i'm thinking about building one that has no throttle, where you have to pedal and the motor only assist, like the bionix.
i also ride my unassisted bikes much more now that i know i can do it.
The reason why I bought an electric bike..
No need of drivers license here in Florida..
25mph top speed.
80-110 miles on one charge
No gas noise or smell
No need to go in traffic, lots of bike lanes here in Florida and I don't have to sit behind umpteen cars stopped at a traffic light.
The reason why I bought an electric bike..
No need of drivers license here in Florida..
25mph top speed.
80-110 miles on one chargeQuiet
No gas noise or smell
No need to go in traffic, lots of bike lanes here in Florida and I don't have to sit behind umpteen cars stopped at a traffic light.

SANGESF, I'd like to believe this claim of yours but it doesn't seem possible. If it were true, Ebikes would be a lot more popular imo.

110mi + 25mph is like 2 + 2 = 5

In other words it doesn't seem to add up. Could you please explain how you get this remarkable performance while nobody else seems to be able to make the same claim?


  • ChannelIslands.png
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First off, top speed does not mean I always run at full throttle..
At 25mph, I'm fighting ALOT of wind resistance. I only get 60miles at that speed.
80miles at 20mph
90miles at 18mph
100miles+ at 16mph
Two electric motors at 36v 500w
Two 36v 20ah LiFePO4 Batteries.
It's VERY possible to do it...
The THING is that my (current) setup, after everything thing is said and done cost me close to $2000.
Most people wouldn't want to spend the money, THAT'S why most don't.
You COULD spend $2000 and get 110 miles at 25mph (using LiPo 10c batteries).
It always boils down to MONEY
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yep, that is the place..6 x 12 mile island 80, 000 or so people 120 miles from England 14 from France

...I thought I had put a Google Maps link..sorry to make you work to find it.
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yep, that is the place..6 x 12 mile island 80, 000 or so people 120 miles from England 14 from France

...I thought I had put a Google Maps link..sorry to make you work to find it.

Welcome to the forum from Dallas. This is the first time I've ever heard of Jersey, and I'm 53. Sounds like a motor bicycle will be perfect for you.
Well As I think I said in this or another thread here...thye (motorised bicycles) are totally illegal over here. Unles of course you run them past the local Motor Traffic standards people...and then it becomes a motor vehicle...so insurance, helmet, driving licence etc.

So the petrol bike is only a stop gap till the electric bike is built...that will not be road legal over here either...15mph pedal assist only 200W is the local limit...but at least an e-bike is less noticeable, will still be able to ride it on cycle paths etc without getting in trouble.

For powered transport I'l stick to my Harley

I am sure there are lots of small towns in the USA that I have never heard of too. The island gives its name to the breed of cow...Jersey Cows and also the article of clothing...a Jersey meaning a sweater/jumper...whatever you call them in the USA. Originally heavy woollen items...worn by fisherman


Jersey cattle - Agri Wiki

Jersey cattle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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NeilP, never heard of channel islands, that really is to bad about the dictator rules that bind you. Thanks for the Wiki lessons.
Yes, the clamp down over here big style on any thing that may result in people enjoying themselves.
Motor bikes that have been converted in to trikes are banned too...a few managed to get registered, but the hassle the owners get to have them passed is crazy.

BTW...ever come across a British TV 'cop' show called Bergerac...it was sold to some US TV networks...that was filmed on the island here.
No never did hear of that one, not to say I'm totally hip to all media happenings. What rule or govt are you under and what is the cost of petrol in your area? Over here it just spiked to $3.25 a gal and that's in New Jersey the cheapest gas prices in the country. I live right near a bridge to NJ so I get most of my gas there, because where I live it's 40 to 50 cents more a gallon. New York has one of highest gasoline taxes.
**** that is cheap. over in England it is up around £1.30 per litre, which works out at about $8.00 USD per US gallon. Here in Jersey it is about £1.10 per litre which is $1.79 per litre...so aout $6.80 per US gallon
Well you guys have been paying those higher prices for ever. It's the taxes that does it, the oil you use is not sold on the market for a higher price to Europe, it's your bloody taxes.
Yep, spot on.

Probably why they do not like the idea of motorised bicycles..they do not burn enough fuel..so less tax income from fuel...
you guys are right anything is possible how much money do you want to spend to get there
have you checked out my Jin bike .I did this 6 years ago..It went for about 1 hr. at 60 mph.
Hayden Turner from Beyond Tomorrow did a story on some of my electric stuff cars motorcycles bikes some utility stuff ...All lithium powered 6 years ago lithiums were like magic to people ..now there very commond .we had to devolope our chargers back then nobody sold anything for lithium charging at high voltages and keeping packs ballanced completly unknowen to people ..I was head Fabricator for a company that devoloped lithium packs for computer and some everyday stuff we use today.thats why we have the technology today .I got them into electric vehicles .inturn we started Hybrid Technologys.
after I got that division started the money men decided to move to North Carolina.I declinede to move from california they offered to buy me a house there. But all my family is here so it wasnt worth it for me as I own a great house here............Flex
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well one of the advantages about going all electric is that if you have a job at a biggest company (or even a smaller one with a cool boss) you can always charge at work. sometimes even in public depending on your voltage. and it leaves you with more options (as oposed to gas) electricity is easy to come by and almost everywhere. i find many times even if you were to run out of juice there has to be someone or somewhere with a place to plug in for atleast an hour or two. i have been looking at some of the latest charging equipment and as the years go on electricity and baterys seem to be advancing well beyond any internal combustion engine. so in the long run what do you think the better choice would be?
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motorbiker who has the bosch stystems for sale? my next bike is gonna be electric so i am trying to learn all i can. thank you