Well-Known Member
Why would anyone buy an electric bicycle for $1,500-2000 when they could buy a nice store bought gas powered bicycle for around $600 or 700? Or if they felt so inclined they could spend $1,500 and get a really great gas powered bicycle.
Legal issues? That's the only reason I can think of.
Wow how times change. When I started this thread 5 years ago, a lifetime of riding gas bikes told me electric bikes would never be anything I would be interested in. Just one more thing I was totally wrong about.
Now I look at gas bikes the way a LED flashlight looks at a kerosene lamp. Although the technology is new, and not fully developed for many applications, for bicycles it's tomorrow now. I can't think of anything a gas bike does better than an electric bicycle at this point.
I think we've finally reached the tipping point.