Interesting thread you started, Tim. Somehow I missed it until now. I've done a lot of different things and that was my ambition as a young fellow. I wanted to experience life as fully as I could and knew early on I wasn't that concerned with getting ahead.
First job was as a lifeguard and swimming coach, got expelled from public high school and was sent to a military school by my father. Then attended college and worked for awhile as an actor & stage director. Got married and became a high school English teacher & did that for 7 or 8 years. Moved home to northern Minnesota and worked as a substitute teacher, carpenter, free lance writer and then as a newspaper feature story writer and photographer. Then worked as Director of Indian Education (I'm a mixed blood) for the local school district and was also the Indian Advocate. Third wife's dad died and we took over a smallish fishing resort near Ely, Minnesota where I did a lot of all sorts of things... maintenance, outboard engine repair, guiding, etc. until I was hit by lightning and got a traumatic brain injury which led to selling off the resort and divorce. Worked then at what I could manage... worked as a roofer for awhile, worked at a call in center for DSL computer stuff, worked for a year for Kidspeace as a counselor for incarcerated juvenile sex offenders... mostly Indian kids from all over the country who were locked up and were sex offenders themselves and had been offended against as little kids. Stressful job which led to further illness related to the damage from the lightning strike... developed Guillane Barre Syndrome which has symptoms like polio. Was then disabled and not really suitable for much any kind of gainful employment. Moved to the forest on my brother's property which had been mine in better days. Now I live in an old trailer with my dog.
Along the way I had always been interested in how things work and did my own auto work. Restored several sports cars as a young fellow, MGTD's, MGA coupe, Austin Healey 3000 roadster. Later liked fooling with old pickups and eventually motor bikes. Built a stone house at one time doing all the work myself.
No regrets. My center of gravity has always been a spiritual awareness and interest. I became a Native American pipe carrier twenty years ago or so and still take that seriously (that would be something like a shaman or minister without dogma... hard to explain as there is no real counterpart in the dominant society.) Now my quest is to be at peace with myself, enjoy living each day and doing things I like to do. Fishing, reading, making things out of wood or leather or whatever. Motorbikes are a lot of fun and I've met some remarkable people here on the forum
I guess I never really had a career, but I did accomplish a goal... to experience lots of things and live as fully as I could. I'm satisfied.