Since the Great Recession started I've been a building maintenance guy at a pretty nice hotel in the area. (Really I'm just a drudge, but they call me an engineer.)
Most of my career, though, I was a free lance mechanic of sorts. A particular type of industrial machinery. It wouldn't come to me. I had to go to my customers. Pretty much the Great Lake states to the southeast. New England on occasion. Ontario and Quebec even less.
It was a nice way to make a living, but I'm not sure I'd go back. I miss the freedom of the road and I also miss not having to rely on only one source for my income.
But I do not miss all that driving. I'm so sick of that.
Life is much simpler now. I commute to work by bicycle. About half motored, half pedal bike.
I'm regarded as peculiar for that. But I know that I've found the way to live and I pity the fools who are still in the rat race.