What do You do for a living?

civlized - that sounds like a cool job!

Pablo, it can get very interesting. I'm not complaining, though. It pays the bills. It's also interesting to see just how different some products are. I never knew there were so many different components in engine and transmission oils. For example, we manufacture 1 particular transmission fluid that has 3 components. We manufacture another transmission fluid that has 12 components. These are both made for automatic transmissions. These are factory fill oils, which means this is what the manufacturer wants put into the parts. If you, the consumer, change your fluids and don't purchase the factory oils, you could likely have different performance from your vehicle and possibly even damage it. Same goes with engine oils. All 5w30's and such are not the same. It's really an interesting field, if you are into engines and performance.
Grease is a whole different animal. We have incorporated a process for making some greases that is very similar to the chocolate refining process.
Have this horrible job of having to build MB's. It such a pain to get up in the morning knowing I will spend the day building Motorized Bicycles. Then I have to ride them..........LOL!
Dave, I want your job!

From 15 to 18 or 19, I hitchhiked around the east coast digging ditches, working in carnivals and any day labor I could get. 19 until mid 30s, U.S. Merchant Marine. (Sort of prison with a chance of drowning) Then started plumbing for a few yrs. Now drive a truck and do some currier work for my self. Opening a medical transport biz and an MB related gig.

Not real sure what I want to do when I grow up aside from be much taller and richer.
work for the broke state of california and have lots of fun working up in the mountains. have three boys and thy loving wife. me and my oldest one ride as much as possible
ICU and er nurse in a state that doesn't require a helmet im very busy on weekends in nice weather yet, I don't wear one either I AM the pot that calls the kettle black, and I smoke and drink like a fish with the dr's most nights that shift is brutal!!!!!
Im a welder/fitter by trade aswell as millwrighting when i can and these things still give me all kinds of trouble lol!
if i cant fix it it aint broke

And if it ain't broke, Dont FIX it.
Spent 20 years as a appliance store manager, Then got STUPID AND BUSTED, THE State sent me to collage AT OLD Folsom State university. SO drewd, DEALING is NOT the thing to do, or even joke about as I HOPE you are.
THEN spent another 20 years as a handyman, a LOT of electrical, plumbing and painting.
NOW that I'm totally retired and disabled on SSI. I SPEND my days throwing parts into my shop and try to get a running MOTORIZED to come out of it. I Might have to finally slow down on that also. TOO many heart attacks and I just had a stroke on the begining of august. SO I GUESS drugs and alcohol REALLY wasn't the answer to anything in the 60's. and well into the 70's.
SO, I might have to close Fatdaddy's MotoPeds. ON that day you just might see a grown man cry. I might have to give up the shop but as long as I can still hold on to the handelbars, I'll NEVER give up riding.
fatdaddy (AKA Big RED)
owner: fatdaddy's MotoPeds
San Jose, Ca.
Fatdaddy- I've been wondering how you were getting along. Thinking about closing up shop? Maybe OchoNinja would go in with you? Don't know, first thing that popped in my head...

I'm a barn farmer. We go dis-assemble them, trailer the lumber back to the yard, and sell it all over the world. I find it odd how much some of this stuff sells for. Good job.

What's really interesting is what my room-mate does. She custom builds fur suits. Mascot type costumes, for teams or private persons. Her and my other room-mate just went to a convention in Las Vegas for fur-suiters. I find it odd how much these things sell for. Great job:)
I am an air traffic controller on the beautiful island of St. Croix US Virgin Islands. perfect place for my motorized bicycle it is summer all the time
Since the Great Recession started I've been a building maintenance guy at a pretty nice hotel in the area. (Really I'm just a drudge, but they call me an engineer.)

Most of my career, though, I was a free lance mechanic of sorts. A particular type of industrial machinery. It wouldn't come to me. I had to go to my customers. Pretty much the Great Lake states to the southeast. New England on occasion. Ontario and Quebec even less.

It was a nice way to make a living, but I'm not sure I'd go back. I miss the freedom of the road and I also miss not having to rely on only one source for my income.

But I do not miss all that driving. I'm so sick of that.

Life is much simpler now. I commute to work by bicycle. About half motored, half pedal bike.

I'm regarded as peculiar for that. But I know that I've found the way to live and I pity the fools who are still in the rat race.