What do You do for a living?

In the past 24 hrs, 6080 members and guests logged on.
Imagine the staggering wealth of knowledge that this many people bring to the table .
From what I've seen with only the past 15 people have posted, this place could form an army of "we can do anything people".

have finances will travel :p
I used to be a heavy tow/recovery owner/operator :)
now, I am a live-in grampa/babysitter/precious cargo transporter ;)
Grampa has a good gig !!! (^)
U.S. Marine Corps Master Sergeant with a Military Occupational Specialty of Combat Service Support Operations/Logistics Mobility Chief, but currently filling the role as the Detachment Staff Noncommissioned Officer-in-Charge for my unit aboard Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan. I'm basically the senior enlisted guy making sure the welfare of my Marines is looked after.

I just went over 16 years on January 9th and just reenlisted last month for another four, which will take me to the big 20...retirement! However, I'm staying as long as I can (30 years max).


Vintage Engineer Boots
im a deranged freaky lunatic type like dangerous toys and builder of custom inground swimmin pools and when i die i hope it hurts cause livin is a lot of work and it would all be for nothing if it didnt
im a deranged freaky lunatic type like dangerous toys and builder of custom inground swimmin pools and when i die i hope it hurts cause livin is a lot of work and it would all be for nothing if it didnt

oh sorry and a male prostitute lmao !!!!dnut
In the past 24 hrs, 6080 members and guests logged on.
Imagine the staggering wealth of knowledge that this many people bring to the table .
From what I've seen with only the past 15 people have posted, this place could form an army of "we can do anything people".

we can !!!!!!!!!!!dnut
Marineabilly...a very important job that you have and with the years of experience you have.... you know what has to be done....you are definitely needed..hang in there man..stay safe
In the past 24 hrs, 6080 members and guests logged on.
Imagine the staggering wealth of knowledge that this many people bring to the table .
From what I've seen with only the past 15 people have posted, this place could form an army of "we can do anything people".

we will !!!!!!!!!!!! dnut

Over 25 years with Costco Wholesale, now brushing up on male prostitution and building 4-stroke motorized bicycles for a living.
Marineabilly...a very important job that you have and with the years of experience you have.... you know what has to be done....you are definitely needed..hang in there man..stay safe

Will do, Sir - thank you!! We just had a teleconference with our unit back in the "rear" this evening and discussed their reception plan for us. Gettin' close!

Im a carpenter of 33yrs. and have been building bikes from dumpster dives for about that long as well,when i'm done rebuilding a bike I would usually give it to some kid in the hood who cannot aford a bike ,made lots of new friends but ended up giving up on rebuilding until I saw what Sportscar pat does now I'm hooked again.
In no particular order:

Jr. Gun Dealer - Still in development. Researching FFL. Seeing what it takes.

Sr. Quality Engineer at a rocket engine factory. I work mostly on electric propulsion, Arcjet power processors and Hall current thrusters, low thrust stuff for satellites. I also work on stabilizing type thrusters for booster stages for Delta and Atlas rockets.

Amsoil Dealer for 12 years. Great work, fun interesting and rewarding.

Owner of Sick Bike Parts. Best job I have EVER had. Starting and growing a company with Jim is about as good as it gets.

Investor Fun job, but serious too. I like the years when gains are over 20%! OTOH 2008 was brutal. When I get 59.5 and can touch my IRA's and such, I may re-arrange my priorities.

Electric Guitar/Bass Repair Another hobby turned into "profession". Still practicing, but I had my first customer on Friday. A lady's son had somehow busted one of the solder terminations on his middle pickup, and also had somehow spilled a corrosive liquid on his jack. I soldered it right up and used a jack I had from a previous project. I've actually had solder training and certification in my past, plus I have a great Hakko solder station. I told her "no charge". She is baking me a skillet style pineapple upside down cake. dance1

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