what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today i opened the bike up all the way for a little to see what it had. hit about 25-30 mph on the way to work. on the way home the muffler blew apart the catalatic converter fell off first got a nice performance boost.lol then the rest of the muffler worked its way loose fronm the block that was the end of the ride. going to get new muffler in a few days. getting the old one welded back toghether for now.anyone got any ideas on a good muffler


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Went for a ride with the new sprocket and promptly lost the master link! Now I feel stupid. Mainly because I forgot to push the master link clip on. Like a genius.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

As soon as I can get a heavy duty chain tool I will be taking it off. I never have problems with ANY of my many master links but I'm pretty crazy about chain alignment. And my chain tensioner may look like crap,but I built it using only a drill and chop saw. It is awesome!

I actually found the link and outside clip for the master so later today I will be going to get my baby.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I have used a CT-5 Park tool chain breaker to break the stock 415 chain that came with my kit many, many times. =) If you're careful and have a good breaker you *might* not have to hunt for a ct-7 breaker. But of course, you might break your CT-5. I didn't but I suspect luck was involved =)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today i opened the bike up all the way for a little to see what it had. hit about 25-30 mph on the way to work. on the way home the muffler blew apart the catalatic converter fell off first got a nice performance boost.lol then the rest of the muffler worked its way loose fronm the block that was the end of the ride. going to get new muffler in a few days. getting the old one welded back toghether for now.anyone got any ideas on a good muffler

Wow! Did you have the muffler body supported with a strap to the frame or was it just hanging from the cylinder port?
Edit: I saw pictures of your exhaust mounting on your other picture thread.
With the muffler pointing up and out with no other support it will vibrate like a tuning fork and soon fail at every weld possible. All the mufflers need additional support other than the cylinder studs.
Considering that you want a quiet system, I can see an extended exhaust muffler system from custom motored bicycles (see link below) working better for you if it will fit considering the limited ground clearance your bike has.
The expansion chamber systems will improve engine performance, but most are louder than the stock muffler.

As for a better system, why not go for an SBP expansion chamber or similar exhaust?

Or custom motored bicycles has all kinds of exhaust systems including a couple of expansion chamber systems. The expansion chamber with no muffler is loud, but folks seem to like it's performance.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

tryed to start it and it failed, thought it was a problem with the clutch it appeared to be not disengaging, puled the clutch apart and couldnt find the problem, cleaned the clutch plate with some acetone. put it back together only to find the front sprocket had came loose.... ( i felt like a knob jockey) tightened it up and i was away. :) pain in the ass.. ha ha
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Didn't put the suspension fork on today but I did this weekend...Paid $5.00 for it, we'll see how long it last. Had to fabricate a long spacer for it. I also put a new air cleaner on it.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

ya i definatly need to suport it but my first build is a learning experience. luckily my neibor is a welder so he is fixing it monday going to build a hanger for it this time. found one on ebay that will look good but dont have money for it now.


Dunno if it is to late but you could make a strap/support with a pc of flatstock, drill and a hack saw. Just a thunk. Even if it was a "Just for now" deal.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What did I do to my motorbike today? Not a doggone thing! Yet. Hopefully there's still time. All the way home from work I was looking forward to a peaceful cruise. I got home and my wife told me I'd be going to the laundromat tonight. The dryer had been shooting sparks earlier so she turned it off.
It does not turn back on. It's dead, Jim.
So guess where I'm sending this from. C'mon laundrey. Hurry up and dry!
(F*in' GE dryer.)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You can get a new heating element for the drier if that's the case for about 30 dollars.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Dunno if it is to late but you could make a strap/support with a pc of flatstock, drill and a hack saw. Just a thunk. Even if it was a "Just for now" deal.

plumbers strap... holes are already drilled...

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's too much? What happened to the shameless use of duct tape:):Drotfl

Just joking lol. Actually I have plumbers strap on one of my bikes good stuff.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

saving the duct tape so it can be used on Goat Herders... seems to be a better use at this time.. rotfl.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That might help me gather up breakfast for my morning cereal, pore some milk and yeah..Power Rangers and Telatubbies. Sorry I don't own any goats but my tires do it for me already!!^5



I will keep it in mind If'n I should want to kidnap a goat lol.:D

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today was assembly day for the trailer we picked up a while ago. Turned out alright, still needs a few things (rear reflectors or lights). More pics when we have it set up (next weekend probably).

As for muffler hanging, I replaced mine some time ago with a spring and a pair of bands made from steel strapping (used to hold heavy objects to shipping pallets) which isn't hard to find in most light industrial areas, and a short spring from the asst. hardware section of the local hardware/department store. I've been running like this for a long time and have no problems with the exhaust that aren't preventable with routine maintenance (Checking and tightening all the nuts and bolts weekly).