what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


Why does this "go shoot the owner" comment always come up in any discussion about defensive firearms and stray/loose dogs pursuing bicyclists? That is just a dumb idea.

The owner could be a meathead, or could be a teenager. The dog might be behind a fence yet hop over it. I am not sure if the comment was some kind of sarcasm or not.

happy, I do not advocate murder. OF COURSE I was joking, kinda. How about just giving the owner a good b**ch slap for being stupid.
I've been a dog owner most of my life. Not one of my dogs ever chased a bike or car. Puppies need close supervision and older dogs need to be trained for their own safety. If you can't do this then you should NOT own a dog.
Ya need a license to ride a little motorized bike. Ya don't need anything to raise a kid or a dog. Now there's the REAL stupidity.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

installing a new engine bottom with custom mounts and testing a new exhaust if it will fire on later.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Fatdaddy, ok, fair enough. hahaaha. Luckily in TX you don't need a license to ride a motorized bicycle (49cc and 30mph top speed. Please, armchair lawyers, don't pipe up about the scooter laws or posts walls of text, it's been done already), but you do have to jump through hoops to carry a handgun.

I agree about the responsibility to train a dog if owning one. I don't own any dogs. I like a few but generally don't enjoy dogs, and don't like animals in the house. There are tons of dogs here that stay in their yards, even if they bark their heads off and run the fence line or the ditch. But it only takes one dog, even a little bitty sucker, to wreck a bike or injure a cyclist.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Saw a little yapper dog attacking a mail carrier. The guy was apparently used to it and had a spray can of some thing attached to his bag. He kept spraying at the dog's face. The dog would stop and rub his face in the grass but was soon up and yappin' at the guy again. Didn't seem to hurt the dog but did keep him at bay.

Made me think of the original BatMan movie. During a shark attack while hanging from the bat 'coppter. "Robin, quick. The shark repellent!"
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

SO, This being the "What did you do to your motor bike today" thread, and we're talking about stupid people letting their dogs chase bikes, Has anyone done anything to their bike, today or any day, to prevent, defend or in any way guard against a little yapper trying to get hold of yer leg. I'm thinking perhaps I should start thinking about this before I have a chiuaua hanging off my leg. ANYBODY?
P.S. and please, I don't really want to hurt the dog. The owner? Maybe.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

LOL, your right. Installed pull start on pred engine build. Not sure if it is yapper dawg friendly.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

LOL, your right. Installed pull start on pred engine build. Not sure if it is yapper dawg friendly.

You can dangle the pull start rope and hope the sucker goes for that instead of fresh meat.
35,000+ miles on a road bike and the best thing I found was to stop. Dogs are pretty much operating on instinct and to them a bicycle looks like a deer or some other sizable prey. That's why they tend to nip at the tires or run under the front wheel. They don't see a person until you stop the bike and say something to them.

On my bike today? Still messing with the wiring.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I went just about two summers and one winter with no petcock valve at all just a straight shot to the carby on my Morini . Had a couple of days that were hard starting finally despite putting a new float needle. It would never flood the bike when I was riding ever.. it just started decided to do it when it was parked all day..

I put a swamp cooler valve lol. made some fittings and put it in the stock placement that the petcock goes on this BoXer frame. Came out trick very happy with it now. To the average eye nobody can even tell it is a swamp cooler valve and nothing is loose or can remotely rattle.:)

Dogs shoot I was raised around livestock. That's nutten.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I just run over anything under 20 lb. Anything bigger than that seems to be recipe for disaster. ;-) I did get knocked over by an armadillo once. I ran over it at full speed because it was lying in the bike path and I saw it only the last instant after rounding a bend. It bucked up under the chain ring and flipped me off the bike. We were both ok, though. Think the armadillo shrugged it off easier.
I sorted out my new throttle cable and parts, but I have to wait till I find my solder. Oh well. I got some chores done so I can ride the motorized bicycle this weekend.

SO, This being the "What did you do to your motor bike today" thread, and we're talking about stupid people letting their dogs chase bikes, Has anyone done anything to their bike, today or any day, to prevent, defend or in any way guard against a little yapper trying to get hold of yer leg. I'm thinking perhaps I should start thinking about this before I have a chiuaua hanging off my leg. ANYBODY?
P.S. and please, I don't really want to hurt the dog. The owner? Maybe.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I was headin to breakfast this morning around 640 and a car didnt stop at the red light and whammed me. Front rim is completely broken hah. tire was still good though. them kevlar lined wallyworlds are to bad. Just sitting here recovering and playing war commander on facebook.

i even had to go to the hospital.... really blew big ones.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hope things get better Siverb9? Sounds pretty rough?

Happcheapskate Get your silver solder and flux from a HVAC type store. Lowes or Home Depot will not have it...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

my face cought my fall after i flew over the car. bikes front end is totaled. gotta get a new gasline fromt he tank getting violently torqued to the side. got a huge road ras on my left cheek. I HATE BAD DRIVERS. lol
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Double ouch.

I cut out some thick intake/etc type gaskets. It held up in an extremely high temp area on a mustang of ours so I think with alil RTV it'll seal for the exhaust good enough.

Found a total missing piece in the exhaust gasket that goes on the jug and the exh manifold, the manifold to muffler wasn't leaking so I put it's still nice looking gasket on the jug.

can't wait to fire it up tomorrow and hear her run without an exhaust leak.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

SavageBlunts904, I am sorry to hear that you were hit!
I hope that you got insurance info and such from the idiot.
May you heal fast and painless!
Crashing SUX!


Goat Herder, I bought my silver bearing solder and special flux all in a blister card kit from Home Depot. It was not a bad price either.
It was difficult to find though. I had to ask an employee where it was.
Of all the places, it was in the cordless tools battery section, nowhere near the soldering supplies. Go figure!
It makes a great cable end!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks for the heads up GN. I need to get some for work. I keep running into cables I got to order. Sure hate to have to order a throttle cable of all things.:-{ They seam to think it is not possible over there to solder a cable gonna show'em.;)

One of my buddies has some silver solder he said he got it from a HVAC shop and had looked every where! I went to his house to make cables a couple of times for m own custom machines.. A roll of silver solder is like 30 dollars and then the flux.. His stuff.. flux and all works flawlessly. Will post it up when ever I get a chance.

Working in a small engine shop has been great fun! I learned a ton in a short period of time. There is no end to the scooters and any kind of power equipment..

Constant non stop nasty gas in my sinus's and soaking into my skin not so much so. I had a heck of a headache today and still got it. It is to the point I can't tell the smell of good gas from the old when checking a tank it all stinks. Just today was rough. lol. Honestly could not tell..

It don't always bother me. Yet it has occurred to me this is just hazardous. Some times I realize the amount of time and hours gone by with my hands just soaked. Rubber gloves nobody uses them here I got some in my tool box. Soggy hands from sweating in them things is more entertainment.

Seams I camp out at the carb vat bucket. lol. Always endlessly there. It will get dead slow come winter might have another prospect coming up? Sure hope it comes through! I flat out cannot budget two months this winter with no work.. If I could have hooked up with this job in the spring it would have been a completely different story.

Got motorbikes to build!!

This'un will have medical insurance etc. Got my fingers crossed. Have not even so much as seen or heard from a doctor in about 30 years. Hope to keep it that way.:)