what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Brake arm got here, finally. It's a Wald and it's about 1.5x as thick as the CYY Chinese one that broke. I need to find someone with a oxy torch to heat it up and bend it. My propane torch won't come close to getting it hot enough to bend and I don't need to break another.

The X is here so it's takeing me forever to get this posted ;)

If your torch can burn MAPP gas too, that should be able to get it cherry red hot, plenty hot enough to bend it safely.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You might also be able to get a wood fire that hot in a burn barrel or something, by using a small fan. I made and tempered a ferrous steel lawnmower blade by heating it in a wood fired bbq pit.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode mine today down some country road being re-worked by the county. Right now it's a dirt road and traffic is slow, good for mb riding around the neighborhood. A big mean labrador at the end of the road came out of its yard to chase and growl. I thought I'd fixed this one's wagon, but it took an interest in my kid in the trailer. I hit it in the chest with a big old rock and it ran off crying back to its nest. Hooray. Hope that old pest learned (again) not to mess with me. :-)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Changed the oil,rebuilt the custom throttle linkage,and then went for a 15 mile ride in town. Had problems with the one way but I can now pop it back in with no tools so no big whoop. May start building/selling for my local community. I want to see everyone riding a MB!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nice Kitchen. That's my kinda Kitchen:)
It was one heck of a lucky guess man.
OK so a few days riding with my new spark plug set up and the WOT section of the carb a bit way too rich to test my plug. It would almost flood completely out engine off at times lol, but would wake back up in good order when playing with it at flat out. The plug came out with flying colors seams as I can't fowl it now!! :)

So now I have managed to lower my needle to the second notch tonight . My goal is to finesse this needle to the first notch. Why?? I will have the carb slide open just a smidgeon more for MORE AIR to get in .. Want all I can out of this 21mm carby during all phases of lower cruising throttle! So far so good.

Got bored lol wanted to chase that little two or more percent of power. Have not changed the main jet just the needle got sanded in the one spot and the fuel adjustment screw opened up a lot. basically WOT is stable on the mark now perfect and lower throttle is just a tad foggier off the line with a new experimental higher flow air filter to boot.

So speculating sanding it one more time , dropping to the top notch and putting a bigger idle jet indnutdnut

Sometime next week.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Soldered my front disc-brake cable in place because it was slipping, adjusted my rear brakes, and rode out on some old country roads to find, to my happiness, that I can get 30mph going up a slight grade. =) And with my completely new clutch, I can idle LOW. Really low. It just purrrrs. Hoping some of my aberrant engine noise quiets down so it's always that quiet.

I'm new to 2-stroke motors, and when I was running my first batch of break-in mix my motor never got too hot to touch. Well, I put in some 36:1 and wow! More power, but it gets hot fast! I thought this was unusual so I added a little more oil in to bring it down to about 25:1. I googled it later and I guess it was running at more-or-less appropriate temps, so I'll dilute it after I burn some of it off... just another excuse to go riding around =) dance1

I'm finally getting assisted by my motorized bicycle instead of the other way around =) All I have to do now is get a proper fuel/oil mix and then check air/fuel mix, I know I'm rich on the top end...
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Concluded my jetting I think this is as good as it gets? Took my PHBG 21mm Dellorto carb from w7 needle 3rd notch down and a pilot of 48..... After re-timing the needle. ''sanded the tip down a bit chucked up in a drill'' That dropped my needle to the middle second notch and put me into a 60 pilot jet. ''never touched the main''.

This leaned out the bottom end a lot by dropping that sanded w7 needle a notch. For a couple of days had to think real hard where I would go with it next. Had the fuel mixture screw sitting right at 3 turns out . Just teasing me until tonight. lol. Now it is 2 turns out and just a bit too rich. Should be great! Dead on there in the winter. Prolly will have it at around 1 1/2 tomorrow.

What did I get from it it? A stronger lower RPM torque on through to the top. Nearly lost my 10 mph cruise ability tho. Cannot go as low as 5 mph at times any more.

Concluded that any more mods will be going backwards? It will be a on off switch lol. Had to do my jetting late at night because it is cooler outside and later into fall weather I could get my curiosity satisfied as to how well it will do in the winter? Perfection..just when I thought I could never top what I had?

Working in a small engine shop has broadened my horizons . Jetted a lot of crap lately! Just did a little Chinese 50cc street legal moped last week. Boy howdy did that thing run rich at this altitude until a main jet fix. Soldered and re-drilled.

There Is No Solder In My Del 21mm.................

A simple touch of the Idle air fuel adjustment and its all gonna be rock and roll. Rock be rocked or step aside! Morini baby:):D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

LOL Goat, when I get the shop set up, remind me of this and I will make you a tshirt or bumper sticker
That would be Kewl as all get go! I will go for that !(^) Got to ride more today. Went out for a big ol full size Strawberry rhubarb pie and milk. Got home and quickly busted into the pie. Went for a swig of milk and the milk was sour lol. :(

Had not run into that scenario in about ten years guess it was about time to try that again?rotfl Promptly went back to the store for a gallon with a different date. Almost ruined a darn good pie! I quickly got over it. :)

Turned that screw down to just about one turn out. Ran flawlessly.. could go slow enough to fall over and everything in between. Gotta put a tac back on it it to check? Idles perfectly down really low!

Guessing about 900 or so mebbe slower? It has a neat gurgling sound idling . When idling around the neighborhood it is very quiet and has a gentle crackle to it when off the gas that never occurs any other time. Loving the sound note of it! Pretty darn happy with it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got my rear wheel laced up,(again) made a seat post, and fabbed a different exhaust pipe. That seat post "lowered" the bike a lot, it feels faster!!! lol
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode mine today down some country road being re-worked by the county. Right now it's a dirt road and traffic is slow, good for mb riding around the neighborhood. A big mean labrador at the end of the road came out of its yard to chase and growl. I thought I'd fixed this one's wagon, but it took an interest in my kid in the trailer. I hit it in the chest with a big old rock and it ran off crying back to its nest. Hooray. Hope that old pest learned (again) not to mess with me. :-)

A LITTLE HISTORY back in the LATE 190-S AND EARLY 1900'S Bicycling was what driving a car is today. Dogs were a VERY serious concern to cyclists. So Much that a small caliber 25-30 cal. rim-fire pistol with retractable trigger so it can easily be pocketed and withdrawn to deal with threatening dogs while on the "velocipede" the pistol was called the "VELO DOG PISTOL"


Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

A LITTLE HISTORY back in the LATE 190-S AND EARLY 1900'S Bicycling was what driving a car is today. Dogs were a VERY serious concern to cyclists. So Much that a small caliber 25-30 cal. rim-fire pistol with retractable trigger so it can easily be pocketed and withdrawn to deal with threatening dogs while on the "velocipede" the pistol was called the "VELO DOG PISTOL"



If your dog is not trained then it should be behind a fence. You should get off the bike and go shoot the dogs owner.
Shoot the owner! Yes! I hit a Shar-Pei on a road bike going 25mph. Went over the bars and landed head first. Helmet was in three pieces. Next thing I knew I was sitting on the curb talking to the EMT with the dog sitting next to me. Guy had the dog on a 35 foot leash. At least he took responsibility and paid for repairs (owner, not the dog).
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Shoot the owner! Yes! I hit a Shar-Pei on a road bike going 25mph. Went over the bars and landed head first. Helmet was in three pieces. Next thing I knew I was sitting on the curb talking to the EMT with the dog sitting next to me. Guy had the dog on a 35 foot leash. At least he took responsibility and paid for repairs (owner, not the dog).

Glad the dog was OK. The dog HAD to run out into the street to get to you, So I'll say it again. SHOOT THE OWNER.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Speaking of bad owners... dad-in-law was cleaning up the local hot springs, and broke his toe rushing to help a "person" who was screaming. Turned out to be some terriers that bone-headed owners threw in the source pool! They were yelping but they couldn't get out. (190°F or so)

So I was riding my bike, and suddenly my clutch starts slipping. Somehow my flower-nut shaved off part of my replacement lock screw, and unwound. So I went to Home Depot and got another with a slightly larger head, fixed it again with loctite, then started going to REI to cash in some dividends but my left pedal crank falls off. Just falls right off as I go from a stop! The nut on it didn't have a lock washer, so I'll have to get one. Fortunately, I was cutting through the local uni where I go and a buddy in services over there passed by as it happened. Got it tightened back on, and I get back on the road to REI. 5 miles later, I feel something touch my foot and I look down and see that TWO of the screws on my sprocket cover have fallen off, and as a result of improper securing it was pushed out, making the clutch arm floppy enough for the cable to fall out letting it swing freely. I'm getting some loctite and going over EVERYTHING tomorrow...

I promptly turned around and had to shut off/start the engine at every stop until I got back home. Awfully jerky! Then I ordered the replacement hardware kit from SBP, along with carb jets, damper material (I have a squeaky clutch b/c of wobbly countershaft) a new throttle with perfect-length cable (mine is cheesy plastic, WAY too long) a double-pull brake lever (my grip-shifter clutch gets in the way of my rear brakes) and some other parts. I'd like to get an EPA muffler too... we'll see.

I'm kind of thinking about trying my luck with an IGH and shift kit, but we'll see. It'd be nice to keep RPM's down while cruising, reduce drag while coasting, and make it possible to assist pedal at speeds other than <12mph. I've no problem pedaling, I just want to keep up with traffic.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's interesting. I hope I don't get the thread locked or posts blocked.

You can get these at the toy store for $1-5, and they are obviously fake (though could be confused as a flare gun by some idiots or cops on a MWG call.) Dogs might or might not run from it. Follow your local and state laws, please.


I really don't want to shoot anything, but I wouldn't hesitate if it seriously attacked. If there are other measures that will work, that is the best course. I think a .22 rimfire isn't enough, but if that's what you want, get the Walther 22 semi-auto. It is a real hot seller here. It holds 10 rounds and the mag-release is actually a hinged section of the trigger guard, so you will never accidentally drop your mag or have it jam after the first shot if you pocket-holster carry or belt-clip carry.
I agree, dogs are a serious danger to bicyclists and motorcyclists.

For a related thread, see twospoke.com here:

A LITTLE HISTORY back in the LATE 190-S AND EARLY 1900'S Bicycling was what driving a car is today. Dogs were a VERY serious concern to cyclists. So Much that a small caliber 25-30 cal. rim-fire pistol with retractable trigger so it can easily be pocketed and withdrawn to deal with threatening dogs while on the "velocipede" the pistol was called the "VELO DOG PISTOL"


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


Why does this "go shoot the owner" comment always come up in any discussion about defensive firearms and stray/loose dogs pursuing bicyclists? That is just a dumb idea.

The owner could be a meathead, or could be a teenager. The dog might be behind a fence yet hop over it. I am not sure if the comment was some kind of sarcasm or not.

If your dog is not trained then it should be behind a fence. You should get off the bike and go shoot the dogs owner.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

If you are too lazy to train your dog or at least put it on a decent run,you shouldn't be allowed to pull air.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yes, if you have dogs, please contain them. I've known mountain bikers who even rode with their dogs running along with them. I don't see why people would buy an animal that is prone to chasing and then not train it, even just for the sake of avoiding liability.