what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode my bike to work today (almost). It's about 13 miles from the house to work. I was cruising along, passed 4 guys in tights and turtle helmets and went to make my left about 4 miles from work when I felt the rear end wiggle. Got about 20 more yards before the rear tire started flopping around. Picked up the back end and walked the rest of the way to work. My wife is going to pick me up with the truck at the end of the day to get the bike home.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Decided to try to take pictures of how bright my white-wire headlight is



Got any daylight pictures?
Looks cool.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey bikefan, Flat tires are a PITA but not that big of a deal. Just make sure it's put together right the second time. Use a thicker tube, You can use that green goop if ya want. Use a tire liner/protecter inside and "stay off the grass". I'm not talking about the kind ya roll and smoke, I'm talking about the kind that has a million stickers in it. Doing this should prevent MOST, but not all of yer flats.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm crazy about tire liners. I used to live in "Goat-head County" and new tubes wouldn't last a day against those thorns. One teflon liner, and four years went by without a flat! (just normal seasonal leakage) I even went over a nail once, and found it going into the tread and out the side because the super-slick liner just deflected it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got to change a leaky jug gasket. Was a pain to get a decent imprint for cutting the new one, but paid in beer, so no rush. :) Ran like new after, no damage from lean condition. Plug was still chocolate, might have to lean him out in a week.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wow, a lot of dis-assembly there, I never pull the studs or piston to change the jug gasket.
Also, what do you have smeared on the head, there?
I put head gaskets on dry. I guess I'm used to working on Subarus wehre the gaskets go on dry, but it works completely fine on these little engines as well.

As to what I did to my bike today, I guess my nicely tuned RT carb and home made expansion chamber pipe added too much low torque. Because I sheered the woodruff key on the output sprocket today! That was kind of a PITA, mostly because I had to hitch hike a way home. But it wasn't too bad to fix.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Cool. Which liner did you use?

Don't know exactly. I do know that it was "teflon coated polyurethane", but it felt like it was just a strip of poly with some lightweight silicone lube on it; it was definitely oiled. Also, it was brown with black streaks... but I think it came in a package like this: http://www.amazon.com/Mr-Tuffy-Bicycle-Tire-Liner/dp/B0048LO6BQ

So it was probably the same brand. Just got it at a local bike-shop.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i have been trying to get my Schwinn jaguar with a grubee gt-5 kit to run again i have changed the CDI and sparker loop now its backfiring through the carb any tips it was running good till the chain jumped a week ago and took a chunk out of the mag housing on the block side if anyone can help it would be fantastic it
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

would need to see a photo,in order to better understand where it broke.
i broke mine a couple months ago.
perhaps a chunk got caught in the magnet and sheared the woodruff key.
doesent cost anything to look.
if you took the magnet off and installed it backwards.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wow, a lot of dis-assembly there, I never pull the studs or piston to change the jug gasket.
Also, what do you have smeared on the head, there?

That's High Temp Copper RTV. Was no biggie, didn't have to split the case at least. Only took about an hour to pull the jug, stamp an imprint for the new gasket, cut it, rtv it and slap it all back together. Ran like new again. It didn't want to idle, and after a new intake gasket and an o-ring in the carb, there was only one option left. (before having to split the case...) *phew!

Johnny, it sounds like you have your mag on backwards. They only go on one way eh... well, they'll go on backwards, but will backfire like crazy... there's only one proper way they go on :p
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's High Temp Copper RTV. Was no biggie, didn't have to split the case at least. Only took about an hour to pull the jug, stamp an imprint for the new gasket, cut it, rtv it and slap it all back together. Ran like new again. It didn't want to idle, and after a new intake gasket and an o-ring in the carb, there was only one option left. (before having to split the case...) *phew!

Johnny, it sounds like you have your mag on backwards. They only go on one way eh... well, they'll go on backwards, but will backfire like crazy... there's only one proper way they go on :p

And sometimes the woodruff key will only half shear, leaving the timing slightly off. So, sheared key or mag on backwards. Check them both out.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took the carb off my trike, AGAIN, to blow it out. I put a different tank on it last week and thought I cleaned it out. Guess I didn't clean it out good enough. Then took it around the block for a test ride, Runs great. And, Oh yeah, I put a filter on it this time. I THINK that should do it. Now all I gotta do is fix the flat on my Cranbrook. I've been meaning to spacer out my hub adapter a little more anyway, want to get the chain just a LITTLE further away from the tire, so this would be the perfect time to do it. But thats TOMORROW.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

been doing a lot with the bike lately, trying to get it looking the way I want. painting, installing new fork, switching handlebars, all kinds of stuff. today, I rigged up a new kickstand extension with a couple hose clamps and a piece of bent aluminum, installed my left side mirror (right one was installed a few days ago, but didnt have a clamp for the left one), and installed a switch on my handlebars that will control my new headlight when i get it. ordered the headlight last night, so when i get it, all i gotta do is mount it and wire it to the switch and its good to go. bike is turning out quite nicely.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, Fixed my flat on the Cranny and spaced out the hub adapter. Took it for a test ride downtown. By the time I got to Micky D's I was so happy that the chain stayed on and was not slapping the tire I decided to celebrate with a Big Mac and fries. All in all, a good day.
Nothing but got teased by the man in brown today. Was working in the yard when the UPS truck stopped down the street and made a delivery. The driver jumped back in the truck and started up the road in my direction then stopped in front of my house. Only thing I have on order is a Felt Abraham Linkage fork which has been on back order for two months. Driver shuts off the engine and checks his list. I'm feeling pretty geeked at this point! Nope. Starts the engine and drives away while crushing my hopes. Feh.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

lol,Harold,he knows you expectin somtin....
i took my bike for a burn,47 kilometres/hour.my new land speed record.
started looking at my second build,set motor in frame and came up with
a cool idea for a gas tank,2" pipe,mounted below top rail,using steering tube and seat post for mounting points.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

If you don't have tracking/insurance, someone at UPS got a new fork.

Nothing but got teased by the man in brown today. Was working in the yard when the UPS truck stopped down the street and made a delivery. The driver jumped back in the truck and started up the road in my direction then stopped in front of my house. Only thing I have on order is a Felt Abraham Linkage fork which has been on back order for two months. Driver shuts off the engine and checks his list. I'm feeling pretty geeked at this point! Nope. Starts the engine and drives away while crushing my hopes. Feh.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

for over $50 I ask that it be sent signature delivery even tho it does cost a $1 more