what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i got a million of em,i just need to remember.
im fortunate enough to have a lathe,so i can make a drill bushing for any bore i need.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Test fit my engine in a '75 Schwinn Continental. I think it may be getting a new home.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Test fit my engine in a '75 Schwinn Continental. I think it may be getting a new home.

A nice, lightweight chrome-moly steel frame. They used brazed connections instead of the "lug" type. It should make a great Motorized. Send us some pic's when it's done.
Big Red.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

ran into a hitch with it almost right away. Since it uses tall flange hubs, I can't bolt the sprocket to it. Not too big of a deal, I've got other hubs I can build the wheel around, just wasn't planning on rebuilding a wheel for this.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey Steve, You can enlarge the center hole of the sprocket. I do it all the time for coaster brake hubs. I did just notice that the Continental is one of those "skinny tire" bikes. To each his own, I just prefer building a bike with more rubber on the road. It is a great frame though.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Its not the bore size thats the problem, its the fact that the bolt holes on the sprocket aren't far enough apart to clear the hub flange. They actually line up perfectly with the part of the flange that the spokes pass thru.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That would be an awfully large hub flange. is it this one? This is an original 1975 rear wheel, or so the dude claims. It doesn't look all that big in the pic. But I guess you would know. How about a pic of it?


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That isn't a '75 hub, but it is the same size. A '75s hub has triangular openings, otherwise the same. Its not really that big, just big enough that the holes in the sprocket don't clear the edge of it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Might be a stupid idea. If it only misses by a LITTLE bit, take a small round file and notch out for the bolts. I've done it on a OCC with the big flange, worked great.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Could be worse Steve. I did a '63 Tandem with 5" drums I had to get a sprocket around: :p

But yea, like fatdaddy said, just take a round file to the holes till you can clear the hub if that's all that's keeping you. It's the sprocket-to-hub fit that's important.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've been telling everyone how important mantenence on yer bike is, but for a while now, I've been neglecting my bikes. So today I got out there and greased my bucking bar and clutch arm. Then greased up the clutch gear and crank gear and dropped a little oil on the small clutch bearings. Then I jumped on the tadpole and got it all lubed and fixed the headlight. Tightened up some loose bolts, wiped off the dust and test drove it. It's been sitting while I built my Huffy cruiser so it really needed some attention. I think it needs a new plug. I'll get on that tomorrow.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I installed a TTO Tiny Tach.
Thanks again, scotto-, for recommending it!
I like it alot!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My engine revs to 7800 RPMs and the vibration broke the front motor mount, so I fabricated and installed a heavier mount. After I finished the new motor mount I tried tuning the Mikuni carburetor, but I couldn't get it just right. I have an older engine and I'm thinking it doesn't like gasahol much. I'm hoping to get it right for the 4th of July parade.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got another flat for the umptenth time well gotta stop being cheap go buy another thick tube and stop useing some old thin cheapys .
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Reinstalled the newly j.b.welded bearing into pulley,(how I hate cir-clips!) gonna take her for a spin later
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I did nothing to it yesterday, but demo it for my grandparents.
And that demo got the cops called on me.

My neighbor (which I have some colorful names for him) called the cops on me because, "As an (former, liar) EMT, I was concerned because he was traveling at a high rate of speed without wearing a helmet, and it seemed NOISY" Yup, that's right, he didn't give two donkey craps about my safety, he was trying to give me grief over the NOISE. Granted, I usually run an open exhaust, but when the officer showed up and wanted to see the bike, before I pulled it out of storage, I put the exhaust cap back on.

Besides that, the officer almost bought my bike from me. He was very interested. :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You have to get that cop a bike to ride with you. Pissy neighbor really piss me off .we.
Yeah, he said he'd buy one if I built another one or if I wanted to sell the one I have.
That would be funny, both of us ride by when my neighbor is out in his yard. :D