what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Installed the RT carb. Works awesome. Wake up this morning to take a nice long ride and its below zero out. :-||
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I installed my new SBP expansion chamber and rode to work! Just waiting for my mount to get here then its back to finding a different way to place the pipe
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Killed it!!!

Thought the exhaust was clogged so i took it off and ran it for a while. It ran amazing until a rock or somethin flew in my engine end jacked up the piston and cylinder

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ouch! Sorry to hear of the death. :(
FWIW, riding without an exhaust installed on any 2 stroke, especially for a decent ride, will kill the engine regardless. It will run too lean and overheat the piston leading to a seized engine.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ouch! If that isn't paying the price...

Got any pictures of the damage? Hopefully you'll only have to order a new piston and jug.

After poor performance, today I opened up my carb to check for dirt. Well a while ago I tried soldering the leak on my fuel tank, and well, the nasty solder flux paste must of gotten into the fuel. When I opened the carb, it was filled with goopy black gunk! I'm surprised it ran at all!

So I scrubbed all the little parts with hot water and detergent, got a new fuel filter, put it all back together, and now she's purrin' like a kitten again! VROOM VROOOOM!!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

no pictures bit it messed up the cylinder and the top thing pretty bad i think i'm gonna end up buying a upper engine assembly kit eventually whenever i get the money
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Give it a proper burial.

If you cut off the cylinder skirts they do make for a pretty cool looking pencil cup. ;)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

would it be better to buy a new top end to stick on there or just get a whole new engine?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That depends on weather or not the connecting rod and flywheels survived intact.

If the piston came to a sudden and violent stop it can bend the connecting rod, definitely will damage the roller bearings in the connecting rod big end, and lastly it can cause the flywheels to shift out of true.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

well when i took everything apart to see the damage i played around with the connecting rod (pushing it up and down watching it spin the wheal) everything seamed to be smooth so i think its all good
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You're a newbie and know how to take the whole engine apart? You must be mechanically incline. I've had mine for over a year and never dare to open the crank case.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

We played trivia games at work today, "Truth or lie". One of my truths was.....

"I commute to work daily, rain or shine". I have to live the truth.

Today was one of the rare days that it rained hard in the morning. I put on my protective gear, then my rain gear and rubber boots. A mile into the ride, I realized the pants was melting on the expansion pipe. Another mile down the road, the suspenders had disconnected and one strap was wrapped around the rear axle. By the time I reached work, both inseams had split, down to midthigh.:-||

I was dry, though.

It was drizzzling on the way home. The rain pants went to the trashcan, and the rain jacket and boots were enough to keep dry.

If it rains tomorrow morning and my pants gets wet, I keep a change of clothing at work.

Rain is warm here. I could actually ride to work in shorts, then shower at work.dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Replaced the lockwasher and nut on the idler tonight. The nut disappeared on the way to work somewhere, but the idler stayed on the bracket. (Good thing, too, I need the idler more as a guide to keep the chain off the chainstay more than as a tensioner.) I hacked together a fix to get home on it, but it wasn't pretty. I also had to reconnect the front end of the drivechain guard. The tip of it sheared a while back, so I just moved it up and tightened it in. Did the same again, but I should add a washer in there soon.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You're a newbie and know how to take the whole engine apart? You must be mechanically incline. I've had mine for over a year and never dare to open the crank case.

Never even thought of opening it up until i screwed the whole thing up anyway so i figured i didn't have much to lose. Now if i get the new parts we'll see how good i am trying to put it all back together the right way

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode mine to the mini mart to pay a bill for someone who lost his car, then rode to the liquor store for my favorite indulgence.


Believe it or not, you can actually make mixed drinks with it. Unless you are so metal, you just drink from the bottle haha.

Widow Maker

1 part Jägermeister
1 part vodka
1 part coffee liqueur
2 drops grenadine
Combine and shake all ingredients over ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I put together a rolling chassis last night. The frustrations that came about from that exercise, I detail in my build thread...


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