what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

We have what I call stupid weather around here, 80's one day and maybe 20's the next, never know what we're gonna get.

That sounds like Georgia!
same here in Texas... warm one day then in the low 40's the next... I'll ride when it's cold, but when it's cold and wet the bike stays parked...
Well, I got my clutch situation to a more acceptable setup, it has the centrifugal installed but I went ahead and left the manual clutch functional for more control of take off rpm, it can take off from a dead stop just fine with just the centrifugal, but it still engages too soon for a strong take off, but I can hold the manual clutch in and feather it out to give a decent strong take off, but for normal riding it's nice because the manual clutch is now out of the way of the brakes so quick stops are a lot safer and the engine stays running, the automatic take off from the centrifugal is really nice and no need to pedal assist. I did readjust the manual clutch so it engages more like a motorcycle clutch but it wouldn't completely disengage in the locked out position so I set it up so it's fully disengaged when locked out, moved the lever out of the way of the brake, and all is good... for now. The next thing I'll do is shorten the clutch arm at the engine, this will make the clutch a little stiffer at the lever but it should disengage when locked out but still engage well before the lever is fully out. I may also take the clutch shoes off again and drill larger holes (and more holes) thru the weights until it engages at a higher rpm, then it should take off stronger without manual clutch assistance.
Yep, that's Southern weather for you. I'm on the coast in Mississsippi, and this is the third winter day that I've worn sandals. Two weeks ago we had a freeze. Go figure.

So, today, I changed my rear sprocket from 44 to 40 tooth on my 66cc. Normally, I ride 3/4 to WOT. I wasn't brave enough to go past a little over half throttle tonight. I'm very happy with the increased speed overall, and now I just need to get the extra slop out of the chain ,then repack my hubs.

And, dear god, get new brakes.
We have what I call stupid weather around here, 80's one day and maybe 20's the next, never know what we're gonna get.

That sounds like Georgia!

yep I wish it would just make its mind up one way or the other, since these warm days and rain we got brought a bunch of green grass back I haven't seen but one deer at my feeder in the last week.

Oh well.... been here all my life and its just something that happens withn the south.

its just something that happens within the south.

I don't think so, its up here also -7 one day and then 2 days later its almost +30 and we were just on the edge. 200 miles up were Silverbear lives it got down -25 and then back up +25. He! He! just put on a warmer coat, wife bundles up like Escamo. But furnice in garage makes it till spring much easyer ...................Curt
The weather in Moosylvania is pretty predictable. Summer is the second week of August. If it's nice, we have a picnic.
So cold up here now, the ice froze. I'm wearing so many layers I look like the Michelin man but can't move as well.

I swear some of the best work and greatest enjoyment of these things is when ya just sit and stare at em. Big time Zen and soothing. Kinda like when ya just wake up and have that cool thought about what can be done or all the possibilities.


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Cut a hole in my 4G clutch cover. The pulley is a 100 tooth and measured 140.56 mm. Sure made a difference in looks!


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Replaced motor, at 847 miles I blew the top end. Replaced with spare, but I screwed up the porting and ended up just buying a new one.

Second Rose motor now. I have two skyhawk bottoms now, going to get new top ends for both for Christmas and put the skyhawk frame idea on hold.

Mainly because I decide I should probably be saving to buy my girlfriend a decent engagement ring. Then after she's happy I'll ask HER to buy me the skyhawk frame and parts lmfao!! Yay for dating a RN.
I think I started mine up and was warming the engine up and make a taco run this morning but as soon as I opened up the office door at the shop I had a customer waiting for me... No breakfast this morning, but the engine does start on the first or second pull every time now. I ended up being so busy today that I couldn't even ride it up the street for a fresh can of Copenhagen, luckily I had a backup can at my desk (it wasn't my fav brand, but it got me thru the day) or I Really would have been cranky today... No Breakfast, No ride, and No snuff ... Some days ya just can't win...
Had to replace the small bevel gear in my new motor, wasn't hard, I had more trouble getting the screw it that held on the flower nut. Darned thing made me drill it out.

If anyone knows the size of that screw lmk, I salvaged one off the other motor. Didn't think about using the gear puller I have, I used a screw driver, popped off the gear and hammered back in the one off old motor.

No woodruff key, the shaft had the key built into it on both motors, Rose326a eBay motors.

I greased the gear, put it back together and rode it 16 miles to work and back

Girlfriend got me a Park Tools beam torque wrench and new Pedro cable cutters for early Christmas presents. Now my head bolts are perfect
over the past couple days, put roughly 100 miles on the new top end... first 50 miles was in the rain and about 37 degrees... good times lol today, finished hard wiring my brake light and running light. works out pretty sweet...
The bracket came in for the super flash tail light yesterday so I got it mounted today (2 bolts). It holds the flasher quite well.


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Did my morning taco run and on the way back decided to run the GPs to see just how fast the bike really is... I've never used the gps on it since it's been built and for some reason decided to give it a go this morning... and since a lot of my customers notice it parked in the shop they always ask how fast it is. I usually tell them it can go about 25 to 30 mph since it's running the 44 tooth sprocket, but the gps confirmed a top speed of 35 mph on a straight flat stretch of road.... That's about 7 mph faster than I thought it would do with that sprocket setup. :D
Well not nearly enough to get it finished today but hopes are still alive it will be completed by Christmas. I've had not luck with the epoxy mounted rough diamonds remaining seated in the tiny setting I made with a drill bit so my only alternative is to drill the brake pads with a 2 1/4 '' holes and fill the pad itself with rough diamond and epoxy. I have few options on this old bicycle for decent brakes and don't want to spend big dollars to mount brakes on it. I'd rather wear out a set of rims which are actually less expensive than setting up any other application. The side pull set will work I'm sure of it I've mounted the rear have to mount the front next.I'm expecting some improvement in braking any is better than none at all..


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Too busy to ride or mess with the bike today so I just fired it up, reved the **** out of it and filled the shop up with 2 stroke smoke :D

One thing cool about keeping the bike here at the shop instead of home is that it gets a LOT of attention and lots of customers drool all over it asking me if I can build them one and how much it would cost so I may be building a few to sell sometime in the near future... These will definitely all be cruiser frames unless they want to pay extra for the time and effort it takes to squeeze one of these kits into a small mountainbike frame...
I cleared some space, put down a tarp, stood up my bike, layed out my parts...
and took this picture before going to bed.

Also I did this all last night.


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