Went to Denver to pick up a one Dyno but the guy never responded back to me, I even asked 2door to email the guy because he lives in the area. Funny story, I called a guy in Denver about a frame but he already sold it but he gave me a number to another fellow and after we talked he was on the hunt for me and found the Von Franco. Lots of nice people left in this world!
Anyways as things go it was a good thing, I wound up buying 2 Dynos for the same price as the one I wanted. The only thing these bikes didn't have are the stock triple tree forks which is a bummer but hopefully I can locate some good triple tree forks somewhere.
All packed in my car lol.
First bike is what I think is a older model because the front badge is a sticker and not a plate.
Second bike is a Von Franco, it came with the fenders and I'll be selling those along with the fake tank to replenish the building fund lol.
So many folks here helped me get to this point Culvercityclassic was a tremendous help even though I know he has a busy schedule so thanks again Jeff.