what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

grocery hauling trailer

Looks like you could do with a trailer GH..lol

Went to like 6 or 7 dif. places to try and get one of these petcocks.. seemed near on impossible. Ended up getting creative and making something up but will have to wait for the bits to arrive.. that china thread is rare as rocking horse S#!^.:-||
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I don't need a trailer tho the way I do this works flawlessly for me!! Done it this way for years now..Its not that hard to do. For me it is very casual. one of the big plus's of running a down hill fork like I do. Tire clearance! I can still implement a back pack into the equitation:)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Picked up some 90 octane ethanol free gas and mixed up with some fresh 2-stroke racing oil from the motorcycle shop. I can't remember which brand but I mixed it a little leaner than normal at about 3.25-3.5 oz to the gallon and wow! What a difference!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I took all components off of the Wal-mart special beach cruiser Huffy and installed everything on my 1995 100th Anniversary Clear Creek Schwinn W/ super light
Chro-mo tubing they call it It also has the upside down V brake why didn't they just call it an "A" brake looks like an "A" to me. Perhaps A has to much on it's plate and V was available any way here is a photo of the finished results
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Good lookin' mab, Jumpa. I gotta change my bike around a bit...
It's just not working the way I'd like.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm doing the same thing today (buying the ethanol free gas for my small engines.)
http://pure-gas.org/ nationwide (US and Can) listing of ethanol-free sources.

I am convinced that gasahol is not a way to save gas, but a way invented to steal it! Plus, it keeps the grossly inflated, gov. subsidized corn industry rolling. Either way, it doesn't pack as much go-power per gallon.

Some youtubers are having better luck with the china-girl engines by switching to Walbro carbs or by using a rubber hose to lengthen the intake. :-||

Picked up some 90 octane ethanol free gas and mixed up with some fresh 2-stroke racing oil from the motorcycle shop. I can't remember which brand but I mixed it a little leaner than normal at about 3.25-3.5 oz to the gallon and wow! What a difference!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took an old backpack i hand and turned it into a side saddle bag for my bike.
since the straps were nylon or something( it's plastic i know that) i used a torch to melt them a bitt after tying it off to the bike. Wasn't pretty, but it works quite well.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Get 2 similar $5 backpacks, and thread the straps through the other's buckles, you get a cheap pannier set. You can fix them in place by wrapping the supports with a strap from each side, or using zip ties, wire ties, strips of rubber innertube, even carabiners. Wongmart sells web-straps with quick buckles for $2 in the camping section, I'm always finding uses for them, from guitar straps, spare belt, shotgun strap, securing bike cargo.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I sold the BigMo. To a guy in Nampa that already has one. He said that he's cutting both bikes to make one, bigger bike and motorize it :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Fitted the new magneto with a 4 hole type and redone my fuel line so it doesn't vibrate against the spark plug boot then tied it to the frame with a good drop to the carby.
Should be picking up the new tank petcock tomorrow and throwing the china one in the trash. Hopefully that'll get rid of the top end gremlin.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Sunday was a great day for a bike ride!


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nice mab, DH !

I like the look of full fenders and especially getting away from the Pnut tank...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got round to fitting the new fuel line setup today. Little bit overkill perhaps but i'm happy with it.
The fuel poors out now compared to the little trickle it had. Kinda looks like the fuel filter touchs the carb in the pic but it just clears.
Still yet to play with the float maybe when I rock the bike side to side a little dab of fuel comes out the overflow but it can wait atleast I know the bowl is full.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yeasterday I rode down to the Legion to get their lotto tickets and when I got back, the second I pulled into the back yard, my bike died!!! I thought nothing of it cause the weather warmed up big time , and the bike was idling really low.
Today, I went out to clean and relube the chain and clean the rim. When all this was done, I decide to fire it up, and it ran for a bit and then started missing badly and died.
I removed the top of the carb and cleaned out the inner screen. Then I fired it up and it screamed a bit, then started missing and died again. Then it would not star at all even after about 100 pulls - I felt stupid.
I checked for spark and the spark was really small and week, so I pulled the magneto, and noticed the the lead comming from coil that is riveted to the plates, was kind of loose and that the coil could slide up and down along the plates.
I crimped the rivet hard to tighten it up and then solderd it to the top plate.
Problem solved!!!!! fired up on the very first pull and ran super!!! without missing at all.
Now I gotta reset my fuel/air ratio and idle since the electrical is now really strong.
Funny though a few days ago, my kill switch failed - I had to pull the magneto and solder a brand new ground wire on and install a new connector.
My bike ran really well and consistent for the last 2 months and now ait will run great right till spring.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks guys, it's a china kit.

Today it rained but I took out the bike anyway and in full attire, riding boots, bomber jacket and cap with goggles and gauntlet gloves. My wife said I looked like a freak! I might but it was fun even with the rain :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yeasterday I rode down to the Legion to get their lotto tickets and when I got back, the second I pulled into the back yard, my bike died!!! I thought nothing of it cause the weather warmed up big time , and the bike was idling really low.
Today, I went out to clean and relube the chain and clean the rim. When all this was done, I decide to fire it up, and it ran for a bit and then started missing badly and died.
I removed the top of the carb and cleaned out the inner screen. Then I fired it up and it screamed a bit, then started missing and died again. Then it would not star at all even after about 100 pulls - I felt stupid.
I checked for spark and the spark was really small and week, so I pulled the magneto, and noticed the the lead comming from coil that is riveted to the plates, was kind of loose and that the coil could slide up and down along the plates.
I crimped the rivet hard to tighten it up and then solderd it to the top plate.
Problem solved!!!!! fired up on the very first pull and ran super!!! without missing at all.
Now I gotta reset my fuel/air ratio and idle since the electrical is now really strong.
Funny though a few days ago, my kill switch failed - I had to pull the magneto and solder a brand new ground wire on and install a new connector.
My bike ran really well and consistent for the last 2 months and now ait will run great right till spring.


From: Measure Twice

I bet it was those gound hogs, there awakening and go around widdeling loose ground connections.

But really, I have a Briggs and they use screw/machine thread and nut with external tooth starwasher. The thing that is really a mess is the solid wire that is very brittle for the kill switch/points that broke off on me right down next to the epoxy (primary larger diameter wire thankfully). I melted with a crummy old solder tip to gain access to a 1/4 inch of this coated magnet wire. Then exacto knife scrapped away insulation and the soldered using the good tinned tip an extension wire. Used High Temp RTV and had it all back together using stranded high temp wire like the stuff for volt meter probes. No breaking that way!

I just have to add this.... once happened when a ground wire on the blower motor on the air conditioner in car had got loose. I had a cloud starting to rise from below the passenger side floor under the dash board. I was driving freeway speeds and was freaked out. It was really an opaqe cloud expanding upward. The installation on the AC was not good. They did'nt use an external tooth start washer on the wire lug or even scrape away much paint to get a good ground. Just letting you know if you are not driving through fog, but are actually transporting it:)

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Dallas MB ride and Pizza dinner, Feb 19 Sunday, 2012, Message for details. If it rains, we can move it another week. 50 mile ride starting at White Rock Lake in Dallas, buffet pizza.

I didn't do anything to mine today but buy a spark plug, and I'm getting a section of radiator hose for a air intake tunnel for the Tanaka33.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Just a few short hops to the market yesterday... my mab is ez to start and runs very reliably for the limited things I use it for!

I bought my chinagirl a new set of ground tackle yesterday.
found this old hack of a ratbike at the salvage yard. will try to get it rolling today. rc


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


From: Measure Twice

I bet it was those gound hogs, there awakening and go around widdeling loose ground connections.

But really, I have a Briggs and they use screw/machine thread and nut with external tooth starwasher. The thing that is really a mess is the solid wire that is very brittle for the kill switch/points that broke off on me right down next to the epoxy (primary larger diameter wire thankfully). I melted with a crummy old solder tip to gain access to a 1/4 inch of this coated magnet wire. Then exacto knife scrapped away insulation and the soldered using the good tinned tip an extension wire. Used High Temp RTV and had it all back together using stranded high temp wire like the stuff for volt meter probes. No breaking that way!

I just have to add this.... once happened when a ground wire on the blower motor on the air conditioner in car had got loose. I had a cloud starting to rise from below the passenger side floor under the dash board. I was driving freeway speeds and was freaked out. It was really an opaqe cloud expanding upward. The installation on the AC was not good. They did'nt use an external tooth start washer on the wire lug or even scrape away much paint to get a good ground. Just letting you know if you are not driving through fog, but are actually transporting it:)

You've got as Briggs??? Those are good motors. My winter motor is Bridgestone Titan which has proven to me to be very tough.
Just got back from a ride to get goodies and smokes-running good -tonightcvlt1 I go out again. Today is Feb 4(Sat.)