what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Pretty much have the bike dialed in now with the 24" tire. able to get to a nice cruising speed of 38-40mph in 7th gear.

next i'm going to build this for the bike: DIY LED Tachomter (RPM gauge)

takes a voltage input and converts to an led bar graph.
i'm thinking that since the white wire voltage increases with rpm, i could use the input from that to use as a signal.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thinking about adding a centrifugal clutch and pull start to the bike so I used a torch to heat up my crank arms and bend them out. Even if I don't add the clutch and pull start I think it just makes it look a bit older and it moves my feet out a bit farther from the chain and muffler.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Added a stubby crank and a 20" rear wheel. Touched up some paint and changed the rake in my forks.( replaced the spring with.a cap.screw and a couple nuts to make it adjustable)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What is a stubby crank please? Is it like a 1 piece crank, with short arms?

I installed a velocity stack on my Tanaka 33 xct2and used an ink pen spring to aid cable throttle return. I used mineral oil for cable lube and it freed it up a lot too, and didn't make a mess. http://motorbicycling.com/showpost.php?p=359969&postcount=28

Added a stubby crank and a 20" rear wheel. Touched up some paint and changed the rake in my forks.( replaced the spring with.a cap.screw and a couple nuts to make it adjustable)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got tired of being stuck inside (dealing with a sinus infection :< )

so i went out, drained the gas tank (had just a few ounces in it) then mixed a fresh gallon i had with opti-2 and poured it in.

the motor loves it! it not only ran super smooth, but just had raw power it never had before.

probably need to lean it out a tiny bit, but it runs great.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Worked on the Dynacraft WC LTD for a bit today. I sized the neck stems to fit into the downtubes on the forks. Tomorrow I have to work on my Harbor Freight bandsaw. I got a new blade for it and I need to see why it doesn't want to cut straight down anymore... prob a loose roller or something. While I'm at it I've never liked the way the base wobbles around. It's just sheet metal and has needed from the get-go to be braced. I got plenty of flat steel so that won't be a problemdance1

Whoohoo!! 300 pages :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode my Tanaka bike (pedal) with a bunch of Critical Mass riders. They were the friendly type, smiling and waving at people, talking calmly with curious drivers and onlookers. I've heard of some Critical Mass events with a lot of animosity and police crack-downs. I wouldn't support any of that.

The bicyclists were mostly snarky, but a few were interested in the Dax system. Some said "That's cheating!" I told them, no way, I pedal it like a bike, and it doubles as a car that looks like a bike. They quit being so holy after I told them it gets more than 100mpg.

I had a fun day! I rode bikes in a big group, and it is fun to see the city at night that way. I rode for hours on 2 Liters of mix gas, and the bike ran well. The ace-bandage air screen seems to work really well.

I saw rabbits, armadillos, coyotes, and an owl. I thought the owl was going to attack me! It fluttered its wings and launched toward me, so I blinded it with my helmet light and it flew away. I like owls, but I sure don't want to tangle with one!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It's been a good week for commuting to work. The only glitches were carb adjustments due to a high fuel/oil ratio, and a pesky first-to-second gear delay. New shifter cable and housings were installed; I need to tighten the cable a smidge.

I adjust my carb quite often. It's hard to do on the road, with engine running. Now, instead of carrying a screwdriver in my pocket, I change the "L" and "H" settings with the fingernail on my forefinger. Adjustments can be made with engine running @ the traffic light. With a screwdriver, I had to turn the engine off and adjust settings.

When I pumped in 3 quarts of 87 octane and Opti-2, f/o became almost normal @ about 95:1, up from 80:1. The Tanaka 47R engine REALLY enjoys 100:1 with Opti-2. Idle is smooth, plus there's less oil splatter with less oil in the fuel mix.

The Tanaka's OEM muffler tip is too short. The 1/2" exhaust extension hose won't stay connected. I need to fab an extension piece for the muffler tip.

My pullstart jams on the second pull, with the rope stretched out and stuck. I just pull on it a couple more times, then the pullstart starts working again. The first time it happened after work, I was frazzled. After disassembling the pullstart, I loosened the center screw and it started working again. When it happened again, I didn't wanna keep disassembling it every time it happened. So I pulled on the stuck rope and it recoiled to normal!

I just had an epiphany! Instead of repairing/replacing the defective pullstart, I'll just leave it on the engine. If someone tries to start the engine, the rope will stretch out and jam. That'll be a good theft deterrent.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I haven't ridden at all for the last week or two, the weather's been too crappy and the workdays have been too long. I've been keeping the pressure up in the tires, and rocking it to keep the fuel from separating completely in hopes that the next morning would be a riding day.

However, I upgraded some of my gear last weekend with a trip to the Vancouver Motorcycle Show. Sadly, there weren't that many custom bikes to drool over this year. I ended up being able to take advatage of the show prices with a new DOT certified Voss fiberglass shorty helmet, a pair of goggles that actually fit my face (UV protective, too) and a mask to reduce the sting of the grit, crap and rain (added bonus, it protects your eyes from my ugly mug ;)).

All suited up I look like I should be an extra on a Road Warrior set.


The helmet also has a built-in swing-down tinted visor for the bright days.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My wife informed me that we needed Benedryl as well as contact lens solution. I know an excuse to ride when I hear it. I double checked the thermometer; 50 degrees! Good enough for me. I cruised on down Southwest Street - a marvelous, twisty, turny little-used residential road. Not many people outside, but heads did turn.
I park at Walgreen's, lock up, and go in. Meanwhile, outside, the barometer's dropping like an anvil in a Roadrunner cartoon. I come back out and, as I load my stuff in the trunk, I notice it's grown markedly colder. And with an icey wind to boot. I couldn't get my girl started the first couple times, until I set the choke again. Once I let her idle a bit she was alright. I got home and read my thermometer, it had gone back down to freezing already! Whoa!
She does like to run in cold weather, but only if you can get her started and if you have time to warm her up. Otherwise - she likes the warm, sunny days. She obviously was unhappy being dragged out on a day like this, but I couldn't resist.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Swapped the rear sprocket out to a 36 tooth, changed from 20.1 to 35.1 oil ratio semi syn. and finally got the 18mm mikuni dialed in perfect.
Very happy with the result reaching 70km/hr passing cars and watching them check there speedo and lookin at this 6'5 big bugger hooting along i think there's still another 5 to 8 km/hr in it but seems to just be falling over at the moment gets to 70 and just dies like a rev limiter or something.
I know it's not the jetting as if I go I jet bigger or 1 jet smaller it basically does the same thing.
Gr8 day lookin forward to my next fang.
Cheers breno
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

A visit to the LBS got me a new Bontrager speedo. I also picked up a spare 8-speed chain, which I cut to proper length and keep in my backpack. I also bought a Shimano brake cable kit, so I'll fab new cable/housings today.

I also went to the motorcycle shop to try on new helmets. After finding the correct size I ordered a RED full-faced one. It should be here in a week. This is it:


Why a red helmet? I'm gonna make stencils and create an.....



It'll match my red FOX chest protector, red/black elbow guards and red/black gloves. Dirt bike armor that I wear every time I ride my MB.

The helmet will also make me less invisible (What does that crazy bicycle rider think he's doing?).

My coworkers call me Iron Man, Transformers or Tron.

I am..... Iron Man.dance1
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

They do love the cold Allen, for sure. Woo 5-7! Anti-Invisible for the win! Load up on LED's all over the suit, heh heh. Full face would get pretty hot in the summer though, eh?

Niice helmet CT, love that visor.

breno: hey, at that speed/rpm you might be getting some crazy vibes, and foaming the bowl. You could try a hose mount carby, or balance the crank :p /$0.02

I've been waiting for the river to freeze up good, to go for a rip up'n down the river with the snowmobiles :D Gotta have some kinda fun this time of year... :p
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey killercanuck, I have a gut feeling its not foaming as it always does it virtually at the exact same speed everytime I fiddled with the float in the carb going both ways too with an unchanged result. The vibes come in at roughly 50km/hr but are short lived seems to get smoother up the top end.
I gotta feeling it may b my magneto not keeping up it only measures 260ohm the new 1 should turn up today hopefully.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

They do love the cold Allen, for sure. Woo 5-7! Anti-Invisible for the win! Load up on LED's all over the suit, heh heh. Full face would get pretty hot in the summer though, eh?

Niice helmet CT, love that visor.

breno: hey, at that speed/rpm you might be getting some crazy vibes, and foaming the bowl. You could try a hose mount carby, or balance the crank :p /$0.02

I've been waiting for the river to freeze up good, to go for a rip up'n down the river with the snowmobiles :D Gotta have some kinda fun this time of year... :p

I wear a 3/4 helmet w/shield up all the time. Full face w/shield up should be ok. I don't perspire much. No LED's, but I'm prolly painting my chest protector, back brace and knee/shin guards to match.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I went riding around for my usual errands today. The weather was awesome!! Went around town and did some shopping. :)


Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It may just be too slow of a flow..from the tank. Check this discussion out. http://motorbicycling.com/showthread.php?t=24880

Looks like you could do with a trailer GH..lol

Went to like 6 or 7 dif. places to try and get one of these petcocks.. seemed near on impossible. Ended up getting creative and making something up but will have to wait for the bits to arrive.. that china thread is rare as rocking horse S#!^.:-||