Shameless plug for my favorite website
I recommend them 100 percent! Although I will probably pass on the little backrest they are producing currently, Doesn't fit for me aesthetically and I feel like mounting/dismounting the bike would be more difficult for the passenger and myself.
Passengers have had nothing but good things to day about it comfort wise even with bumpy terrain . Recently I have discovered just what they are talking about :3 If I know I'm not going to be peddling ill put my feet on the pegs and just move myself back onto the rear seat... so comfy! <3
In my minds eye its tron like or chopper esque lol I probably look silly, but I don't care. It has really made me want to hurry up with the upgrade on the saddle to a brooks, just another thing to check off the list

Quality Id give it a 10 outta 10, It holds my batteries, people, and even has room for a bumper sticker of the site, I do not have a lot of experience with racks or second seats for that matter, but I cant imagine ever having a bike that I had some sort of influence in building in the future that doesn't have one of these on the back.
Brace yourself for a Reckless Eyeballing by most people you pass when you have someone on the back.