
"liitle" lol Civl. Looks like you could hitch a good sized trailer to him and would have to try an' get him to slow down.

His face looks like that old cartoon where the sheep dog and coyote punch in on a time clock and spend the rest of the day fighting. Too funny.

Looked it up. They were Sam and Ralph! Wolf and Sheepdog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gets ya wondering, don't it? Where are they now. Retired to Fla or some thing. Hope they had good agents and contracts and not living on some piddly sum barely getting by. We really have to do more for aging cartoon characters.
"'Mornin', Sam. 'Mornin', Ralph." Wow, that takes me back. What happened to those cartoons? Too violent or something? That was the good ol' days. I've been buying up all the old cartoon video's I can find for my daughter. I want her to be able to experience all the good one's, even if she doesn't like 'em.

About my dog, that picture doesn't do him justice. His paws are almost the size of my hands(and no, my hands are not the size of that guy in the burger king commercials). When he gets after a ground squirrel and starts digging, it looks like he has shovels for paws. Dirt flies everywhere. I have been trying to figure out how to trick him into digging holes where I need them. Hasn't worked so far.
LOL, first dig a hole, then put some thing in there he can smell and wants. After back filling lead him to it. He will dig it right up for you. (LOL, I will get at least one email explaining to me why that won't work)

This is gonna sound like an old man complaining but new cartoons are just sad. I mean that Literally and Figuratively. Watch any of the new Batman ones. They are actually depressing and morose. Look at Sam an' Ralph. Even locked in mortal competition, They said "Good morning" and "Good night" when the whistle blew. I always thought that was funny. Always at a crucial moment.

Just makes ya wanna go make beeg trouble ford Moose and skwearl

YouTube - Sam Sheepdog & Ralph Wolf - Woolen Under Where (1963) LOL! @ "TOING" and "PING"

"Yup, good to be alive Ralph"
It did get derailed, didn't it? Oh well. It started out with Dan needing advice on a welder. He has it now and even surpassed modern technology with the materials he could weld together already.

Good job, Dan!
and i miss being all giddy for saturday mornings and getting up early and watching my favorite cartoons. as they were only on from 6am to noon back in the day, and we only had a 12 inch black and white tv. No lie . Now its 24-7 and i hate most of them.

Me too. We had a 13" zenith in our travel trailer. It had a button on the front for changing from color to black and white! It was even remote control. The remote looked like something that would have a restroom key chained to it. It had on/off, volume up/down, channel up/down, and mute. When you changed channels, a big dial turned. That tv still works!

Little more derail-ment.
This is too funny Civil, I came rushing home to report the very sad news that while talking to a maintenance guy at work who said "I'm no welder" showed me a brass and steel door plate in one of the buildings. They had no drill or some thing and it had to be bolted or made one pc. Again with the not knowing it can't be done, lol
Pic below is of my "cart" Has room for a plasma cutter and bottom shelf is a rack made with rods so could tie down bottles. Really nice that it is on wheels
Notice the top. Carol says I have "Flatitus" If it has a flat surface, some thing ends up on it. Sorta like YouTube - George Carlin Talks About "Stuff"


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That took me back. Up early to watch em. Bowl of Capt. Crunch, spilling milk on my Batman PJs. (Batman was kool! I even had a helmet) We should thank who ever invented Crunch Berrys. Turns out they don't really grow on trees
HAHA! Maybe we did. I don't know if I was luckier, you noticed the living in a travel trailer part, didn't you? I can't complain, though. My dad was an iron worker and we traveled all over the country for his work. I loved it, but we didn't have room for much. 4 people in a 21' trailer. Always moving, so you had to make friends all over again every time you moved, be the new kid in school 2 or 3 times in a year, depending on the length of the job. It was really fun, looking back on it. However, I was glad when we finally settled down and bought a house. My dad is one of the hardest working people that I have ever met, I have to give him that.

I have to add this: My dad was one of the construction workers on the epcot center(spelling?), but anyway, you know where Mickey Mouse use to stand on top and wave in the commercial, I got to stand there with my dad. We rode up in a crane bucket. That was back in the good ole days.
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I have been looking at this bender. I gots me a bunch o' HF coupons. 12 Ton Hydraulic Pipe Bender

I have seen this tool in action it is real nice. You have to buy the dyes individually though edit: or ya used to just looked at that one they say they are included . Now I want one. Used them with stock car race builds in a body shop I used to work in about 12 years ago.. It will do the bike tubing.

I read on the other builder forum that the big OD tubing is almost impossible for bending. I think that one will work ok.

Found this one.. "I-I-I know what you're gonna say son. When two halves is gone there's nuthin' left - and you're right. It's a little ol' worm who wasn't there. Two nuthins is nuthin'. That's mathematics son. You can argue with me but you can't argue with figures. Two half nuthins is a whole nuthin'. " Foghorn

I can't find the episode with the kid bombing with paper airplanes. Where one of the ''Wagon'' Quotes came from..

Well, I thought. This is how the world works. All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him. He knew. He knew all along.
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A quick heads up on that bender, we've exactly that same one where I work and sadly - it's useless for bicycle tubing. As it's not a mandrel tubing bender, it's a pipe bender - (the die presses up and the outer shoes/rollers stay in place) "thin" walled tubing like our bicycles have flattens & kinks every time :(

I suppose it may work if you're interested in doing the old sand trick - but if yer interested I've a list of links on my work 'puter for "affordable" mandrel style tubing benders, even a coupla DIY designs I can post later... but they run around $300 minimum (one die set inc.) and I don't think Harbor Freight sells 'em...
Please send me the links or post I "Need" a bender. Does your shop have a ring bender?? I am so tired of working with what's available, wanna make my own. Thanks in advance.

NP Mac - tho I gotta warn ya that this was all research I was doin' for a buddy so I dunno the vendors or reputations *shrug*

The Pro Tools 105 is prolly the best bet for the money: Tube Bending Machinery, Pipe Benders, Tubing Notchers, Bead Rollers

Plans: Bender Similar to the Hossfeld #2

Plans: Tubing Bender

One of the best, lower-cost tubing benders: Pipe Bending Machinery | Tube Bender | Hossfeld No. 2 Tube & Pipe Bender | Fencing, Racks, Shelving, Cars & More

Then there's things like this, I dunno ANYTHING about them... but they look like they outa work & they're cheap (dunno about this vendor - but there's a couple to choose from): 3rd Generation Hydraulic Round Tubing Bender Assembly
Thanks BA! Puerto cool and saved me a hundred beans. With tax, thats 108 beans and 47 kernels of corn

Was gonna write ya and ask if the thread title could be changed so as not to confuse folks.

I am thinking, "welders, dogs, vintage TVs, TV, and cartoons" Always have to have one thing crazy so as to gave plausible deniability.

("welder" snork)

Did not see links above. Thanks again!
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