
Thanks Hurricane! I really am. You were right, was a good choice for a beginner. Really enjoying it and can't wait to get back at it. Gonna try with gas today. Dang neighbors an' family wanting to sleep past 6AM on a Saturday morning. Don't they know I got scrap to make!

Sounds like a great idea Civl! Really hope ya can make it up this way some time for one of the New England rides. Just a side note, CT is the most liberal state about MBs that I have read up on. (Has been a while so I could be wrong) But ya need a driver's licence, a seat height of min. 26" and an engine under 5 HP! No 30 MPH or cc restrictions. How cool is that? Still a bicycle (motor assisted cycle by law here) Local Peace Officers either thumbs up/smile/wave or look away like "don't bother me"

Is pretty awesome. The possibilities that some thing like this allows for. Woke up this morning wondering what I could try. The 2 main options are res-erect Ol' Red or get the parts for a jet. Being so new to welding, I think both are equally dangerous to me but the jet might be to others so going with the cracked frame repair first. (Bike is a cheap wally world Point Beach with 6,000 documented miles on her and died/cracked due to some serious abuse) But am excited about the jet idea.

"Suns coming up, got cakes on the griddle. Life ain't nutton but a funny, funny r i d d l e. Thank God I got a welder.
From Northen Tool"
(woke singing that and is still cracking me up) wut? snork

Next, mini lathe/mill! dnut
Dan still needs to make his flying Motor Bike.(^).fly

GH!!!! LOL!!! No kidding just said that last night to Joe. Got a design in my head. For a gyro-copter semi recumbent. Really want to do the floating/boat one as I would much rather crash to the Earth in a fire ball with a water cushion then just making a big brown spot on the ground, lol

Easy to make the handle bars operate a rudder (for the air pusher propeller like an air boat in Fla.) Working on the up/down control. What I am thinking is a locking system that allows the bars to be released so as to also operate in a vertical direction. Also have to come up with a 3 point harness/ seat that would work for both modes of travel.

This is gonna be kool!

Forgot to say thanks for those links. Have them all open but have not read them all. Is good stuff and thanks.


I missed a bunch of posts on this thread and have to reread.
Hey Dan,
Figured I'd chime in with the welding thread/riverside build you just did. I was dismantling my riverside yesterday, cutting usable sections of pipe off some frames, a good scrap of stock always helps, I found a crack on the seat tube just about at the end of the seat post insert, would figure to ba a subtle stress point, figured you could keep an eye on that area

Oh man Mac, thanks Mac. I really love the looks of the Riverside and gonna try to replicate it but that is down the road and will be on her for a good while.

Just dawned on me, you didn't ride your's much? Wow, not a good sign. You had a bracket there too?
I am really worried about the seat stays/drop out area. Not much material, not well lined up and really suspect welds. If nothing else, got a good model to work from.

OH! Ain't them seats awesome? Gonna go to local leather shop and see about what I would need to try and Reupholster. Their being so flimsy, makes em cushy. ( cushy fer da tushy) But like the rest of that bike, may not be worth nursing much more. Really is purty though.
Cool day. Was practicing with scrap being dutiful and just taking my time then saw my DIY bolted together muffler. hmmmm. Is just electrical conduit, connectors and a st. 45 brass plumbing fitting. Thought I should leave it alone then remembered it cost less then $5. Wasn't sure if brass and the EMT could be mated. By no means good looking but ended the leaks which were huge. Really, really liking this machine and the whole deal of welding. Just kinda cool to have the ability sitting in the shop. (read garage) Although, might have to find a real one to rent. Carol keeps trying to put yard tools and cars in there. Crazy woman. She came home today with a plack; "Work tomorrow. Man cave today" Was funny.


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"RE: Mig tip spray...also anti spatter spray is a good idea and a great alternative to the store bought sprays is cooking oil sprays, works as good & smells a whole lot better than the store bought anti spatter sprays too...


That is awesome. You mean like "Pam"? I really like the home remedies. I use bacon grease on chains and rust.

Yes mate exactly, this one would be my pic, but yes any of these spray on oils used on frypans for cooking work as good as the bought stuff (i.e store bought anti spatter spray).

"Really, really liking this machine and the whole deal of welding"...indeed its cool ain't it, when you can weld add in a angle grinder, rule and a bevel square and you can make lots a cool looking stuff ;-)
You welded WHAT to WHAT??LOL, I wouldn't have even tried, but I guess ya never know. I will cot a sectional from the seat tube tomorrow and mic it out, I bet it's around 1mm thick max, I will let you know. I didn't ride the bike much cause I didn't like the way it felt, looks are awesome, just my preference, guess I had about 1-1.5K total on it.
Well thats a new one on me. But the welds look decent enough. Im just surprised it worked is all. do me a favor and give it a couple smacks with a hammer and let me know if it held or not.

Will do Hurricane. Think its more made bubbles (wtf) /attempted bead out of the inside of the emt connector thing. Dunno will look. I am hoping this is one of those deals were I am to dumb to know I can't do that so went ahead and did it, snork.

Just woke and this makes perfect sense to me.

WTF= "well, thats fun" That's my story and I am sticking to it.

LOL Mac, I didn't read your post until I wrote above. Voltage on 1, wire feed on think 4. 0.030 wire and just stuck it in gaps and pulled the trigger. (LOL sounds like a punk rock lyrics from the 80s)

I did try to twist it with gloved hands, nothing more and it held. Will beat it off with a hammer today (that really sounds like punk rock song lyrics from the 80s) and will report
Should have said, the emt connector meets the manifold which hovers around 500F so the chrome looking paint/covering was all burnt off already. Just incase and for future attempts if this works for folks.
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I'm surprised none of the more experienced guys have warned you about welding galvanized metals. The fumes are not nice and you need to avoid breathing them. EMT is typically always galvanized and you need to read up on this and take the proper precautions.
As for taking a couple of starter classes; that's good advice. It might save you money in the long run by saving on wasted consumables (wire, gas, etc) practicing. With that said, there is no subsitute for practice after you get the initial steps mastered. Good luck. Have fun and watch where those sparks land. You do not want to burn down the man cave.
Miked the seat down tube on the riverside, .054 or 1.37mm, just FYI.

Thanks Mac! Think I figured out why they ride some what different. The handle bars are not quite as wide and far back as some cruiser's bars. Sorta like a MTB and cruiser kind of feel to it. Like the 50s and 60s road bikes. Dunno. They are not that much shy of regular cruiser sized but your right, is a different feel then most cruisers

I'm surprised none of the more experienced guys have warned you about welding galvanized metals. The fumes are not nice and you need to avoid breathing them. EMT is typically always galvanized and you need to read up on this and take the proper precautions.
As for taking a couple of starter classes; that's good advice. It might save you money in the long run by saving on wasted consumables (wire, gas, etc) practicing. With that said, there is no subsitute for practice after you get the initial steps mastered. Good luck. Have fun and watch where those sparks land. You do not want to burn down the man cave.

Hey Tom. Yes and thanks for the heads up. Was told a few times here and via mail. Read the directions and be careful. My bad for not repeating it.I am real worried about that and take great care as Carol would kill me if I died. Had a door sized air inlet and an open garage door to vent. I worked from the upwind side. My mothers husband passed not that long ago from all sorts of not fun stuff including lung issues cased by welding for 40 yrs.
Pretty sure you guys have seen this, but I'll put it up for the younger guys that might not.
The welding galvanized reminded me of it.


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Har! We had a similar thing with the Coast Guard inspectors. For inspections, every thing had to be "ship-shape" and well labeled. We got a couple of minor hits for silly stuff. Was my job to make and keep right. The inspector came back for a final shake down cruise. Every single thing in the vestibule was marked with 3" red letters. Chair, door knob, light and light bulb and deck-hand 1 threw 6 marked by letters on our foreheads.
Oh! forgot to say the weld between the EMT and brass held well. But the brass did not enjoy being whacked with a hammer. LOL, took 2 whacks before it dawned on me.
But held.

That was hilarious. I can see you standing there saying, "Well, the weld's good, but the part is screwed!"
Pretty sure you guys have seen this, but I'll put it up for the younger guys that might not.
The welding galvanized reminded me of it.
DON"T even get me started on OSHA. I could go on for hours...:(
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Another good chuckles from this thread,@ Civilized Ive worked at places where that sign was on a wall.

@Dan, just keep your head out of the smoke trail and welding small galvanized parts isnt going to kill you , at least not right away ..LOL

And to be honest that gal. to copper weldment you did is funny it did not fall off when wacked. Meh chalk it up to 'not knowing any better but still worked" kind of things ..lol

lol, ayup. 2 true.

Put the pipe on a bike yesterday. Is just so cool to look at some thing and say or think "I'll just weld that" I really hemed and hawed about "blowing" $315 bucks on this thing, but wow, Just so dang cool to have the ability.

One of the greatest bits of advise I have ever heard was from a WWII vet. "We were to dumb to know we couldn't do it. So we just went ahead and did it"

I am sure every one is getting board with this thread but just wanted to say thanks again to all for the great advise and good cheer. We gotta chip in and send Paul and the mods a bottle for Festivus as a thank you for hosting and providing "here"