Oh man Civl! Was thinking about getting one this morning. Check clist a lot but after seeing and playing with this welder, am a big fan of NTs products. How cool would that be. Could do so much.
The mini lathe/mill I want is 600 and was wondering what to get next. Now is a tuff call, lol.
The lathe is so I can make a kick start and multi speed tranny for 4 smokes. (well mostly) The cutter, bike frames and and a lawn fountain that shoots ping-pong balls to the top and follow down a few terrs. A few others. Both for a gyro-copter/boat/MB. (lol, Ernest Borgnine voice in my head is singing high hopes. Man, he can't sing, snicker)
Carrol is gonna have to get a second job to support me in a style of which I would like to become accustomed. 2 funny. I am just kidding.
She is amazing. Like talk radio, she is all support and laughter, all the time. Goes to sleep grinning and wakes up giggling.
hehe, this morning I woke her by putting my face about 2 inches from hers and gently taping her on the shoulder. My upper front teeth are long gone from a really well spent but questionable younger years life. So I look like a vampire when I grin with out putting in my upper plate. So she screams. So I scream. Frankly, I have a much better shrill, lil kid one, lol. The dog thought this was great fun until Carol started hitting me. I was laughing to hard to block. (**** hath no fury like a Carol POed) Nobody had to get up and spent a good long while just laying there laughing like kids. And thats just a Monday.
Got side tracked there. But what toy to get next?
Thanks for the link. I was afraid to look.
Almost on topic, for a cart, I had this brand new industrial stainles steel kitchen table. I had bought it for a floating hot dog cart I never got around to opening. That cutter would fit perfect on it next to the welder. Just dang cool.