
Oh man Civl! Was thinking about getting one this morning. Check clist a lot but after seeing and playing with this welder, am a big fan of NTs products. How cool would that be. Could do so much.

The mini lathe/mill I want is 600 and was wondering what to get next. Now is a tuff call, lol.

The lathe is so I can make a kick start and multi speed tranny for 4 smokes. (well mostly) The cutter, bike frames and and a lawn fountain that shoots ping-pong balls to the top and follow down a few terrs. A few others. Both for a gyro-copter/boat/MB. (lol, Ernest Borgnine voice in my head is singing high hopes. Man, he can't sing, snicker)

Carrol is gonna have to get a second job to support me in a style of which I would like to become accustomed. 2 funny. I am just kidding.

She is amazing. Like talk radio, she is all support and laughter, all the time. Goes to sleep grinning and wakes up giggling.
hehe, this morning I woke her by putting my face about 2 inches from hers and gently taping her on the shoulder. My upper front teeth are long gone from a really well spent but questionable younger years life. So I look like a vampire when I grin with out putting in my upper plate. So she screams. So I scream. Frankly, I have a much better shrill, lil kid one, lol. The dog thought this was great fun until Carol started hitting me. I was laughing to hard to block. (**** hath no fury like a Carol POed) Nobody had to get up and spent a good long while just laying there laughing like kids. And thats just a Monday.

Got side tracked there. But what toy to get next?

Thanks for the link. I was afraid to look.

Almost on topic, for a cart, I had this brand new industrial stainles steel kitchen table. I had bought it for a floating hot dog cart I never got around to opening. That cutter would fit perfect on it next to the welder. Just dang cool.

Just a word before you invest in the plasma cutter. You'd better be prepared to buy a BIG air compressor to go with it. They are the greatest tool to have if you're going to fab metal stuff but they do require lots of CFM to do the job right. When I was a working man we had one where I worked and it saved countless hours of cutting then grinding but then we had two 75hp compressors. I borrowed it once and tried it at home. I have a little 5hp with a 50gal reciever and it wouldn't handle the plasma for extended cuts. I'd have to stop and wait for the air to build up. Just my experience.
I would like to see that sink as a cart!
This is my little HF cart with both a cutter and welder. Notice the hood!


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Tom, that must have been a massive plasma cutter. Did it run off 110? I have a fairly small compressor, about 20gal, and don't have any problems.

Nevermind, I just noticed the "extended cuts" part.
Just a word before you invest in the plasma cutter. You'd better be prepared to buy a BIG air compressor to go with it. They are the greatest tool to have if you're going to fab metal stuff but they do require lots of CFM to do the job right. When I was a working man we had one where I worked and it saved countless hours of cutting then grinding but then we had two 75hp compressors. I borrowed it once and tried it at home. I have a little 5hp with a 50gal reciever and it wouldn't handle the plasma for extended cuts. I'd have to stop and wait for the air to build up. Just my experience.

Hmmm, would be cool to have air tool capabilities too. Thanks Tom. What would "extended cuts" be? Just wondering

Civl, that table is great! Is a lil tall (I am 4 foot and 17 inches) Paid like 80 bucks for it at Sam's or one of those and is perfect for this. Could put a lil compressor and all the tanks on the lower rack and have the top to work on. Nice to be able to move it around. My shop is a bit small. (one car garage) Question (again, snork) Saw on a vid, the instructor used his steel work bench as a ground and clamped the piece he was working on to the table. Any reason stainless could not be used similarly?

LOL, are any of us working today?

"Work tomorrow. Man Cave today" Might make that my sig.....
I'm sorry, hurricane, I'm an opportunist. It was much better received this time, though.
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Hey Dan, yeah, you can use stainless as a ground. As long as you have a good contact between your vice(or whatever you use to clamp the part) and the table.
last night I was looking at ring tubing benders. Manual ~$200, nice~$1500. can radius(the 3 roller type) from 3/8" to 2" pipe/tubing and also flat metal with a roller change. I don't see a frame I couldn't build with that puppy!! So, a TIG or ???

Awesome Mac! You get the tig and we can switch every 2 weeks, lol. Which benders are you looking into? Given your tallents, gonna be cool to see what you come up with for frames. Toying with the idea of a utility MB. Rack mounted HF 2.5 HP on a DIY frame with full suspension. 20" rear wheel, 26 forward. Motion detector, solar powered spot/head light. A from scratch MB with only function in mind sort of thing.

I have been looking at this bender. I gots me a bunch o' HF coupons. 12 Ton Hydraulic Pipe Bender
Will do Hurricane. Think its more made bubbles (wtf) /attempted bead out of the inside of the emt connector thing. Dunno will look. I am hoping this is one of those deals were I am to dumb to know I can't do that so went ahead and did it, snork.

Just woke and this makes perfect sense to me.

WTF= "well, thats fun" That's my story and I am sticking to it.

LOL Mac, I didn't read your post until I wrote above. Voltage on 1, wire feed on think 4. 0.030 wire and just stuck it in gaps and pulled the trigger. (LOL sounds like a punk rock lyrics from the 80s)

I did try to twist it with gloved hands, nothing more and it held. Will beat it off with a hammer today (that really sounds like punk rock song lyrics from the 80s) and will report

Well i knew you could braze stel to brass but not mig welding it thats new haha... However, surprisingly i was told of a new welder at my mates work that can weld alumnium to steel, lil different than your traditional welding though.

How cool is that!

Aside from this, is there any thing where this would be useful? Just kinda cool if we did come up with a new or previously untried thing.

LOL, can we call it a "snork weld"? Naw, would be to hard to explain later. "why is it called a snork weld?"

Any one else try it yet? Has to be useful for some thing
are you makeing much side cash with all those tools ?

Not anymore. I used to work, work, work, chasing that dollar. One day I looked back and 10 years had passed without doing much else. It was time for a lifestyle change. As long as I'm employed, the tools at my house are just for me tinkering and repairing my own stuff. Maybe help out a buddy every now and then. If something happens, I can always start working from home again.
Oh man Hurricane. Never worry about that. The best threads seldom resemble the original topic. Really, I am enjoying this big time.
There is a really old one about carbs or some thing that turned in to nothing but pics of peoples pets and funny storys. Is great
When I welded up my M. Build. I would have to lead the dogs outside the garage. Then weld a bit and wouldn't ya know it there they would be waiting by the door. They got a chair in the corner they all love they follow me around enough to trip over them lol.. Greatest buddies ever!!
Just a side thought, have you guys noticed most MB folks love their pets? I named one of my lil enterprises after our crazy mutt.

MBers, half a bubble off plumb but to the good.

I started this thread but has some great storys. If ya read it, be sure to check out eDJ's "Cats don't know its garbage" Cracked me up. http://motorbicycling.com/f28/lessons-learned-pets-1862.html

Any one ever hear from eDJ? Haven't seen him in a long time. He comes up with some great stuff. Whole bunch of folks MIA.
Yeah, like MB Monkey, Retiredmachinist, Neat Times...Where are those guys, anyway. And what about Scarecrow's brain?
Yea they are, but chihuahuas are too needy ,but they make up for it in cuteness I guess. But I like the sound of your dogs , my guess is they are yellow labs ?

Close they are pit mutts. The vet thinks one of them has lab in it though. He is the greatest most patient obedient dog I will prolly ever own. He looks just like Old Yellor from the movie and is about 12 years old still looks good too.. That one is Amstaff back to Mastodon I think. The one truest pit blooded male was a hoodlum if ya was snoring hard enough [and he new it too] it might get on the kitchen counter top and open cabinet doors. A real opportunist dog that one was. Lost it to a huge bag of apricot seeds killed it at 10 years old. Never forgave my self for that one. That thing could clear a 6 foot fence.

I will always remember the guy sitting in that chair in the garage. He was a helper.

Terrible guard dogs they are too. Least mine are they will follow you around as a burglar I think and help you pack my stuff. Naw not really. Sometimes I think they would let down that way.:)

They will bark and let me know something is amiss.

One thing I know you sure can't sneak up to a house full of Chihuahuaslaff

One of wisest things I heard is you don't own a dog it owns you.
Yeah, like MB Monkey, Retiredmachinist, Neat Times...Where are those guys, anyway. And what about Scarecrow's brain?

Been meaning to write Ron. (Neat Times) He had some things going on and all of a sudden, just gone. I know folks didn't like the idea of a sorta buddy system thing but really hate it when people disappear. Maybe a MIA list thread?

LOL @ scarecrow's brain. If any of us knew, we wouldn't be here Tom.
This is my little poochy smoochy. About 180lbs of pure love and the best natural guard dog ever.

Sorry, I had to chime in on that one.


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