
"Tracking Detail

Your package is on time with a scheduled delivery date of 11/12/2010."


Waiting for the house to wake up then off to HF For a helmet, sleeves and pliers.

Grey and Red Skull Welding Helmet

18" Split Leather Sleeves

8" MIG Welding Pliers - Welding Accessories - Welding

I am so glad we live in an age with internet. Just amazing what it can do. Instructional vids, shopping and tool reviews. Getting to ask you folks. Carol's Mom thinks I can fix any thing. Keep telling her I got tools and Google. Makes it a whole lot easier.

Lets do this next? build your own space shuttle - Google Search snork
Hey Dan.
Just reviewing threads, those pliers are a must!! This welder is capable of welding aluminum, but you will nee a non metalic liner(for the torch lead) and use 100% argon shielding gas(4psi) but if you havn't tried it yet someone should show you first, good unit for steel light work, try setting B for frame work, wire speed a bit over 2 if your using .035. I concur with hurricane, loose the skull and flame helmet, go with industrial,duck tape some extra leather on the bottom(neck protection) and easier to do the "welders flip"... just my thoughts.


Just a note on aluminum, use the 52xx series wire,not the 40xx.
LOL@the BFH Hurricane.

Thanks for the heads up on the helmet. Had beter (and more!) reviews from folks who sounded more experienced. I am assuming it is used by more professionals then the one I was looking at.

I almost didn't post my thing above as I sounded like a kid up early on Christmas morning. (That's only because I feel like a kid up early on Christmas morning) Really glad I did and thank you for taking the time to point that out. And your suggestion has a bigger viewing screen! (minor vision problems) This is the one you intended?;

Adjustable Shade Auto-Darkening Welding Helmet
Hey Dan.
Just reviewing threads, those pliers are a must!! This welder is capable of welding aluminum, but you will nee a non metalic liner(for the torch lead) and use 100% argon shielding gas(4psi) but if you havn't tried it yet someone should show you first, good unit for steel light work, try setting B for frame work, wire speed a bit over 2 if your using .035. I concur with hurricane, loose the skull and flame helmet, go with industrial,duck tape some extra leather on the bottom(neck protection) and easier to do the "welders flip"... just my thoughts.


Just a note on aluminum, use the 52xx series wire,not the 40xx.

Thanks Mac. Purty awesome.

Really can't wait to start making some scrap. lol.

Eventually, want to use a riverside or point beach frame as a model and make a bike from the ground up with putting an engine on, intrinsic to the design. Then a space shuttle.

Dan, I was thinking more the one next to it

Auto Darkening Welding Helmet with Blue Flame Design

Nice wide viewing area, and the design is proper for a welder, The one you posted above is a little cheaper, so if money is an issue it would be a good starter helmet.

There is no reason to hold back on your excitement on getting this welder, I feel the same way when I get new tools.

On a side note, yea this welder could weld aluminum but it is sorely underpowered for it. Any 110 volt welder will not satisfy you with quality nor penetration of weld pool for aluminum. But your new welder will be awesome for bike welding and sticking to steel products you will be satisfied with its performance ,

This reviewer seems to agree with you Hurricane; "this is a great product. and if you dont get one your a dope" LOL

Has a slightly larger view and the flames are just sticker. cool
the internet thing again. Amazes me.

RICHMOND, VA, US 11/11/2010 8:10 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
11/11/2010 3:11 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
CHARLOTTE, NC, US 11/10/2010 9:38 P.M. ORIGIN SCAN

Is like tracing Santa. (oddly apt analogy, lol) I went to find a tracking Santa link and found a bunch of folks stating publicly that there was none. How expletive sad. First off, there is! Second, how broken or emotionally stunted does a grown-up (laugh) have to be to say that. My buddy's 6 yr old clibms up on his lap to show him how to do stuff online. Guess there is some bad too. Just a bummer. Takes just as long to type some thing for good as it does to destroy a child's beliefs or hurt some one's feelings.


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Hey dan, unless your dressing up for holloween do not get that skull helmet. It screams "noob" as far as a welder goes.

I disagree, but what's new with that? That helmet doesn't scream "noob." I think it screams thrifty, sense of humor, just a little different, maybe even I don't care what you think. I have this exact hood, just so you know, and I've been welding for over 20 years. I have several other "name brand" hoods that just collect dust. After my father came over to help me on a project, he went and bought the same one and he is a retired millwright/construction worker. He's been welding for about 45 years! You just can't beat them for the cost and great functionality. Besides, we are MBer's. It's not like we fit the "normal" mold anyway. Do what makes you feel better and doesn't break your wallet. Just know that these helmets work great.

Enough of that.

You'll be eyeing that blue welding cart before long. Just give in to temptation when it hits you. You can't beat it for the money either. Then spare tips, vice grips, magnets, extra wire, man I love Harbor Freight.
Again me with the internet thing but how amazing is this?

RICHMOND, VA, US 11/11/2010 8:10 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
11/11/2010 3:11 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
CHARLOTTE, NC, US 11/10/2010 9:38 P.M. ORIGIN SCAN

Is like tracking Santa
Oh no, I have offended the welding god! I would say that supervisor sounds like a prejudiced, judgemental prick that I wouldn't work for anyway, so thanks but no thanks. I don't want to start a measuring contest. Just stating that they work fine. If that's what he likes, it will do the job perfectly. The seriousness of work should be measured by the work, not the hood. We are talking about welding, right? What a boring place you must work in.

I guess you would turn down a job if I was the one recruiting and you saw I had that hanging on my argon bottle as well, huh?

Sorry Dan, didn't mean to derail ya. I won't talk like that anymore in your thread.
RE: Mig tip spray...also anti spatter spray is a good idea and a great alternative to the store bought sprays is cooking oil sprays, works as good & smells a whole lot better than the store bought anti spatter sprays too...

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Just a side thought, some of my favorite folks here, I spent months arguing with. Don't make me pull this thread over! I will do it and no HF for any one until next week! (OK, I got nutton)

"RE: Mig tip spray...also anti spatter spray is a good idea and a great alternative to the store bought sprays is cooking oil sprays, works as good & smells a whole lot better than the store bought anti spatter sprays too...


That is awesome. You mean like "Pam"? I really like the home remedies. I use bacon grease on chains and rust.

LOL GH. Ya lunatic.

I still can't believe Budweiser did not hire us. (yet)
OH!!! Forgot to say. I have never seen or worn an auto darkening helmet. I always kinda doubted they could work fast enough. Out of the box and trying it on, I looked into an unshielded 300 watt bare light bulb and turned it on. Worked like I could not believe! Really impressed with this thing.

Just sayin' for future readers. Well worth the lil bit of $.
That chinese helmet will go good with the home made welder I am making out of a couple of old microwaves.
You know Dan the biggest thing I get in a hurry and or lazy about is prep. You really want good clean surfaces. The other thing is don't over demand the welder. Mine has a 130 amp 30% duty cycle. Last you don't want to weld on something so hot that you warp it.

On my M. build I zig zaged around the bike and sorta stitched my way in. I had a fan that I immediately turned on between welds to help cool the project down , but I turned it off when doing another weld.

Far as aluminum goes I will take a good steel alloy over it any day. You can get your finished project powder coated where they bake the paint on . This kills two birds with one stone you get to re-temper the bike frame around the welding , and get a very durable to cost paint job.
Here is an example of the warpage distortion I was referring to.

Welding sequence - Mountain Bike Forums

I always read up on these.

Headtube/Downtube (hypothetical) repair question - Mountain Bike Forums

Frame Failure, Be Careful - Mountain Bike Forums

I run into stuff all the time here like using V blocks never heard of them?

building with a surface plate and blocks - Mountain Bike Forums

Strangest steel ever worked with........ - Mountain Bike Forums

Anvil Tube Bender - Mountain Bike Forums

There is some really good tips here.

If you look in this forum there are classes for this stuff. One might even be in you area.
That chinese helmet will go good with the home made welder I am making out of a couple of old microwaves.

Let us know how that comes out sounds very cool Ferball. Us hobby folk gotta stick together too many great Idea's! We have some real greats here! Like this guy he made a machine shop out of scrap aluminum!


On the subject of microwaves I never cook food with them guess I am just old school. Yet these guy's have left me with a new found fascination with them lol. For awhile any way the video's eventually got old.


Then there is alternators..
Alternators make great arc welders, here's mine........

LiveLeak.com - Microwave transformer arc

I googled microwave welders and a whole mirad of stuff showed up. Very cool!


My favorite welder is still Tig...
I have a 120v welder from Sears (Clarke) 89.00, and a self darkening hood from Tractor Supply 29.00.

They are more than enough when used properly.
Came home from work and a big yeller box was sitting on the porch! Purty cool.

Any way, set-up was fairly easy after watching youtube, NorthernTool vids and reading directions. Oh, should say fast shipping and the thing is well built and rock solid. Put on the brandy new gear, and tried my hand. Was amazingly easy as you guys told me it would be. First trys are not gonna win any awards for pretty, but tried to pry parts apart and almost bent an old screw driver. Then tried to beat them apart with a hammer and they still held. Was interesting all around. Second pic is how well it penetrated. Only one light spot. Also tried the material I want to use for mufflers. Worked beautifully.

Really glad I asked you guys, Thanks again and still.



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And, so it begins! I can't wait to see some of the stuff you come up with Dan. Wish I was a little closer to ya. I would enjoy hangin' around drinkin' a beer while you work. I'm normally the one working with others drinking my beer.