Yeah sorry guys, ive havent been able to work on my bikes the last couple weeks. My girlfriend hurt her back and while trying to get treatment we found out shes pregnant, we definitely werent planning, and i always said id never have kids.... but ive come round to the idea and kinda excited (already have a pedalcar and sidecar/bicycle plans going lol). Anyway because she was pregnant Kelly couldnt get very much in the way of painkillers she has been in a lotta pain but is ok now.
I went to Greazefest, it was awesome. But i dint take either bike, i had about another soild days work for it to be ready, just ran outta time, and now im not rushing it. I worked up to the night before and still had wet paint and decided to not take it. And as i had been working on that i hadnt done the finishing touches to have the Villiers running.
I have the 2" front pulley fitted and tried to ride it but it now deinitely needs that upper primary guard/guide to allow the primary to slip when needed, as i couldnt even pedal the bike. I cut some stainless steel at work and just need to modify it to fit.... ive just started a 5 day break from work so hope to get all this done.
Heres where im at on Kellys bike and pretty much where it was up to before Greazefest