Velocars and other interesting vehicles.

E1,000 = £720 = US$1,060 at current rates. Looking at the prices on this linked page, I think somebody has an enlarged profit gland in that shop.
Here in Swiss - everything is too expensive! Such "brocken house" aren't cheap at all, except for clothes or books (peopel do not use to read anymore). That bicycle looks as new and isn't more expensive then usual bikes, except Chines junk that are between 300 and 400 Swiss franks (or up to 900 if they are declared as "European design", not production)...
(100 Swiss Franc ~ 100 USA $$$)
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How much would it be in Serbia?
I couldn't guess that! As I know, RALEIGH bicycles were never imported in Serbia or former Yugoslavia. Maybe, before the WW2 - but I never knew for any such classis on streets or for sell.

Some 15-20 years ago, there was huge import of cheap bicycles from China (black and big), in simlar style and size. I planed to buy one second-hand, liking its size and simplicity, but they soon dissapeared from streets - probably because of bad quality?
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[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]Hello there,[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]A few days ago, I found manufacturer of multi-wheel bicycles - in my Serbia!
Attached are photos with some of the models - in the title of the photo is the price in Euros. Not so expensive as some offered here, but still too much for me...[/FONT]

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]
Interesting thing is that owner offer to sell entire business for 100,000 Euros! He would give 3 months training, probably with bad/food facilitates, and later support and consulting, knowing hospitality of those people...[/FONT]

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]Probably that market for such vehicles in Serbia isn't developed enough and he do not have power to start longer, stronger and expensive marketing campaign. Export to Europe could be problem because of too complicated and too expensive procedure of getting attests..

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]Ciao,[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]Zoran [/FONT]


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P.S.: Some of the models are with electric-motors!
Attached are a few photos more...


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What's a euro in dollars, does anyone know? Zoran, the two seater with canopy would be the cat's meow for you and your sweetheart. Pedal and electric assist... perfect!
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]Hello Silver,[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]
For 1,000.00 Euros you have to give 1'261.82 $$$... Maybe today it is something different, but not too much![/FONT]

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]
Unfortunately, I spent my pocket-money dedicated for quadricycle! Maybe just a little could be found for modifications of this present if I wouldn't be satisfied with it. If I just knew for this workshop before I started construction of this one... Now, I found one workshop more near Belgrade, but just for 3-wheel vehicles. Probably that I would visit both of them when spent holiday in Belgrade during May...[/FONT]

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]
Zoran [/FONT]
Thank you on nice photo and excellent links!
That guy is quite serious type in totally crazy auto!
Good for him, joy for us.
I like this little 2 wheeler. I'd like to do a DIY version of it. The 2 wheeler can go places that will not accommodate a wider trike. Video at the link.
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif][FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]Hello WB,[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif][FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]
Cute cabin recumbent bicycle, but probably too expensive, even could be built DIY method (simplified a lot). I would need small wheels for starting and stopping - never was good rider. Didn't have own bicycle, except a few months as post-middle-age person...

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif][FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]Beside, I [/FONT][FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]mus[/FONT][FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]t have two places!
--- ---
Attached are photos with jolly pensioner and their senior-scooters! Not for me, for a few reasons, in spite that they could be practical. There is a couple here in Bern that cruise entire year across and around city, just for fun. They can enter all pedestrian zones, including parks and market-centers, restaurants, gardens of cafes and so on...

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif][FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]Ciao,

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif][FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif][FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]P.S.: And a few simpler versions, fully HPV - go everywhere!


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Don't like mobility scooters :(

They are far too passive for me. Sitting like a pudding on something that carts you about is too much like having one foot in the grave. As far as I'm concerned any mobility solution has to have pedals or you might as well just stay in bed.
I have seen what happens when people start using these Deterioration Carts before it's appropriate. They lose what mobility they have, get fat/fatter and end up in the wooden box years early.

When the time comes, I will use sticks, zimmer frames, crrrawl before I climb on one of them.
When I go for a walk these days I take one of my bicycles with me because it makes for a fantastic mobility device. The big wheels roll easily, it has brakes, I can lean on it if I need too and of course if I get bored with walking I can ride it home.

I've seen folk stare at me amazed when I dismount from one of my old bicycles, unhitch my walking stick and head off to do whatever it was I need to do.

Yes I very much agree Ludwig, mobility scooters are a total kiss of death and I wouldn't give one garage space even if I just kept one to throw things at when I get grumpy.

A better solution :)