Velocars and other interesting vehicles.


AWO prototype.


Lacroix de Laville "La Nef" 1906


Tricycle monoplace De Dion Bouton 1902, moteur monocylindre

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The 1906 La Nef and the red 1902 trike are pretty darn cool :)

I'd be hard pressed to pick between them, armchair elegance vs lean and hungry steampunk sportyness. Decisions decisions.........


AWO prototype.


Lacroix de Laville "La Nef" 1906


Tricycle monoplace De Dion Bouton 1902, moteur monocylindre

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]Хелло Лудњиг, (sorry wrong button)[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]Hello Ludwig,[/FONT]

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]I think that I would be satisfied with any of shown three-wheelers! The most practical, and probably cheapest to build/buy and run would be modern MZ motorcycle modification! (I couldn't be sure if that was old East German two-stroke of 250 cc, or some modern variant OHV)[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]Second useful could be ex-Army (which one?) motorcycle with side car – maybe RUSSR Ural/Dnieper or some Chines clone... There is one similar ex-Swiss Army motorcycle with sidecar, but with engine inspired by HD – unknown manufacturer.[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]Then, this veteran three-wheeler Gillette – as the oldest probably... (but, just for museum?)[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]La Nef is totally crazy construction (Annie – probably French?) - the same just for museum and parades! Could it be replicated – yes.[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]Red three-wheeler is quite new for me – never saw it! Better said – I couldn't be sure that it is De Dion three-wheeler – maybe it just used engine De Dion in “[/FONT][FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]automobile[/FONT][FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]” made by some other manufacturer? But- quite nice and looks practical – no mater if original or replica![/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]Ciao, Zoran[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, sans-serif]P.S.: I would be less active in a few weeks - holiday in Belgrade, but I hope that I will follow you even from that distance (wife's lap-top
The black flat twin is an AWO, DDR, prototype from the Simson factory.

The MZ is a 251, the model after the ETZ250, and it reverted to the softer port timing of the Supa 5 model, as the ETZ was nothing below 3,000 and topped out at 6,000. The soft porting actually made for a far better riding experience. The trike conversion was done at the factory as the business was collapsing, and nothing came of it.
G'day to you all!
I returned from one-month holiday in Belgrade and ready to think about velocars again!

For the start, some nice woodwork, inspirative for a few masters present here and fun for us not so capable...



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... and a few more, from CycleKart Club!


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Hello there!
...and, now a little more of woodwork! One is for begginers!



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"This is fairly interesting"
The e-Morgan would be a lot more interesting if they cut the price by 75%, IW.
Fast, all weather velomobiles sell for around $10,000 and they are still very rare in the States. I think the Veloschmitt can be built for under 10 grand as well.
"This is fairly interesting"
The e-Morgan would be a lot more interesting if they cut the price by 75%, IW.
Fast, all weather velomobiles sell for around $10,000 and they are still very rare in the States. I think the Veloschmitt can be built for under 10 grand as well.

Oh I completely agree WB, the price is fairly horrible, my interest was mainly in the idea and the potential inspiration such a vehicle is likely to kick into action.
I guess I'm just impatient, IW. I once read that when modern bicycles were first manufactured, only the wealthy could afford them. I hope velomobiles will become as affordable and ubiquitous before too long (before I'm too old to ride).
In the 1970s, affordable kit cars were sold in droves to fit the standard VW bug chassis. It would be nice to see a bigger, more affordable variety of body kits available for recumbent and delta trikes.