Intrepid Wheelwoman
New Member
Hello Steve. Living as I do with a disability that can affect my mobility adversely from time to time I'm also in the position of having to consider three wheelers over two wheelers as my mode of transport. When I'm well I still can ride a two wheeler, but having seen the writing on the wall I know it would be wise to prepare for the future; - the fun must still go on afterall 
I have numerous bits I have hoarded which would be useful to build a velocar once I actually make up my mind as to the design format. It has to look old though, - like you I'm fussy on that point.
So you owned a Morgan briefly? I'm amazed that you could bear to part with it, - but then again having not so long ago sold my much loved 1954 Series II Morris Minor I can very much understand how it is that these things happen.
Just this week I discovered a trader here in New Zealand who sells Chinese made 50cc quad bikes for around $NZ350.00 and I thought I would save my pocket money to get one. Rather than try and buy the parts I might need individually for a velocar which could prove expensive, I thought that stripping down one of these quads for useful parts would be the better way to go. Afterall all the parts for the electrics, brakes, steering etc etc would all be there just waiting to be unbolted

I have numerous bits I have hoarded which would be useful to build a velocar once I actually make up my mind as to the design format. It has to look old though, - like you I'm fussy on that point.
So you owned a Morgan briefly? I'm amazed that you could bear to part with it, - but then again having not so long ago sold my much loved 1954 Series II Morris Minor I can very much understand how it is that these things happen.
Just this week I discovered a trader here in New Zealand who sells Chinese made 50cc quad bikes for around $NZ350.00 and I thought I would save my pocket money to get one. Rather than try and buy the parts I might need individually for a velocar which could prove expensive, I thought that stripping down one of these quads for useful parts would be the better way to go. Afterall all the parts for the electrics, brakes, steering etc etc would all be there just waiting to be unbolted

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