User name meaning?

I got my nick way back when I was young and my only transportation was a motorcycle. I lived in Tucson and a lot of us bikers would take trips out to the mountains for the week end and everyone would take beer but a would take my jug of orange juice and tequila. The guys thought I was drinking tequila sunrises so they called me Sunrise.
Mrs. Joe is a silver junkie! She won't own gold, but silver is another story! I for one am glad it costs less....
The pic I have for me is a life size silver rose, I made out of one piece of silver. I also make all sorts of jewelery, if you need some thing please feel free to ask.
Like Norman and justbill, Walter F. is my name and last inital,I've hade so many street names and alias' that I'm using one I don't have to remember. My sometimes girlfriend thought I should use something more discriptive, like"oldandintheway", if that woman couldn't cook she'd be outta here!!!!!
Walter F.
I hope your old lady doesn't look at your posts or your name might be lumpy.rotfl

She thinks computers are the "Devils Tool" especially when she accidentally bumps it and it comes to life with pictures of naked ladies I use for a screen saver.

You look like a "crafty guy", you think a Harley oil tank would work as a gas tank? Or have you fabbed up anything "cute"? Walter F.(c)
Huckersteve.. Well, I'm Steve, and I got my name through my affiliation with my friends at Go Huck Yourself, and our Freeride/DH mountain bike culture.

Basically, hucking is a term which seems to have been popularized by big mountain snowboarders and skiers who would "Huck" big cliffs in deep powder. Mountain bikers began to adopt the term when we started going for big air, particularly large-ish drops in the post suspension era.

The original "Huckers" from GHY and myself hosted numerous events up here in the NW over the past few years, including a couple of serious contests involving riders from all over the US and Canada back in 05 and 06. I was/am an active member of several MTB oriented forums and known on all of them as Huckersteve. Easy to remember for me, and perhaps familiar to a friend or two who may now or in the future find their way into MB riding as I have.
I actually got my user name from a friend of mine. We were sitting up late one night playing video games and he said that I should get an email account. I told him that would be great, but the only thing was, I couldn't think of any screen names for my account. We started thinking and he remembered that all of my friends have a name for when I get mad... Ben Rage. He suggested [email protected] but I wasn't quite sure about it so he thought some more and he came up with the other part... Smokin. I asked him why he chose to add that to the screen name and he said it was obvious, I am a smoker and also when I get really mad, it looks like smoke is about come shooting out of my ears, hence Smokinbenrage.

I Moved To Fl In 91. Acouple Yrs Ago I Was Trying To Come Up With An Ariginal Name For My Off Shore Boat, As We Are Supposed To Have One. Yrs Ago When My Youngest Daughter Was Dating A Boy, I Asked Her What Kind Of A Boy Is He. She Said : Dad, He Is So Neat !! I Thought That Was A Cool Answer. It Passed Through My Mind Many Times Over The Years. So Thats The Boat Name "Neat Times".
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I actually got my user name from a friend of mine. We were sitting up late one night playing video games and he said that I should get an email account. I told him that would be great, but the only thing was, I couldn't think of any screen names for my account. We started thinking and he remembered that all of my friends have a name for when I get mad... Ben Rage. He suggested [email protected] but I wasn't quite sure about it so he thought some more and he came up with the other part... Smokin. I asked him why he chose to add that to the screen name and he said it was obvious, I am a smoker and also when I get really mad, it looks like smoke is about come shooting out of my ears, hence Smokinbenrage.


Well ill be darned!! Same EXACT damn story here. I would say this was back in 96 or 97. I love my nitro powered RC cars and my friend decided on scope because we loved war games and I also used to snipe people. Lucky number is 8 and when you add it up, nitroscope8. Yeah, it's been around for a while.
I'm a member of several automotive forums. Super Coupe Club of America , - Thunderbird & Cougar Club of America , Modular Depot - Your source for Modular Performance parts and service - Modular Depot - Your source for Modular Performance parts and service , The Corral - Home just to name a few, and my SN comes from the fact that my project car is a 1991 Mercury Cougar (cat) and it has a 351 Cubic Inch Small Block Ford V8 under the hood :D so, 351cat. It's also really easy to remember ;)

I'm totally a gear head and i cant wait to destroy, er.... i mean improve on my first moto bicycle when i get the kit. :)
my name comes about from some custom bicycle choppers that I created in the shop, my last name is File and the bikes I built is the style I like and the 1 is just a number .
rotflI chose goat herder cuz I just couldn't think of anything else how bout lord helmet norm? As better name for me.That could be funny, just messin love this site. Bugs bunny was always cool cartoon win I was a kid.
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What's in a screen name

My screen name came from my

Rockenstein is one word and does not mean "rock" as in what you find in the ground or "enstein" as in Albert. Rockenstein was coined by my kids due to the fact that I have a pair SuperFi EB ear buds that stick out of my ears in a way that resembles the bolts Frankenstein had sticking out of his neck. The "rocken" part is short for the old rock 'n' roll I listen too I figure. Most of the time when I ride my unmodified mountain bike I have my Sony Walkman and the SuperFi EB's plugged into my head and when I'm heading out the door the kids will say "bye bye rockenstein" so Rockenstein it is :)
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I dusted off a old thread and merged it with your thread, I hope you do not mind. Man this old thread brings back memories :D
Me with my previous "project".


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My real name is Doc,sometime it is a big problem.Every time i apply for a new auto weapon license i get a note from the A.T.F."NO NICKNAMES".Harleys Dad comes from my drug k9, DOCS HARLEY DAVIDSON BLOCKHEAD.My last k9 was AUNT BEA TAYLORS CHOCOLAT PIE. HARLEYS DAD
Fin is your hair still that long,yours is a little longer but my hair and beard is gray,comes with age i guess HD
In hot rod jargon there are coupes, roadsters and sedans. The sedans are often referred to as a 2door. Car guys know that if you say "2door", you're talking about a sedan, not a coupe, which also has 2 doors, or roadsters, which have, yep, 2 doors. Go figure. My sedan, which is my avatar is a 1930 Ford 2 Door Sedan. And the rest is history.
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I picked the user name because of the long winters up here and the year i was born.
and my avatar changes from time to time.
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