User name meaning?

Mine is pretty self explanitory. A little over 37 years as a machinist, and then yes retired to play in my shop. Thats how this whole Motorbike thing got started for me. Perfect timing for retirement.
My Avatar is the Big Block 69 Camaro that I used to have. Still can't believe I sold it.

for me, the edge refers to the edge, of U2, the guitarist, my hero, and 150 is the price i paid for my first guitar, a 1997 Stratocaster(american)
Fin is your hair still that long,yours is a little longer but my hair and beard is gray,comes with age i guess HD

That picture is from about 5 years ago and my hair is still that long although my beard has gotten a lot lighter in color. Most pictures of me you can't tell about the hair because I keep it in a pony tail.
'57 Plymouth?

'58 Plymouth Belevedere 4-door with a wide top 318 and the 2 speed (Torqueflite?) push button transmission. I loved that car but it just got to be too expensive and I could never afford the body work it needed. If I had the money I put into that thing I could own a whole fleet of MB's!
'58 Plymouth Belevedere 4-door with a wide top 318 and the 2 speed (Torqueflite?) push button transmission. I loved that car but it just got to be too expensive and I could never afford the body work it needed. If I had the money I put into that thing I could own a whole fleet of MB's!

think the 2spd push button trans is the powerflite but I'm not sure.. 318 " wide top " has polyspherical heads which is 1/2 Hemi... Most of what I do is classic cars. should be painting my '51 Chevy sometime this week. it's a Fleetline ( Fastback ) 4dr. and it does have some amature bodywork due to time and money, but it looks ok.. My dad used to have old Mopar also. had a '68 Cornet with 383, and had a rusted out 426 Hemi donor for free ( '70 RR that was abandon and land owner gave it to him ), just got rid of the car b4 it was all togther and that was in the early 80's.. just got back into them with a '66 Charger 383/ 4bbl
My last name is Wood . I have been called Woody for 45 years and I am left handed . Best I could come up with at the time
Weekend-fun Easy Fun on the weekend. I have been called Sammy, but my most used nick name was given to me by my brother,he calls me Idiot or !@#$. :(
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Terronthe Snake is short for Terron the Snake Wrangler, I have a fascination with snakes of all kinds. Proud owner of one 14' 128lbs Burmese Python, and an 8' 36lbs albino Burmese Python for many years. My other Nick names are Snake or SnakeMan.
I'm a member of several automotive forums. Super Coupe Club of America , - Thunderbird & Cougar Club of America , Modular Depot - Your source for Modular Performance parts and service - Modular Depot - Your source for Modular Performance parts and service , The Corral - Home just to name a few, and my SN comes from the fact that my project car is a 1991 Mercury Cougar (cat) and it has a 351 Cubic Inch Small Block Ford V8 under the hood :D so, 351cat. It's also really easy to remember ;)

I'm totally a gear head and i cant wait to destroy, er.... i mean improve on my first moto bicycle when i get the kit. :)

Hey, you might have seen me on FoxTBirdCougarForums then....had an 83 TBird, and did a writeup on the disassembly of the digital cluster I picked up for it.

Anywho, the meaning behind my name on here. It is the name for me and the rest of my friends, the name of our group. We are a group of creative individuals with a common interest in cars and writing.
You will understand this more than most. Met a girl in the mid 70s and as we started spending week ends together she told me to use her 69 Cougar to go into town to get something from the store.
Started it up and it was a definate power house. Backed out onto the hyway and floored it.
The car did 3 360s and I pulled into the drive shaking like a leaf in a breeze, Got out and looked under the hood and saw COBRA JET 428 on the air cleaner.

Her only comment was, I thought you knew.

Her brother was hit head on and the car was totaled and we put it in the barn. It may still be there.

You will understand this more than most. Met a girl in the mid 70s and as we started spending week ends together she told me to use her 69 Cougar to go into town to get something from the store.
Started it up and it was a definate power house. Backed out onto the hyway and floored it.
The car did 3 360s and I pulled into the drive shaking like a leaf in a breeze, Got out and looked under the hood and saw COBRA JET 428 on the air cleaner.

Her only comment was, I thought you knew.

Her brother was hit head on and the car was totaled and we put it in the barn. It may still be there.

Steve, When I finished my first tour in Vietnam I came home and bought a '69' Boss, 429.What a torque monster. Must have been something lilke the 428 Cougar you drove. Had more power than traction and would melt the rear tires. Wish I owned it today.
Tom--Her brother and I would go into the 2 block long town I was headed out to when I first used the Couger every Thanksgiving and lay 2 strips of rubber for about 4 blocks.
That car was as you said a monster.
I can't guess how much more your 429 had but it must have been scary fast. Then there was a Super Cobra Jet or was that your 429.

We saw the golden years.

428 is an "FE" and the 429 is a "335" series engine... the Boss 429 was a brand new engine in 1969.. not too many Boss 429 Mustangs were built, not all remain drivable, but I do belive all are accounted for.. Ford kept pretty good books, specially on those special purpose built cars...

428 CJ was a top of the line engine in the Cougar in 1969 pushing 335 HP.. not too many got it, and even fewer ( close to boss 429 # ) got the 427, which pushed 390 HP...

Super Cobra jet was a step above the Cobra jet trim, and a step below the Boss trim.. but SCJ's came out in the 1970 model year IIRC for both 428's and 429's
Thanks Matt. Jane and her former husband bought the car in Ottawa Ontario, Canada in 1969.
It was supposed to go to California but for some reason wound up in Canada. The dealer took off the smog equipment and sold it to a fella in Ottawa for his 16 year old daughter.
She took it out for the first time and and did what I did the first time.Stomped on it.
Went across the street up a lawn and wound up teetering half over a sunken driveway.
By all acounts she enjoyed the Pinto her Dad traded the Couger for.
The dealer sold the Couger at deep discount.

My user name has been for years, a preventative measure to keep myself from abusing the Internet.

Maxvision was the first computer hacker busted BIG TIME by the FBI. I thought if I used the handle, the FBI would be scrutinizing my every move.

Seems to have worked, black cars always parked near my home, guys sitting in them wearing sunglasses and dark suits.

Mine is from when I introduce myself as Barron, people usually say "Like the Red Baron" yes...only with two r's. 66 is the year I was born.
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My name is just a funny spelling for SQ as in seaquake which was stollen for a dog that I killed in a game called lineage.