User name meaning?

Who else?

...and over a year I am

My last name is "Hough" pronounced with one of 5 pronunciations of "ough" in ye olde english- "O"- therefore, my last name- Hough- is pronouced "hoe". My user name is, therefore HoughMade...sounding much like "home made" which my bike is.
I like working on mechanical devices. Engines, washing machines, riding lawn mowers, grandfather clocks, ect.
I also like working on electrical devices too, but I thought Zener nut, Resistor nut, or Diode nut sounded too wierd. Circuit nut really does not describe me either.
Soooo GearNut.
I have always been an off-road hiker, and probably have a hundred thousand miles on these old legs of mine. The 472? Couldn't tell you.....They just seemed like numbers that fit well together.

SPAD - Simple Plastic Airplane Designs · Spad is the simple concept of offering free plans and ideas for designing very cheap, great flying RC airplanes ...

I liked spad so much I have to say spad 4 me.
I now ride a spad .
Yes a motorized bicycle qualifies.
No coro , but a piece of cutting board, LOL
Elmo, thats my name and about all I can remember (CRS). I have been useing it almost as long as there has been an internet.
Elmo (not the furry red one)usflg (can't remember stuff)
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fall down stand up is a part of my life,when things get tuff and you have fallen down,pick yourself back up and move forward....I was a heavy drinker and partier for a number of years so im sure I did alot of falling down lol....I recenty was released from prison and thought well,I fell down picked myself back up and have to start a new life and keep moving forward....My whole life I have been called John-John....I couldnt even excape it in prison,they called out my name for a letter with John-John on it and everyone in the cell started
calling me John-John and it spread to the whole prison....Everyone seems to have a nickname in prison so That is what I got....But my username kinda says my life in a whole....
I choose my name because of the surrounding neighborhood is
always in chaos with everyone and I live right smack in the middle
of my neighborhood where everything is calm at my place. I choose
motorized bicycling as a hobby for an escape from the surrounding
neighbors chaotic storms-----Charged-Reacter
the meaning behind your username!

what is the meaning(story) behind your user name?

mine was that back when i first started becoming a huge fan of the internet i was 13 years old and using an old Linux machine in my attic, i put 2 and 2 together but made a typo on spelling Linux, and it just stuck! and to this day that is my user name for everything, just google linnix13 lol!
so whats your story?
Re: the meaning behind your username!

my first name's Baird. "bairdco" came from when i was trying to start a silkscreen company. never got anywhere with that, but i think bairdco just sounds kinda retro-industrial, so i use it now and then.
Re: the meaning behind your username!

I'll give you 3 guesses.

When I drove a cab my business cards read "George of the Jungal"

I intentionally misspelled jungle in lame attempt to circumvent copywrite. Most people laughed and liked it.
Re: the meaning behind your username!

Mine is a reference to a Simpson episode. Homer wanted to change his name to something "cool" like Max Power. I wish my name was actually Max Power. Joe Kicka$$ would be cool too.
Re: the meaning behind your username!

Somebody will no doubt point out that this topic has been done before but I see no harm in doing it again. I took my handle from the fact that that I am a fan of the Detroit products of the late 50's. At the time I took the name I had a '58 Plymouth Belvedere Sedan or as I liked to refer to it "Christine with 4 doors". Unfortunately it never learned t repair itself.


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Re: the meaning behind your username!

Somebody will no doubt point out that this topic has been done before but I see no harm in doing it again.

oh really?

sorry about that then, i never saw it, i didnt think it would have been something someone else would have thought of! if you can link me to it i would be gratefully! thanks and sorry again, should have searched more thoroughly
Re: the meaning behind your username!

My name means guy with no beer, no money, no luck, a beautiful wife, and a black dog, in some forgotten language.

Not really. Pablo = Paul in Spanish. Strange that many people don't know that, but heck I didn't know herradura means horsehoe until 8 years ago.
Well, I was living in Indiana before the flood, in the area known as the Beanblossom creek valley- officially Nashville Indiana- by address at least, actually 6 miles away in a place called Trevlac, but also very near Beanblossom, where the Bill Monroe Campgrounds are and the bluegrass festival there. But I was born and raised in Indianapolis.

When I was in Junior High school the song Nashville Cats by The Lovin Spoonful was popular and the gym teacher made a friend of mine stand up in class and sing it in front of everybody for reasons I don't recall. I've almost always had it on record or CD.

And since I've learned to play a little guitar myself, I chose this name. I go by "harpon" on several other sites, and have also been known as hollyviolins. I picked the K for cat instead of "c" just for a difference.

Fin fan might have liked my old '69 Cuda, but alas, no fins. Paid $1000 for it in 1981.
There's my first car- 1949 Willys Woody Wagon bought as a junior in high school 1971 for $225
Me, my '80 Toyota 22R 4 banger Pickup in Ventura CA, circa 1993


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