User name meaning?

Butch is my nick-name since birth, and the 'atron' comes from the fact that I love Transformers and intend to place a Decepticon logo somewhere on my bike- either on the tank or the headtube- because yes, I am infact that much of a nerd!
My name is Brett.
My whole life growing up I was nicked Brett Maverick
after the fabled comedy western series James Garner played in the 70's.
So I shortened it to MavriK, to sort of give off a German flare, as I am part German.
Been using that user name on every internet logon since it all started.
so as you can probably guess my first name is mike as for the sxe it stands for straight edge meaning i dont drink,smoke,or use drugs theres a bunch of **** out there about sxe but i do it for myself noone else and i dont care what other people do to them selfs its there life and the 13 is my favorite number has a lot of history and superstition behind it.
nice sxemike13. ever seen the old copies of Boiling Point? there's a killer hcposi scene on the east coast. (i'm orig from boston, just moved to CA from NYC.) oh, and my username is pretty self explanatory :)
I first started using this name years ago when I played an online game called Eve Online. Great game, but you better not have a social life outside of the game to make any progress :). I had a character idea and the name seemed to fit well, but I didn't know how to spell Ulysses. I just wanted to start playing, so instead of looking it up, I just spelled it in an odd way. From that day I've used it in other games and forums ever since. Turns out that this spelling is rarely used by anyone but me, which is nice. Makes finding names in online games and forums really easy :).

And the way the second Y in the name is pronounced comes from the video game Y's (sounds like piece without the P).
Been a biker/trucker all my life. I wander the hi ways of this great land. The back roads and the hi ways are my home. I call home where my kick stand sits, or my rig is parked. I ride a saddle hours on end, some say I'm a tramp because I don't stay on one place too long. (c)
Um... about my S/N...

I can't remember why the heck I chose CrankyPoodler. I'm not a mean dude, but I do have a strange fascination for stuffed pink poodles. Dunno why, neither.

During my time on the interwebz, I've come across "poodling" to mean a number of things. One of which is "to poodle". Somehow I've wound up with a name that could either mean "angry guy who likes poodls" or "guy who likes angry poodles".

At any rate, the name has stuck.

My real name is Lewk, though.
Salty as in the beach...Gator as in Florida long Gator fan living in..where else ?....Gainesville Florida !dnut
i've had the name camlifter since al gore invented the internet. lol. it's the combo of car parts, cams and lifters, piston head and motor head and names like those have all be taken long ago so i went with camlifter, my real name is john.
I grew up (?) skateboarding in southern MN/Twin Cities area. I have a penchant for snack day at a skate contest they called my name to start my run. I was spotted finishing off a big bag of Old Dutch Garlic & Onion chips on one of the ramp decks....Chips was my new nickname. i added the X to put some mystery into it. Contrary to popular belief I am not a black revolutionary.
I had some walking down my street the other day late at night, there silhouette made them look like fish walking down the street.

cool little guys. nearly blind as bats... bark and grunt like dogs, stink like skunks (if you cut the musk sack), and have a great sense of hearing... have hunted many a javelina in my day. Always a fun hunt in AZ, in late February. Nice weather for it.
My late elder Brother, Michael C. Brunk, was known as the babbling Brunk because he was always making up words and songs for his own language. The two of us were the only ones that could understand all of it. He called anything to do with our family Brunkeroo. I love Roman history and I spell Brunkeroo latin style with a dipthong and "Vees" for the letter U. Videlicet... Brvnkaerv
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doesn't take much to understand my name, i'm 16, i've been able to fix tractors and bikes and various motorized things since i could ride them, and all that led me to this forum!
Saetta is a WWll Italian aircraft. Saetta, meaning the lighting bolt of Jupiter.The full name of this plane was macchi200 "Saetta". I am American. I like military aircraft and I found this name years ago in a book and have been using it ever since.
During my first registering for a forum back in 2000 I couldn't figure out a user name. I was watching a movie with Peter Fonda riding a chopper and said that's a cool user name. "Easy Rider" I've been using it ever since.