Weekend-fun, thank you. Glad you like it.
Get that WW2 side car cookin, I'd cut back on the shot gun shell idea though. Some times the police have no humor about things like that.
Follow what I've done but put a different nose on it unless you like the boat idea.
I have seen WW2 side cars that shape but they didn't have a rear deck. The seat went right to the back.
OD paint , white stars on the sides and back and mabe a couple of ammo cans bolted on each side, a low cut as a sort of door{helps the girls that want to go for a ride get in and out easier}. Thats if you can pry your brother out of the seat.
Got a couple of ideas for hooking the side car to the bike but I am going to try them out first. The idea was to build the whole side car for under $200. So far I'm about $150 but I didn't spare the horse either. Thats in Canada and we don't have a lot of the cut rate building supply stores you have in the US My thought was if I had cruised behind some of the stores that bring in equipment {Tractor Supply or Farm and Family come to mind}, I would have done this dirt cheap.
Get cardboard boxes and some tape and let your mind run wild. When you get what you want, you have your patterns. Need help, ask.
The whole forum is pulling for you to succeed.
Oh, have any of you ever heard of making your gas tank
out of the oringinal in frame tank???
Nice KULUKIN, plannin' on similar plumbing myself - to distract the eye from the chinese engine and get a lil brass & copper in there 'cause it's stylie lol Hey - what carb are ya usin?
Yeah, I've heard about it but not actually seen it done. From what I gather and from checkin' out the "tanks" - seems the only practical way to go about it is to have a soft bladder/bag in it... which I don't much like the idea of personally. I had initially thought that perhaps the tank halves could be sealed w/silver solder and/or brazed but after lookin' at them I scrapped that idea.
I suppose ya could make a mini tank to go in the shell - but it's capacity would be somewhat lacking. I think the best bet if ya cant get a full-sized in frame tank made/wanna keep the original - is to do the food/juice can trick that seems to becoming popular, I think it's both effective and stylish *shrug* The price is right and that's a fact lol
BTW - didja get some pics of yer painted bike? Did I miss 'em somewheres?![]()
Ok!!! Got something done today!!!
I sanded off some rust and primed the bike!!
I plan on adding its final paint coat(s) by the end of this week (next friday, not today lol)
anyways, heres the pics:
Weekend-funs garage builds: Primed and dryin'
Heres my tank w/ brass fittings.
Heres my tank w/ brass fittings.
Have you had any problems with the last drops of gas having to flow up hill through the copper tube to get to the carb??
Weekend, looking very nice Sir. You will be the man in the neighborhood.
cool **** hey that aint what i typed lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
weekend-fun - Wow man - I love that green fosho, ifn ya detail it w/cream (antique white) it'll defo look the classy vintage bike it is! Good choice man![]()