The Rustoration Build Off

i wouldn't worry about rust, i'd worry more about pinhole leaks from the solder. coating a tank is always a good idea, at least for longevity purposes. and as long as you're riding the bike, the tank won't rust. with fuel in it, it'll be fine. it's when they sit and the condensation gets into it that you'll have a problem.

well, here's some updates on my bike. some progress, some going backwards...

my skiptooth chain is dying. i've broken it twice, just from pedaling it to start. it was NOS, but i think the 60 or so years of inactivity are taking it's toll. haven't done any real damage, just had to remove and replace broken links.

the spring collar that holds the rear sprocket on the hub snapped, causing the sprocket to jam up with the chain, and scratched up some spokes. nothing bad, just cosmetic. replaced the collar with one from the many hubs i have laying around, and fixed it.

now for the big one.

the chain tensioner...

once my sprocket wore in, the engine drive side was too loose. there's no way to tighten both chains up, and believe me, i tried. i made another rear cog for the pedal side out of a 20 tooth, added a link and a half to the chain, but then it was too loose. went back and forth with sprockets and crap but nothing worked. either one side or the other was too loose or too tight.

if it wasn't a skiptooth chain, i would just put another odd toothed cog on the rear, like a 17 or a 19. but with the skiptooth, it has to be an even number of teeth. follow me so far?

so, i spent all day making this:


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it's the brake arm off an old hub, and the nut, grinded down to a square. i took the holesaw and cut out a piece of urethane to make a wheel. i was gonna put a bearing in it, but i wanted to see if it was gonna work, first.

i bolted that on next to my real coaster brake arm, and had to mess with the cones a bit to get it where i needed it, and away we go...


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if my skiptooth chain holds out, i'll make another wheel with a bearing in it. if not, i'li switch to a new chain, new sprockets, and be done with the tensioner.

there's no way the thing can slip, move, break through my spokes, etc, so it's actually kinda cool. i'll just have to wait and see how well it lasts. the urethane's kinda soft. might have to go dig through the trash at the urethane place and find some harder stuff.

also, got some new tires. Kenda Kiniption, 24 x 2.3. these are friggen awesome. they're made for park and ramp riding, and the tread wraps all the way around. the ultimate cornering tire.

i kinda liked the whitewall look better, but no one makes a good tire, and i need good ones when i'm going 50.


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here's a better picture of the tire. it's got ultra low rolling resistance, and this cool round look to them:


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Nice ride B!

Ive been slammin my head aginst the computer in search for a gud paint scheme (lol)
I was thinking a teal-n-white or Red-n-White i dont kn ow haven't decided (plus I want sumthing thats not hard to paint)
colur list:

As for the bike its self, I couldn't remove the sprocket *arrrg* so i gues I am gunna have 2 take it to teh bike shop lol i hope they dont mind seeing my rustbucket in there shop

bairdco, any colur ideas????
Nice job on the tensioner and good lookin' tires. Sounds like you're getting things tweaked nicely.
Blizzard here in western Maryland today, so I'm stuck in my trailer and in gas tank mode. Thanks for the feedback on the gas tank liner, you guys.
I made up another V8 tank yesterday with the filler midway. I'll make up a cradle for it today and plan to cut out leather pieces from black harness leather I have left over from when I raised and worked Lac LaCroix Indian ponies years back. I used to make my own tack and now use it for belts and that sort of thing. Anyway, seems like a good indoor project for a snowy day. I also made up a gas tank from a large coffee can. I didn't think the newer cans would work because on one end they have a pull off seal of aluminum foil, but then realized that the lip the foil attaches to makes it possible to solder a metal lid cut off the bottom of a spare can. I still have more soldering on that to seal it up. I put the filler tube mid way on that one, too. So, once I have both new tanks done up with cradles and leather I have a choice and will see what works out best. It may be that the coffee can tank is just too big and bulky looking, but if not it will hold a respectable amount of gas. I'd guess a half gallon where the V8 tank is a third gallon.
It snowed here to. but not that much/ There a just small white specs in groups all over the ground :( Sounds bad SB, I hate to be stuck inside all day (or however long lol)
Here In a minute I am going to tkae the bike i nside to work on. i doubt i can get the peadls off and the bearings replaced. So as i said somwere in this fourm (lol) I prob am goign to take to bike shop. THing is I dont have any lubarcants or whatever besides
WD-40 and this studd that I call "string cheese"
Hope your bikes are having better luck lol can you share some of it with me??:D
Luck weekend-fun? Poor silverbear's snowed in so bad he can't even ride, bairdco had to install the tensioner he despises so much, and I? Well... suffice to say I've a few problems to deal with lol

I've got the shiftkit test fitted... and I've a few things I'm gonna hafta sort out. It's so "almost" but not quite. Because the frame on the Rollfast is so huge and has a S curved down tube, the engine drops all the way to the bottom - very close to the crank.

So I've clearance problems, the left pedal arm scrapes the stiffener and the right secondary drive chain hits the clutch cover - and the cranks aren't even tightened in all the way yet. I've a few potential solutions rattlin' around in me brain, but that brain is tired now so I'm not gonna mess with it anymore today.

Still - this is why I put the bike together and take it apart over and over again, testing configurations and learning as I go. One of the problems with my Schwinn is I had to heavily modify the engine in order to mount it - the BIG problem with that is if I should pop a motor it'll be down for a long time as I "customize" another one to fit. One of the major things I'm shooting for with the Rollfast build is ease of maintenance, repair, and even engine replacement should it be necessary - the engine itself the weakest link I figure. Not a big deal if it's just a bolt-on $50, a major pain if I hafta fabricate everything to fit.

So here are a coupla pics before it's in a zillion pieces all over the floor again lol



Oh right - yeah I know the mountain bike pedals look stupid on it, but there all I had lol and the original ones are not only beaten to heck but aren't even remotely the right size threads... add yet 'nother thing to the shoppin' list heh
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Baird, You can also rig a chain tensioner onto the right side instead of the left!! ;)

yeah, i was trying that first. couldn't get the right tension. when i thought i finally got it, i pedaled it around, thought it was great, till i pedaled backwards to coaster brake it. chain tightened up, jammed again, and it just wasn't working.

i'm totally re-working this whole bike around the god d#@$ skip tooth chain. without it, i'd be fine, but i just can't get rid of it.

another case of sacrificing style over function.

but, i just rode about 50 miles and my chain tensioner rig is holding up perfectly.
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I have put the whole build story so far on the side car thread. For those of you who know better than go there, here is the quicker path. Starts as it sits tonight and works its way back to the sticks on the raft.

Some pictures of the Monark that it is going on when it's restored.

Hope to have the side car ready to varnish by tomorrow night.

Let me know what you think!



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I have put the whole build story so far on the side car thread. For those of you who know better than go there, here is the quicker path. Starts as it sits tonight and works its way back to the sticks on the raft.

Some pictures of the Monark that it is going on when it's restored.

Hope to have the side car ready to varnish by tomorrow night.

Let me know what you think!


thats just.....just mindblowing!!!! Gosh, it looks real cool with the wood and how its like a mini boat shape!!!

But one are you going to attach it to the bike????
ive started a 47 schwinn speedster atleast i think its a 47 by the serial # im getting close to finishing it up i have to fab a gas tank and im waiting for my front drum brake set up to be finished i will try to figure out posting pics this evening when i have some time just set up a photbucket acct.
Welcome to the forum and we'll look forward to the photos.
I left comments on the sidecar under it's own thread, but wanted to add here that I've been admiring that Monarch. That is gonna be a bike to drool over so be prepared to hand out towels.. Ha! Will you go with the original color scheme ( I like it)? The chrome work I can well believe is going to cost a fortune as there's a lot of chrome there. Love that tank, too. How will the electric motor get set up? If it's a hub motor how will you use the worksman wheel or will it be a rear hub? That is going to be so sweet.
Silver Bear,I'll just close my eyes when they hand me the bill for the chrome. I've been able to get some new old stock pieces at a.lot less than what it would cost to have the old ones redone.
It isn't going to be show chrome as the original bike was built about the time of the Korean War and they didn't get a really great lot of chrome plating. Thats why the chrome is so bad on many of them. So say the bike restorers I contacted. It was pointed out that show chrome and a base coat clear coat paint job will not gain any admirers amongst the people who know. My banker agreed.

It will be the same colour as it is now. I have most every thing for it to finish it except a Worksman rear wheel.

The hub motor is going on the side car. Batteries will be in the back of the side car so it should cut down the loss of power in the wires.

Glad you like it.

Silver Bear,I'll just close my eyes when they hand me the bill for the chrome. I've been able to get some new old stock pieces at a.lot less than what it would cost to have the old ones redone.
It isn't going to be show chrome as the original bike was built about the time of the Korean War and they didn't get a really great lot of chrome plating. Thats why the chrome is so bad on many of them. So say the bike restorers I contacted. It was pointed out that show chrome and a base coat clear coat paint job will not gain any admirers amongst the people who know. My banker agreed.

It will be the same colour as it is now. I have most every thing for it to finish it except a Worksman rear wheel.

The hub motor is going on the side car. Batteries will be in the back of the side car so it should cut down the loss of power in the wires.

Glad you like it.


Oh, wow... a pusher side car! I'm guessing that you're breaking new ground, my friend. You're an inventive guy...
And me, too, you know. How many coffee can gas tanks are there, I ask you, huh? Not in the same league, I know. I'm inside today cutting the harness leather pieces for one coffee can tank and one V8 tank. Snow stopped at 2 feet. I evacuated Minnesota to avoid this, you know. It'll melt.
Weekend-fun, thank you. Glad you like it.
Get that WW2 side car cookin, I'd cut back on the shot gun shell idea though. Some times the police have no humor about things like that.

Follow what I've done but put a different nose on it unless you like the boat idea.
I have seen WW2 side cars that shape but they didn't have a rear deck. The seat went right to the back.
OD paint , white stars on the sides and back and mabe a couple of ammo cans bolted on each side, a low cut as a sort of door{helps the girls that want to go for a ride get in and out easier}. Thats if you can pry your brother out of the seat.

Got a couple of ideas for hooking the side car to the bike but I am going to try them out first. The idea was to build the whole side car for under $200. So far I'm about $150 but I didn't spare the horse either. Thats in Canada and we don't have a lot of the cut rate building supply stores you have in the US.

My thought was if I had cruised behind some of the stores that bring in equipment {Tractor Supply or Farm and Family come to mind}, I would have done this dirt cheap.

Get cardboard boxes and some tape and let your mind run wild. When you get what you want, you have your patterns. Need help, ask.
The whole forum is pulling for you to succeed.

Silver Bear, thanks for the vote but some other folks have done the powered side car. They used a gas motor but I hope the electric hub will work as well.

If I could have a gas motor I'd be robbing the coffee can gas tank idea trust me on that.
Think we all owe the Rockmaster for that one.

Two feet of snow? Enjoy the global warming.
