This all-in-one device not only protects you as a NOT approved bicycle helmet, with dual fuel tanks (main & reserve) but also has a headlight for those night cruises! Why bother with three separate, bulky systems when you can just grab your helmet and go!
meh - bairdco I feel yer frustration, I've not even begun the tank. The poor Rollfast frame is just sittin' at work waiting for business to slow down. I've toyed with the idea of just bringing it back home, cutting out the panels and even perhaps seein' if my brazing skill has gotten any better - but that's kinda not the best idea in some ways. We've got alla tools at work to do it right and I've enough other stuff to attend to anyway. I thought about goin' in on a Saturday afternoon after work, but if I can get a tank for free/material costs yet he still gets paid cause he's on the clock... well you can see how that works out well for both of us lol Besides, the poor guy pulls
way too many hours in that place anyways.
I just hate "outsourcing" stuff TBH, people wanna help and that's great - but when I ran into motor mount problems with the Schwinn and needed a tiny bit of welding, all in all it set that project back almost a month. No one wanted to take any money cause they're friends... but then again it wasn't exactly "high priority" either. As frustrating as it may be - yer prolly better off doin' it all yerself if you're able.
silverbear - I've never really settled on a color scheme, but I did have a "change of heart" so to speak. The original plan involved painting it at work too as we've got all the spray equipment as well and I was thinkin' along the lines of those old Singer sewing machines - black with the original pattern in "gold leaf" (outlined, not solid), but then I remembered one of the Schwinn lessons... It seems flat-out impossible for me to keep the paint nice despite how careful I am. Between cable chafe, packs rubbing, tinkering with it, and general wear and tear it was only a matter of months before the paint was scuffed, scratched and worn through.
It isn't just because it's powdercoated aluminum, I ride it
constantly and I expect to do no less with the Rollfast (except mebbe not the mud, trails, and jumps lol). So I figured I should go with a less detailed paint job and rattlecan so I can touch it up as necessary, even strip and repaint every winter as needed. There's this sweet "graphite gray" made (distributed anyway) by Mercury for their outboards, not only do I like the color - it's a crazy rugged, thick paint. I've used it a bunch and even on unprimed surfaces like the aluminum outboards it was designed for - it just stays stuck. I figure I'll use that as the main color and detail with black (original pattern) and if I ever wanna change the scheme it'd be easy enough.
Besides, that color hides "imperfections"
really well and I'm all about that too lol
Right now though I'm hopin' to get these rims painted so I can get 'em laced, I'll feel better once that's done as it's the one thing I
really need outside help with (I could ofc use the helmet pictured above fer a tank lol). I was hoping to get the engine built with the shiftkit and all so I could get the motormounts worked out - but the poor guys at SBP are back ordered till about December 11th. One of the things I overlooked was that ofc the rear hub didn't come with a sprocket and I have no idea if I should/can mess with the number of teeth/size to complement the internal gearing and shiftkit... I prolly wont and just get a "stock" size (w/e that might be lol) and just use the shiftkits sprockets for different ranges... but I still need to get one and a chain while I'm at it lol
I'm prolly gonna cruise on over to my friend's house this weekend to see if he's managed to dig up a head/tail "light" set and mebbe a dropstand too, if he's found the light set - that'll give me another, small side project other than wirebrushing to occupy myself as obv I wanna convert them to actual lights. I've only the fenders and rack to clean up - but I'm a lil tired of just stripping paint, I want to switch tasks to keep it fun lol
bairdco, silverbear, fasteddy - MOAR PICS MUHAHAHA!!!! *shakes fist*