the First Official Bairdco Raffle Begins!!!

i've nicknamed this bike "the Albatross."

i'll never do another raffle unless i have my own company, own website, and a giant get-together where it'll actually be worth it. or maybe for charity. trying to do it on a small scale on the internet is a hassle, and there's a large difference between the amount of people that said they'd enter and the actual amount that did.

my goal was to help someone out, help popularize the "bairdco" name, and just to do something cool. now it's been 4 months, the bike's just taking up space, and some people are getting anxious and perturbed about it, and that wasn't my intention at all.

i'd like to end it at the donut shop car show off Adams and Magnolia on Saturday July 23rd, with the Briggs bike guys and whoever else wants to show up as witnesses. i'd do it this saturday but i have to work.

i'm not going to sell anymore tickets after today, unless it's in person at the show.

hopefully that's the end of it.
So would you sell 2 tickets to me? I feel bad its been such a struggle so I don't mind spending money I don't necessarily have yet. It would have to be a check in the mail. But I can promise you it will get to wherever you need it to. You can still ship it right? I don't have to be there? Thanks.
I read that tickets are $20.00+ $2.00 to help in shipping...Is that $2.00 going towards you shipping the bike? No way I could be there. If shipped I'd pitch in for 3 tickets.
again, the very first post says this:

"Ticket cost is $22

the extra $2 is to help cover shipping in the USA only*.

for 50 bucks you can get 3 raffle tickets. for 100 bucks, you get 6. individual tickets still cost 22 bucks."

cut and dry, plain and simple, easy, peasy, cheap chinese-y...

pm me if you wanna buy some tickets.
raffle goes off tomorrow, 7:30am (ish) at the donut shop on magnolia and adams.

good luck everybody...
norm, no one got their own ticket. i just printed out everyone's info on some home-made, card stock "tickets" and dropped them into a helmet. it woulda been even more of a hassle to send everyone an actual ticket. all 6 of yours were in there, as well as everyone else's.

it was all done fair and square, with Jeff (Culvercityclassic) as a witness.
the winner of the first (and last) Official Bairdco Raffle is....


this is how the anti-climactic drawing went down;

i met up with Jeff (CulverCityClassic) at the Adam's donut shop car show this morning and had a random bystander pick the winner out of my helmet.

Jeff was my witness and was filming with my camera phone, but either he or i didn't push the record button, so there's no video.

i also picked a runner-up, in case anything happens and the winner is unable to claim the bike. i'm not saying who it is unless something happens.

after Jeff left, i was informed by a code enforcement agent that holding my raffle at the donut shop was illegal, and i could be fined, the prize confiscated, and some other BS about not having a resale license, permit, and whatever else. thankfully, nothing happened and he let me go, so now i'm just waiting for a response from AXE so i can pack this bike up and ship it to Michigan.

i'd like to thank everyone who participated and this forum for putting up with it.

i'd like to NOT thank, paypal, code enforcement agents, and especially myself, for making this the fiasco it was. :)
WHAT! is this 1939 germany? code enforcement agents watching the evil polluting 2 stroke non carb forum members? or was he freelanceing? only in california. oh ya! their everywere.... barney fife live's on. every city has at least one!
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Grats AXE!

Hope you at least broke even bairdco. Sounded like a real pain in the butt to pull off. And then to almost get fined when it was almost over... good lord!
Grats AXE!

Hope you at least broke even bairdco. Sounded like a real pain in the butt to pull off. And then to almost get fined when it was almost over... good lord!

Thanks!! :D

I am totally in shock, I am at home on Dial up (where I live we have no high speed options) so I rarely check my email from home, now I dont know how I am going to sleep.

Bairdco, I was reading through this thread after I received the email, crazy what you went through, lemme know if I can pitch in for shipping or something, and yeah I hope you at least broke even on this.

Never won a raffle before and this will be my first motorized bicycle, I can tell you my 5 year old is going to be SICK JEALOUS!!
That's a really nice bike... Enjoy it axe..

Thanks, I am beyond excited for this, I didnt sleep last night, and the area where I live, is well known for its cyclist community (motorcyclists and fitness buffs) because of the scenic roads, this bike is going to get a TON of use, and a lot of attention!
Congratulations axe, Was lucky enough to see the bike in person...your gonna love it! (^)

Hey all,

I know its been a while since I last checked in, I'm more of a lurker.

I just wanted to say that the bike is AWESOME, as I said, its my first motorized bike, so Baird was kind enough to answer a ton of questions I had, as he had to disassemble the bike somewhat to ship it (75lbs and a huge box) since I am not familiar with the old school bikes, he walked me through a lot of stuff.

I actually dont have any pics of it here at work, I thought I did, but I did put a video up on my Facebook page, I dont know if this site supports embedding or not, but I couldnt get it to post, probably better that way since I look like a dork riding it LOL! Im still getting comfortable with riding it, and maybe the next video, I'll look more experienced.

I will post it once I figure out how to do it. My neighbor on the left was jealous as ****, he knew what bike it was when he saw it (had one when he was younger) my neighbor on the right, called me and said "I think I just saw pee wee herman flying through your yard" LOL the description is brutally honest too :D

Baird built a sweet bike, I like the custom tank and a lot of small details that make it that much cooler.

Unfortunately I live in Michigan and its snowing here, so the bike is put away for the winter.

If someone wants to PM me how to embed, that would be cool, otherwise I think I can just post a link, or some pics later on.