the First Official Bairdco Raffle Begins!!!

If some one in Canada does win the bike I'd bring it up from Silverbears but they have to pay me back the duty on the declared value that you give me. Just need a signed letter saying it worth ????? dollars. Notorized helps.

Going to Toronto, Ontario and then coming back to the west coast so if the winner is in that travel area I'd be happy to do it. I'm carrying my bike in a new enclosed trailer so it will be out of the weather until it gets where it's going.

here's a quick update.

i didn't raffle the bike off as planned at the death race, 'cause... well, 'cause no one seemed to care, no one bought a ticket, and 'cause the race kinda took importance over everything else.

the bike still needs a few minor things before it's 100%, and i hope to get it complete this week. (again, the death race kinda took away my focus on the bike, since i had to prep for that, and just ran outta time.)

i'm really sorry for leaving you guys who bought tickets hanging, and after i get some real sleep i'll contact all of you and let you know what the plan is.

don't worry, i ain't gonna take the money and run...:)

the end date has been extended till June 18th.

the bike will be raffled off at Willow Springs after the race.

this will be a sure thing. even if i don't make any money off of it, the bike's gonna go no matter what.

odds of winning as it stands now are pretty dang good. only about 10 people have bought tickets (most have bought more than one.)

so cash that tax refund and buy a ticket! you could be the proud owner of a really freakin' cool bike!

PM me for payment info.

Good Luck!

(and thanks to everyone who already bought tickets for understanding.)
the bike's done except for some tank straps.

time's running out. i know there were more of you guys who wanted to get in on this, so PM me and BUY SOME TICKETS!!!

the details and pics are on the build thread here:

here's a pic:

today's the big day! soon, one of you lucky bast... errr, guys will be the proud owner of pretty freakin' awesome bike!

raffle's gonna be video'd and on youtube sunday when i get home from the race (if i ain't too burnt out to download it...)

tickets are still available at the track, so buy some. i need the money. :)
i should re-title this as the "How to turn a great idea into a big headache" raffle.

the winner wasn't chosen at the track, because after all the racing was done, 75% of the people had left.

so, to be totally fair, i decided to have a completely non-biased, uncaring, emotion-less person pick the winning ticket, and film it with my phone.

where to find that person? i asked my local bartender to do it...:)

so, the "winner" was picked, and it turned out to be a guy i sold some tickets to at a local motorcycle swap meet. one of the few people who aren't on any forums.

i thought, "great, this'll go over well..." but like it or not, he won fair and square.

or so i thought.

after calling him last night and leaving a message, i was contacted earlier today by his wife, or girlfriend, or something, and was informed that due to, uh, "personal reasons," he won't be needing a motorized bicycle for awhile, and if i could refund his money so he can buy things like toothpaste and deoderant.

so, short story even shorter, the bike is still up for grabs.

i'm working full time again and going out of town this week, so the winner will be announced next weekend, as i won't be able to go back to the bar until then.

i'd like to thank all of you for your patience and understanding (all 11 of you) and i promise to never attempt to do anything like this again, unless i come up with a better idea to lose money, work for free, leave people hanging, and get into trouble with online money laundering organizations.

thanks for playin', and good luck!

oh, i also have to fix the carb, since gas started pouring out of it and it won't run, the petcock's jammed, and the new pedals i just got for it (which i accidentally stole from robert at piston bikes, since i forgot to pay him) need to be replaced, since i used one on my race bike after destroying mine, then proceeded to destroy the new one, too.
baird, so i guess it's the second official Bairdco raffle! since we [10 of us] lost you should open up ticket sale's again. maybe use half of sales to help this guy out and the other half to recoup your losses. i have no problem with that and we get a second chance to win that fine bike i seen in person yesterday. and if it take's a few weeks more i have no problem helping someone out who has fallen on hard time's [we all know someone] thanks alot. dennis
well, i guess that went over like the proverbial turd in the punchbowl. really i'm at a loss of word's [not very often does that happen] good luck.. dennis
i don't wanna carry this on anymore. at this point, i don't think anyone else is gonna buy a ticket, so those of you that did have great odds right now.

i don't wanna have anyone get bent outta shape, or think i'm trying to pull a scam, so it's gonna go off this weekend, maybe earlier, depending on my work schedule.

it's a no-win situation for me. i've broke even on the cost of building it, but the labor and the shipping (unless won locally) is all gonna come out of my pocket.

i't's not that big of a deal, now that i'm working again, just another lesson learned.
i know, i know, i've been promising to raffle off this bike finally, but i've been working full time, mostly out of town, and i just haven't been able to do it.

i was in Ventura all last week and i'm going to san diego in a few hours till saturday.

i appreciate your patience, and if anyone wants their money back, just let me know. otherwise, as soon as i can round up a few trusted forum members, or a sexy bartender to pull the winning ticket, i'll get it over with...
it's in the very first post.

if anyone else wants in on it, lemme know asap and i'll keep it going, as long as nobody complains.
Holy Crap, so you're saying this guy couldn't accept a $700+ bike(yes it is that awesome!) because his wife needed some Midol?

I'm budgeted out till the end of the month, but I can kick $22 for a ticket August 1st. And I'll pay my own shipping because I'm in Ontario, if I win(haha, I never win anything, but I can't win if I don't enter, eh?)

Hopefully the people that have already entered can understand you want to at least break-even(check labor prices at an auto-shop lately, lol)

Are you set up to accept email money-xfers?
thanks norm. pm'd you the details. you can trust me...:)

Holy Crap, so you're saying this guy couldn't accept a $700+ bike(yes it is that awesome!) because his wife needed some Midol?

I'm budgeted out till the end of the month, but I can kick $22 for a ticket August 1st. And I'll pay my own shipping because I'm in Ontario, if I win(haha, I never win anything, but I can't win if I don't enter, eh?)

Hopefully the people that have already entered can understand you want to at least break-even(check labor prices at an auto-shop lately, lol)

Are you set up to accept email money-xfers?

not midol. if you read between the lines you'll figure out the Guy wont be able to ride the bike where he's at now. not for 3-5 years anyway.

I dunno about email money transfers. you could western union it though.

looks like I'll keep this raffle going a little longer, since no one's complaining.
I really need a motorized bike that will get me to and from school. I dont know if im going to enter, more than likely im going to win this raffle and be stuck with my piece of **** bike.

It would be cool if you could do another raffle so i can get another chance at a bike.
oh! no way!... just kiddin, since the first 10 [ i guess he can win twice] are still in it for free! why not wait till the next race. gather some more ticket's and we can wait and hope to win again, maybe buy some more tickets. thanks for the second chance. dennis