the First Official Bairdco Raffle Begins!!!

i totally understand. funny though, that's how business was done before paypal.;)

if you or anyone else is worried i'm gonna "take the money and run," don't even think about it. i'm too involved in this "community" to pull a small-time scam like that and ruin my reputation.
i totally understand. funny though, that's how business was done before paypal.;)

if you or anyone else is worried i'm gonna "take the money and run," don't even think about it. i'm too involved in this "community" to pull a small-time scam like that and ruin my reputation.

i better be careful with those pies though, western union won't help me send pies!, i do still plan on getting you a pack of em :)

the manager at my corner store is forgetful though :(
a friend of mine worked at the gm plant in that has since closed, they had a $1000 supper bowl pool with 100 spots, everbody got in the pool. [union pay] on the day after the game the guy who had the pool retired, took the $100,000 and was never seen again. and since super bowl pools are against the law in ca, no one did nothing. [you could be fired for gambling at work] this happened 20 years ago. this has nothing to do with baird in fact i bought some tickets, just not $1000 worth!
here's an updated pic with the tank almost done (there's more pics on the build thread.)

the deadline to enter by mail is getting close!!!

i set it at april 10th, but i'm not actually leaving for the deathrace till the 15th, so if anyone's interested, now's the time to mail it in.

tickets will still be available at the race and if you see me on the street.

i'm getting close to my goal of 1000 bucks, and i'd really hate to have to cancel this whole thing and refund everyone's money.

so gimme your measly 22 bucks and you might just be riding a pretty freakin cool bike next month for less than the cost of a pizza and a six pack...
the deadline to enter by mail is getting close!!!

i set it at april 10th, but i'm not actually leaving for the deathrace till the 15th, so if anyone's interested, now's the time to mail it in.

tickets will still be available at the race and if you see me on the street.

i'm getting close to my goal of 1000 bucks, and i'd really hate to have to cancel this whole thing and refund everyone's money.

so gimme your measly 22 bucks and you might just be riding a pretty freakin cool bike next month for less than the cost of a pizza and a six pack...

california seems expensive xD in MA that gets you a 12 pack of sam adams and a pizza from my favorite place :p

but i think you'll be fine, you said you're close so with ticket sales at death race i think you'll easily clear your goal :)
I would enter but as a Canadian my $$ is no good , even tho a Canadian $ is worth more than a green back atm..
That and it would be way to late to mail a check anyways .
and you'd have to arrange shipping. i dunno how to get the bike to canada, unless i strapped it to a moose...;)
california seems expensive xD in MA that gets you a 12 pack of sam adams and a pizza from my favorite place :p

but i think you'll be fine, you said you're close so with ticket sales at death race i think you'll easily clear your goal :)

so two pizza's and a six pack,lol
Have to make a deal w/silver bear and fasteddy,mail it to SB and have FE take it to him,lol xct2

that's true, didn't think of that. and it's the same plan Fasteddy's got if he wins.

anyone else who hasn't mailed in your money yet, listen up!

the mail-in deadline is tomorrow, more or less. which means monday the 11th, since tomorrow's sunday.

if you still want to enter but missed the deadline, PM me and we can try to work something out.

tickets will still be available at the Death Race.

also, this raffle's gonna happen no matter what, even if i take a loss on it. 'cause that's just the kinda guy i am...;)
i thought you said they were discontinued... i don't want no 6 year old pies...:)

no it was me who found out they were discontinued :(

think he just rolled with it cause like me, no one expected that to be the case, hostess blueberry pies go all the way back to my childhood and many others who are much older then me.

unfortunately those health nut people who go crazy over anti-oxidants drove up the cost of blueberries to the point that it wasn't profitable to make them anymore.
no it was me who found out they were discontinued :(

think he just rolled with it cause like me, no one expected that to be the case, hostess blueberry pies go all the way back to my childhood and are much older then me.

unfortunately those health nut people who go crazy over anti-oxidants drove up the cost of blueberries to the point that it wasn't profitable to make them anymore.
So are you saying you have pies (I will guess in the freezer)when you say "much older than you(?)"

(I altered the quote slightly,I am learning to write poltician speaches,LOL
I lived a few houses down from this pie factory when I lived in New Orleans...Much better than Hostess, and they deliver:)
I lived only a few houses down from this pie factory when I lived in New Orleans...much better than Hostess, and they deliver... so how many tickets is a case of pies worth ??? Hubig's Pies :)
i can get blueberry pies here, it was just the Hostess fake-ness i was craving. sorry...:)
Hey bairdco,
Can I sell ticket to the event where you tie the bike on the moose. Even if it's a cow moose the tickets would sell faster than ice cream in the desert.
