The Epic an electric tri car.

Air inlet baffle. I didn't get a photo of the air inlet gate.


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"The cheap skate challenge was on."
Whoa buddy!
Frugal may be a better choice of words but not by much.
My fantasy's revolve around a soda blaster. The tombstone maker I used to hire, warned me about how blast media could bend metal when I had him blast some Harley parts for me.
Sand blasting and shot peening have a lot in common.
Facebook Marketplace may have offerings.

Top photo has the air valve open and the second one has the air valve closed. This allows air into the manifold so the media doesn't bunch up. You set the amount of air you need by opening the valve.

The bottom photo is where it's mounted on the door on the bottom of the cabinet. This where the worn out media was dumped originally. There is a pipe plug in the bottom of the manifold to drain out the blast media. I used a reducing bushing to hold the manifold to the door. Media inlet hole is now 1-1/4"


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Top photo is the gun and bottom photo is the set up as it is now. Red foot pedal hose needs to be shortened.

Media hose needs to have a hole drilled and I'm waiting for the grommets to arrive tomorrow so I can install it.

I'll post a photo of the dust collection system tomorrow.


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Hi, Tom,
Sand blasting with warp metal. It's a combination of the sand hitting the metal and the air pressure. Flat panels are the most easily effected.

Harbour freight has soda blasting set ups that I've heard good things about. Bead blasting puts a super fine finish on the metal. It does wonders on aluminum and stainless steel. I'm sure that YouTube has videos to show how soda and bead blasting work.

Frugal is for people who live uptown. Down here on the flats we're cheap skates.

Blast cabinet's upgrades look like a big improvement Steve. Have you fired her up yet to see if your ideas turned out as expected? Always wanted a blast cabinet for motorcycle/car parts. Just never had the space. If I had you as a neighbour, you'd be sick of me popping round to use your blaster!
Did have a German-made hobby-sized abrasive cabinet which used aluminium oxide blast media. Perfect for cleaning-up the hundreds of brass master patterns I made for parts destined to be investment cast in brass or nickel silver. That was one of many things which ended up in the skip (dumpster) when I moved house three years back.
Hi, Pete,
I'm waiting for some grommets to arrive today so the media feed tube can be installed with out worry of it being worn through. Monday should be the first try out.

If you lived next door things would be a lot more fun. The sand blast cabinet takes up a fair bit of room and doesn't get used that often but there is not much that can replace it when it's needed. Bike frame will fit in it but using the gun is a little cramped but certainly doable. You would be more than welcome to use it any time you wanted and I'd look forward to the company.

There is another style of sandblasting gun that doesn't have a handle and is easier to use. It will be on order before long.

Still waiting for the rubber grommets. First it was Saturday, then Sunday, then Wednesday. Cancelled and reordered from somewhere else and it will be here today.

This is the dust extractor set up.

Tried to pull the bearings out of the wheels and it didn't work. I'm going to weld up some thing up so I can use a bottle jack to try and press them out.



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Finished up the sand blasting cabinet today. Installed LED lighting, and shortened up the hose that needed to be shortened. Hooked up the air line to the air pressure regulator and put Silverbear's head light stands in to see how every thing worked and the air regulator is no good. Another one will be here tomorrow and we will try again Monday.

Interesting article on our national news channel the CBC. They were saying that the U.S. and Canada needed to establish a relationship with dependable trading partners like the U.K. and Europe. Bring back manufacturing to these countries so we don't need to rely on Asia.

I just laughed and came up and ordered another one and remembered when you could rely on what you bought to work because the company and the people who made them took pride in what they did.

Interesting article on our national news channel the CBC. They were saying that the U.S. and Canada needed to establish a relationship with dependable trading partners like the U.K. and Europe. Bring back manufacturing to these countries so we don't need to rely on Asia.

I just laughed and came up and ordered another one and remembered when you could rely on what you bought to work because the company and the people who made them took pride in what they did.

Not sure if the UK should be classed as 'dependable' in the current climate Steve. Seems we Brits might not be round to trade with anyone much longer if some of the YouTube videos I've seen lately are anything to go by. Saw some Rusky admiral ranting that the UK will soon be getting what we deserve for interfering in Russia's 'Special Operation' against those pesky Ukranians. He promised our days are numbered and it'll be a toss-up between a nuke torpedo that'll cause a 500ft high tidal wave that'll wipe us off the map or a 500 megaton Tsar Bomba that'll vaporize us to oblivion. Shame about neutral Rep Ireland - they'll have to live with being collateral.
Who knows what Putin wants? I’ve seen reports saying he has Parkinson’s so maybe he wants to go out in a blaze of imagined glory and be historically famous like Lenin, Stalin and Hitler and so be remembered in history. Some legacy for “little big man”.
Politics that is not leaning on bar in the Tavern? Oh well.
I got a sh!t load of 7.62X39 I would love to send to Ukraine.
I have already donated $100 to UNICEF in support of refugee's.
A boat forum I am a member of which has a bunch of links. Secure? Which one can donate to. Bullets and butter.
