The Epic an electric tri car.

Hi Rick,

My brother is coming home tomorrow with luck. He had a major turn around in the last 36 hours. He's able to walk more. They feel he will do better here at home.

I have the motor in and I'm trying to get the sprockets aligned as well. The box will be fun and I need to get it put together so I can weld the mounts in. There is even space on the shelves

That's great news Steve; out of hospital!

Alignment is so important and it can be a fiddly process with the various components, clearances and of course appearance. You'll get it right.

Will the box be commercial, with signage or more elegant with brass fittings and high finish?

Rick C.
Thank you. The irony of my brother falling is that he is Mr. Safety. He's constantly checking everyone else if they are doing something with a hint of danger but he didn't make sure the ladder he was on, was on solid ground or had a board under the legs and one of the legs sank into the earth and off he went.

Trying to get the shop cleaned up and organized, then over to work on the alignment of the sprockets and when that gets old back to cleaning up. Still working on finishing up the magneto/jack shaft and getting it in place permanently to make the alignment easier.

The plan for the box is commercial elegance. Since Pete suggested the delivery box I'm sure he wouldn't accept anything less. It needs to be kept in line with his high quality builds. A bit hard for a fella who spent much of his lifetime making new furniture that looked 200 years old. I'm constantly grabbing myself by the shirt collar and dragging myself back from that abyss and on to safer ground. I'll try and find a sign painter who can hand letter the box. May be a rare person these days. Will try for a brass rail on the top or copper if need be. Looking for brass stands to mount the brass rail on. Anything under a 2-1/2" rail is hard to find.

Box is 35"L x 24"W x 26"H. I'll check Etsy again and see if any brass rail supports show up.

Hi Rick,
I just heard back from the supplier. I was looking at the supports for the brass tubing. They said around $20 for shipping a dozen of them to the U.S. so maybe $30 shipped to Canada. Waiting to hear back. Looks like Etsy was a little heavy handed with their shipping estimate.

Thank you. I wasn't thinking about brass plated tubing. Excellent Idea. I'll look it up now.

Hi Rick,
I just heard back from the supplier. I was looking at the supports for the brass tubing. They said around $20 for shipping a dozen of them to the U.S. so maybe $30 shipped to Canada. Waiting to hear back. Looks like Etsy was a little heavy handed with their shipping estimate.

Thank you. I wasn't thinking about brass plated tubing. Excellent Idea. I'll look it up now.

Steve the drapery and interior design wholesalers have brass plated steel tube in heavy duty long lengths for hanging really heavy tapestries also heavy hangers in hundreds of period styles. My mom was an artist at this and some of the brass plated rods received a lot of metal to metal in ring to rod friction for decades with little noticeable wear. Her window dressings were much sought after and quite expensive in the fifties and sixties. I remember thinking these home owners could have bought a new Corvette with what they paid her for a complete house of draperies installed.

Solid brass tube is so expensive unless you find salvage.

Even on thin wall tube one could sleeve the tube with wooden dowels turned down to size to prevent dings and bends.

Rick C.
Just over $83 dollars Canadian for 12 of the stands delivered. That is wonderful that your mom did window treatments. I can imagine what the customers paid for them but in that era having windows fitted with your moms curtains would have marked you as someone with excellent taste and a check book to match. The bragging rights must have been huge.

My mom did her own but my friends moms paid well to have window treatments installed by a professional drapery company and had a party afterwards to show them off. Christmas was always a busy time. Just in time for the party season.

I remember going to auctions years ago when the old farms were being broken up for housing subdivisions and seeing curtain and drapery rods that were very thin brass sheeting wrapped over wooden rods. Until you picked it up you couldn't tell.


On a recent transaction, I got passed a Canadian Quarter. Skunked again :mad:
Of small consequence.
Forum algorithms what they are I have been out of the loop.

Bugger that your brother at his age attempted self propelled flight. Glad he survived.
If he would have asked I may have saved his attempt.
It's good to hear from you Steve. Stay well and let your brother do the risky stuff.
Tom from Rubicon
Depending on how I feel I may buff them smooth. My old buffer is in the workshop somewhere. Old age has dampened youthful enthusiasm somewhat.

My brother will be in the hospital for at least another week. His vertebrae has deteriorated and they will try injecting a cement into it to stop it getting worse.

The folks that sold me the brass stands refunded $15.93 that Etsy over charged me for shipping.

Hard news on your Brother Steve.

I was just this moment thinking my work ethic needed a boost and alteration. I look at myself as a small batch operator at best. I collect jobs which individually might take thirty minutes of actual work and put in a couple of six hour days to complete them all. I'm without a clue as to why, but think the old age factor enters into it. My start capacitor is getting very weak!

Always good to get positive adjustments on required purchases.

Rick C.
[ My brother will be in the hospital for at least another week. His vertebrae has deteriorated and they will try injecting a cement into it to stop it getting worse.]

The epoxy bone build up is a common option. Mona almost got the treatment.
In her case a removeable body brace was chosen to stabilize her spine while it regenerated. It only came off for the daily shower.

Best wishes for your brother Steve.

Hi Tom,
Thank you. I'll pass it on to him with everyone else's. If anyone knows about it, it's you and Mona. He goes in on Friday afternoon. Not at our local hospital where he is now. There is another hospital closer to the city that is set up for it with the doctors and the equipment.

I hope Mona is improving.

Made the Home Depot trip. Was able to buy most of what I wanted but some of what I wanted was not there. For a country that is a major lumber producer what I had to choose from was a pitiful disgrace and the prices were ludicrous. Most of the wood and plywood didn't have a price on it for some reason. That said I'll be working on the delivery box tomorrow.

These are the rail holders that are going on the top of the box. The 3/4" size that I purchased are in the center. This should add to the overall look I'm trying for. I purchased them on Etsy from a company called Barns and Brass in the U.K. They are /ceiling mounts for water pipe and available in 1/2"-3/4" and 1" sizes. I'm planning on using brass tubing.

