
Ever since I first heard of it, I have wanted a different kind of "auto" correct: one where you press a little button on the dash and the car resets its own timing, regaps the plugs, torques any loose nuts, re-alligns the front end, takes the slack out of the belt, etc.
An 'Auto Correct' feature should be standard equipment for a lot of things.

Marriage is a good example. How many times would one have come in handy when there's an argument with the spouse? "She's just a friend.": Hit the auto correct button and instantly she/he understands what you really meant to say. "You're right, sweetie, I was a stupid bafoon and I screwed up big time. I apologize and I'll never speak to her again."

How about when talking to your boss? "You really need to get a clue and think about getting your money back from whoever taught you management skills"...Ooops, hit the button and he/she will see what you really wanted to say. "Yes, I agree, you're right, as always."

I haven't been in the military for a while but an auto correct button would have come in handy and kept me out of trouble when I was: "You stupid pompus moron. Just because you outrank me doesn't make you right!" : Ah, oh. Hit that button: "Correct, sir. I'll amend that immediately and next time I will ask for your approval before acting".

See? How many times would 'auto correct' have kept you from making a big mistake?

Hey Lud!

I brought this one over to see if yah think this might qualify for fun.

It's called an Airbike.

If it's the same one I recall from a number of years back, they were plans, and kits from a fellow named Wayne Ison in Tullahoma, Tennessee doing business as T.EA.M., which was Tennessee Engineering And Manufacturing.
There were two or three other models which were well considered, AFAIK, and the Airbike ended up being his last design sold to the public.
A home builder actually fell from one and the company was closed because of the lawsuit.

The other models did enclosed the pilot in a cockpit.


I got to thinking, and managed to track down more info on TEAM.

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A pilot crashed his plane and took the company to court. He crashed it and walked away? That recommends the plane to me, surviving when you cock it up. As for legal action, that's just $$$ grabbing.
Hey Lud,

Yah, it was a messy situation...
I had learned when we were in business that liability is THE biggest factor when conducting a business open to the public, with employees and that sort of stuff.
Quality and price were less of an issue than a worker or someone else getting injured, or even property damage. Either one could run a company.
Apparently TEAM won the first lawsuit.. well, prevailed, not won... then the guy came back around and re-filed.

Anyhow, do you have any experience with these minis?
How do they look on the Fun-O-Meter from a racer's perspective? :-)

The Mini-Max has a few configurations... mid-wing, high wing, and they can use all sorts of engines... even carry a passenger! or a motorized bicycle!

Takeoff and landings may be done in very little space and I believe they climb at about 600ft/minute.

I have no flying experience except I went through O'Hare. Next time I'm over, I walk around the ice cap, row, anything.

Flying here is difficult, it's a small and crowded island beset with rules. I've heard the CAA, Civil Aviation Authority, described as the Campaign Against Aviation. Mind you, after my birthday, I'm going to have a flying lesson, just to see what it's like.
Hi Lud,

I'm sure you would have great fun on a short flight in a small plane.
I believe the flight schools generally try to get someone started with a lot of paperwork & theory stuff, which is actually very important.
Might be good to ask people at a flight school who you should hire for a joy ride.

As I grew up I was surrounded by airports, large to small. The promise of civilian aviation was greatly promoted nationally... and, as you say, fizzled to a most complicated and never-ending amount of expensive restriction.
I always liked this Aeronca C-2...

...Then FAR252 was allowed at a size and weight that, IMO, is marginal on the scale of safety. Another 100lbs allowance could have been so much better, and useful.

Somewhere along the way it's most likely insurance costs that have stopped most flying activity in the country. We are Blessed with many lawyers!

...Even the rodeos held for public entertainment must be sponsored through one of the large fraternal non-profit charitable organizations such as the Elks, in order to get affordable insurance for the event.

I did not have the diligence necessary to pursue aviation, and was notably reckless when younger... motorcycles it was, for the likes of me ! lol




it's GREAT!
Pilots are generally very serious types...

it's a bit like a Pou du Ciel.
..from the fellers across the channel...
It would be fun to use as an air-to-air target drone. I wonder if feathers would fly if you stuck a AIM-9 Sidewinder up its butt.

that's how it happens.


I took a nap... the last couple hours... set down in from of the tv in the big chair.
So I wake up, turn off the tv and turn on the pc and discover an asteroid might be headed this way at 6 and all of us are on 3 more domestic lists for plotting weapons systems, if the asteroid don't get us first! Snork.

RC, stop watching the news and you'll be a happier man. Especially if you're prone to watching Brian Williams and NBC. The man can't report without using about 50 adjectives during one half hour segment. If he can scare you, he's happy; and gets paid for it.

It's a pity they lifted all the old branchline railway tracks around here, - I'd love to try that :D
I gave up watching the news around two years ago. In fact I gave up watching television altogether and it's been great. i have so much time to do my hobbies now and I find I don't worry about things anything like so much.
iww, probably the reasonable thing might be to contact the Pahiatua Railcar Society and see what they have to say...

MOST time spent on a railroad right of way, other than with a ticket in your hand, or passing a level grade crossing, would be considered a trespass and taken very seriously.
Folks at the PRS could advise you where it might be acceptable.


I'm thinking something like this could be built by removing one side of the rim edge from a bicycle wheel... or wheelbarrow wheel???

I found some kiwis.... try these folks.

Gosh this inter-web thing is wonderful!
Hope nsa doesn't ruin it completely.


Loads of stuff out there with a google image search for railbike...
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Ah yes the East Coast branchlines :) Finally somebody worked out that once a line of railway is lifted it's very difficult to put it back again. The branchlines are basically mothballed so they can be put back into service again if needed. It's just a pity that nobody thought of that when the branchlines around here were closed.
Then on the other hand the old railway right of way has been converted into rather excellent bicycle trails, - so I guess it wasn't a total disaster.