Quit (ing) cigarettes

Steve, funny you should mention the cat and dawg. They are really giving me a wide birth and not getting to close, to often. I'm not a raise my voice kinda guy. But all body language, they are just aware and being cautious. Really amazing how in tuned they both are.

LOL Dan. That's where it is!?


Gonna keep that in mind, Goat. Thanks.


Day 6 and big time easier. Feeling a little more like my self and not wanting to rip apart walls and furniture.

Sense of taste has returned. Man do ecigs taste bad, lol. But man, even simple foods are tasting awesome.
Dan drink lots of coffee, that way you change from nicotine to caffeine addition. It cleans out the bladder too!
Oh my gosh Dan! If your ecig juice tastes bad then GET SOME THAT IS YUMMY!! I only vape the desert flavors and love 'em. I don't eat near as many sweets as I used to either. My vape satisfies my cravings for nicotine and sweets. The plus side is that my house no longer smells like an ashtray, it smells like a bakery. :)
Ecigs do suck, get yourself a vape.

They draw much easier and it's not like trying to suck air through a pin hole.
Once a Smoker, always a Smoker.!! ... I've been addicted, for 61 Years, Gave up 3 times, once every 15 years or so, I must be due to try again this year.!!

It's Getting bluddy expensive, ... I'd like some really good Bike bits, maybe a carrot would work, if i don't buy the fags, buy bike bits instead i can make up my mind in 3 months, as to, which way do i go in April, Hmmnn,

All you uther addics Keep Trying.!!!
Don't forget the reward system.

You know that expensive exotic Motoped I bought a long time ago and am now having big fun building up? The one that cost 2 grand? You know the one that's just so cool but you could never afford it?

It just turned free.

Yup the bucks I would have spent on cigs now equal a Brand New Motoped - :)

Don't forget to treat yourself to some good times with the dough you would have spent killing yourself.
Dan- I had no idea... I feel for ya man.
If you're still avoiding your ration of 20 class a cigarettes, I applaud you sir! ;)
Seriously, after this much time, you've got it beat. It's just maintenance now. Stay on it brother.
LOL well you can save even more buy vegetable glycerin and food flavoring from wal mart and make your own e-juice I have been doing this for almost a year and a half a gallon of VG is 20.00 on e-bay and the flavoring is only 3.00 and you will have enough juice for a long time
LOL well you can save even more buy vegetable glycerin and food flavoring from wal mart and make your own e-juice I have been doing this for almost a year and a half a gallon of VG is 20.00 on e-bay and the flavoring is only 3.00 and you will have enough juice for a long time

What is the quality and safety of Walmart PG/ VG? Are they USP grade?
I didn't even know Walmart sold the stuff to make e-juice.
Ad me to the list of ex smokers. I have been dragging it out for years but have no choice but to quit completely. My lungs and heart cant take any more. So that's it for me I'm done.
Congratulations kevyleven! Your physical reasons sound unnerving, but well... that's what cigarettes do to a person.
Had my second teeth cleaning today after not smoking for 3 months.

Guess what? My gums don't bleed anymore.

Well, just add another one to the plus column;

Free Motoped
No coughing up black lugies every morning
Zero pain teeth cleanings
Gums don't bleed

It just keeps getting better and better - :)
No more luggade. No cute little vape pens with artificial unspoken bad stuff in it. No more anything what so ever. Tobbaco free. Nothing at all. done deal!! Life moves on with absolutly no luggade.. I be done:)